Dominions 5 Modding Manual (2024)

Table of Contents
2.1 Data Location 2.2 Files and File Formats 3.1 Syntax 3.2 Multiple Mods 3.3 Loading mods 3.4 Altering Mods in Midgame 3.5 Mod Command Load Order 5.1 Basic Weapon Attributes 5.2 Weapon Damage Types 5.3 Damage Qualifiers 5.4 Other Weapon Properties 7.1 Basic Commands 7.2 Visuals 7.3 Clearing & Copying 7.4 Pretender God Commands 7.5 Recruitment Rules 7.6 Desertion 7.7 Gold & Resource Cost 7.8 Automatic Gold Cost Calculation 7.9 Basic Attributes 7.10 Weapons & Armor 7.11 Bodytype 7.12 Item Slots 8.1 Creature Type & Status 8.2 Movement 8.3 Stealth & Assassination 8.4 Age, Healing & Afflictions 8.5 Damage Reduction 8.6 Immortality 8.7 Combat Auras 8.8 Seasonal Powers 8.9 Elemental & Scale Powers 8.10 Combat Abilities 8.11 Non-Combat Abilities 8.12 Shape Changing 8.13 Monster Summoning 8.14 Nametypes 9.1 Normal Leadership 9.2 Magic Leadership 9.3 Undead Leadership 10.1 Magic Paths 10.2 Spell Range 10.3 Magic Research 10.4 Gem Production 10.5 Other Magic Abilities 12.1 Basic Spell Attributes 12.2 Spell Effects 12.3 Look & Sound of Combat Spells 12.4 Spell Range & Targeting 12.5 Spell Special Attributes 12.6 Spell AI Hints 13.1 Magic & Spells 13.2 Attributes & Resistances 13.3 Movement & Combat 13.4 Restrictions 13.5 Curses & Afflictions 13.6 Miscellaneous 13.7 Monster Modding Commands 16.1 Basic Site Modding 16.2 Monsters 16.3 Scale Effects 16.4 Magic Rituals & Scrying 16.5 Ritual Range Boost 16.6 Special Effects 16.7 Throne Effects 17.1 Name, Era & General 17.2 Sites, Terrain, Temperature 17.3 AI Hints 17.4 Unit Lists & Recruitment 17.5 Province Defense 17.6 Underwater Province Defense 17.7 Gods 17.8 Forts & Buildings 17.9 Dominion 17.10 Undead Reanimation 22.1 Modding Number Limits 22.2 Converting Dom4 Mods to Dom5

Illwinter Game Design (ver 5.51)

With the help of a simple text editor it is possible to create new weapons, armors, units and entire nations. It is also possible to modify existing weapon, armors, units, nations, spells and magic items as well as magic sites, population types and the effects of scales.

Previous versions of Dominions used Unix style endlines, but this is no longer a relevant concern and any text editor may be used to create mods. With the help of a paint program you will also be able to add new graphics to units or nation flags.

2.1 Data Location

The data directory for storing saved games, mods and maps is different depending on the operating system.

The easiest way to locate the data directories in Dominions 5 is by opening Game Tools from the Main Menu and using the Open User Data Directory function. The operating system will open the user data directory in a separate file manager window.

By default the data directory is located here:

  • Linux: ~/.dominions5/
  • Mac: ~/.dominions5/
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\dominions5

The subdirectories of the Dominions 5 data directory are

  • maps
  • mods
  • savedgames

2.2 Files and File Formats

All images must be saved as Targa (.tga) or SGI (.rgb .sgi) images. The image file must have 24- or 32-bit color and be uncompressed or RLE. If the image is saved in 24-bit color, black will be replaced with a fully transparent color.

All modding commands must be saved in a text file with the .dm (dominions mod) extension. The dm file must be located in the directory called mods in the dominions5 data directory.

Any images used by a mod should be stored within a separate subdirectory in the mods folder in order to avoid cluttering the main mods folder, because many people use several mods at once. Subdirectories within a mod are referenced in the Linux style (even in Windows), because Dominions interprets the commands, not Windows.

Example: Setting the icon for a mod would be done like this:

 #icon "mod_subdirectory/mod_icon.tga" 

The mod file resides in the mods directory, so this where Dominions begins its search for the files referenced in the mod. In this instance the game looks for the mod_subdirectory folder and then inside that directory for the specified image file.

3.1 Syntax

Two consecutive dashes (- -) are used to denote comments. Anything after the dashes is ignored. This can be used to add explanations of what is being modded and what is being intended with the commands.

All Dominions 5 modding commands begin with a # sign. Modding commands may or may not have arguments. An argument is a value after the command itself to denote something. Arguments are indicated by <object> after the command itself, e.g.#gcost <gold>. The mod commands sometimes have a vertical line (|) among their arguments. This line means OR. So use either the argument on the left side of the line or the one on the other side, not both. A modding command that does not have an argument is used to control a binary attribute. This means that if the command is used, then the weapon, monster, magic site or other object being modded has that attribute and the effects of the attribute are fixed. Modding commands that have arguments can have one or more of them and the arguments may be of several different types. Some commands require more than one type of argument to work.

The following types of arguments are used for modding commands in Dominions 5:

integer - a whole numberpercent - a percentage value (may be higher than 100 in some cases). Expressed as an integer in mod syntax.string - text such as monster names, descriptions etc.bitmask - a bitmask is a special type of integer number. Any integer can be expressed as a sum of the powers of 2. In a bitmask number each power of 2 that it contains means a different thing. A bitmask argument assigns ALL of these attributes to the object being modded.

For example, giving a monster custom random magic paths is a bitmask operation where 128 (2^7) is Fire magic and subsequent powers of 2 other paths. A bitmask of 384 (128 + 256) would thus give the monster a random magic path that is either Fire (128) or Air (256), because it contains both separate values.

3.2 Multiple Mods

It is possible to have many mods enabled at once. For instance you can enable a mod that turns Abysia into giants at the same time as you have a mod that adds a new Hoburg nation. Two mods should never try to modify the same thing. This can result in different behavior on different computers. Usually the modification from the mod that is loaded last will be the one that takes effect, but if multiple computers are involved, the loading order could be different and the result in a game could be very unpredictable.

3.3 Loading mods

A game created when a mod is enabled in the mod preferences will automatically activate this mod for all players participating in that game, even if the mod is not active when the game is loaded. There will be an error message for any player that hasn’t downloaded the mod. TIP: A quick way to clear all loaded mods is to create a game with no mods at all enabled. When you wish to clear all active mods, just load that game and Dominions will disable all currently active mods. When you want to create a new game with mods, enable the mods you want and then get started. Or if you already had a game that used the mods you wanted, load that game, exit to main menu and create a new game and you will have those mods active.

3.4 Altering Mods in Midgame

If you modify a mod that one of your games is using, the changes made to the mod will take effect immediately when you next load the game. For example, if you make an alteration that modifies all militia units to use axes instead of spears, all militia (including units already bought in-game) will be instantly changed. This makes it possible to test different things without creating a new game for every new thing you want to try. Load a mod you’re working on, create a game and if the results are not quite as you expected, change the mod and load that same game to instantly see the effects of the change. If you do not quit Dominions between mod changes, you must first load a different game with different mods (or no mods), quit that game to main menu and load the game you use for testing. This will reload the mod and apply your changes immediately.

3.5 Mod Command Load Order

All mods are loaded separately, one entire mod at a time. Mod instructions are parsed in the following order:

mod infoweaponsarmorsunitsnamessitesnationsspellsmagic itemsgeneralpoptypesmercenariesevents

All mods will modify or add new weapons before any modification is done on units and so forth. Because entire mods are loaded one at a time, it is impossible to reference objects contained in other mods by name.

All mod files must contain most of the following commands. The exceptions are the #icon and #domversion commands that are not necessarily needed.

#modname “<name>”
A short name for the mod. It will be displayed in the mod preferences.

#description “<piece of text>”
A description of what the mod does, who has created it and so forth. Use two newlines in a row to start a new paragraph.

#icon “<image.tga>”
A banner image for your mod. This image should be 128x32 or 256x64 pixels large.

#version x.yy
The version number of your mod. E.g. 1.10 or 1.00.

#domversion x.yy
The minimum required version of Dominions for the mod to work correctly. If not sure, then leave this command out. For example, 5.00, for Dominions version 5.00 required.

5.1 Basic Weapon Attributes

#selectweapon “<weapon name>” | <weapon nbr>
Selects the weapon that will be affected by the following modding commands. End modding this weapon with the #end command. To find out the numbers of a particular unit’s weapons, look at the unit’s stats in the game and press ctrl+i.

Manufactured weapons
NbrWeapon name
6Short Sword
8Broad Sword
11Great Sword
15Morning Star
18Battle Axe
23Short Bow
24Long Bow
264Composite Bow
259Executioner’s Axe
265Spiked Club
165Great Club
267Pick Axe
260Throwing Axe
266Great Bow
Natural weapons
NbrWeapon NameNotes
56Hoofdmg=13, for knights
144Stingerdeath poison
127Venomous Biteweak poison
239Venomous Fangsstrong poison
65Venomous Fangsdeath poison
251Venomous Fangsparalyzing poison
248Venomous Clawweak poison
249Venomous Clawstrong poison
146Venomous Clawdeath poison
250Poisoned Clawweak paralyzing poison
43Poisoned Clawparalyzing poison
185Lightning Swarm
63Life Drain
142Touch of Leprosy
225Fire Breathmissile weapon
93Cold Breathmissile weapon
62Bilemissile weapon
224Poison Spitmissile weapon
262Web Spitmissile weapon

Always use this command at the end of modifying a weapon.

#name “<name>”
This must be the first command for every new weapon. It sets the name of the weapon.

Clears the current weapon.

#copyweapon “<weapon name>” | <weapon nbr>
Copies all stats from an existing weapon. This command will overwrite all stats for the selected weapon, so it should be used as the first command after the #newweapon command.

#dmg <damage>
Sets the damage value of the weapon. A spear has a damage value of 3 and a sword has 6.

#nratt <nbr of attacks>
Sets the number of attacks per round for a weapon. For slow missile weapons set this value to -2 for every other round or -3 for every third round.

#att <attack>
Sets the attack value of the weapon. A spear has an attack value of 0 and a sword has 1. This value is also used as precision for missile weapons.

#def <defense>
Sets the defense value of the weapon. A spear has a defense value of 0 and a sword has 1.

#newweapon <weapon nbr>
Weapon number for new weapons should be a number between 800 and 1999. It must not be the same as any other weapon. This new weapon will be affected by the following modding commands and there should be an #end command at the end.

#len <length>
Sets the length of the weapon. This should be a value between 0 (fist) and 5 (pike). A spear has a value of 3 and a sword 1.

Makes the weapon a two-handed weapon. This means the weapon cannot be combined with a shield if you have only two arms. Two-handed weapons also receive increased bonus damage from strength.

#sound <sample nbr>
The sound effect that will be played when this weapon strikes. Some commonly used sounds can be found in the sound effects table.

Sound effects
SampleSound effect
10Club, axe
11Flail, morning star
12Spear, pike
13Crossbow, arbalest
16Fire flare
18Life drain
21Frost blast
22Mind blast
29Elf shot
38Claw, bite, kick
46Blow pipe

#range <range>
Sets the maximum firing range for a missile weapon. This command also turns the weapon into a missile weapon that cannot be used in melee combat. A short bow has a range of 35. A value of -1 sets the weapon range to equal the strength of the monster (like a javelin), -2 to strength/2, -3 to strength/3, etc.

#ammo <ammo>
This is the number of times that this weapon can be fired in combat. The default value is 12. The maximum value is 30.

#rcost <resources>
Sets the resource cost for the weapon. Default value is 0, a spear costs 1 resource and a sword costs 3.

#sample “filename”
Uses this sample as sound effect. The sample must be in .sw (16-bit signed words, 22050 Hz, mono) or .al (a-law, 22050 Hz, mono) format. This command can also be used for spells.

Marks the weapon as a natural ranged weapon. Use this for things like breath weapons or mind blasts. Weapons with this attribute will not be affected by blesses like fire weapons.

5.2 Weapon Damage Types

These commands set damage type for a weapon. A single weapon can only have one damage type, setting another damage type will remove the previous one.

Sets the damage type to normal damage. This is the default.

Sets the damage delivery mechanism to poison damage. Poison damage is caused over several combat rounds. To make a poisoned weapon, do NOT use this command. Use a secondary effect that has both #poison and this command.

Sets the damage type to anti-demon damage. This means double damage to demons.

The weapon does double damage against creatures smaller than the attacker.

The weapon does double damage to magic beings.

The weapon does triple damage against creatures larger than the attacker.

Only inanimate beings are affected by this weapon.

If the target is killed by the weapon, it is animated as a soulless servant of the attacker.

Sets the damage type to capped damage (max 1 HP damage) like a whip or a blowgun.

The weapon drains strength from its target instead of doing normal damage.

Sets the damage type to holy damage. This means triple damage to undead and demons.

The weapon drains life force from its target, healing damage and reducing fatigue for the attacker.

Sets the damage type to fatigue damage that is less effective on large targets. Effectively the same as #dt_stun + #sizeresist.

The weapon drains life, but max 5 points of the damage is used to heal the wielder. Use this for draining weapons that can be wielded or forged.

Sets the damage type to fatigue damage.

Sets the damage type to stun. The damage value for stun weapons should be 100. Stunned units are unable to take any action for about 1 combat round.

This damage is not real, but it can still interrupt mages casting spells.

This effect will bounce a few times to nearby targets, like a chain lightning. Weapons with this effect should have aoe = 1.

Sets the damage type to paralyze. Damage value is NOT directly turns of paralysis. Use 10 for a standard strength paralyze.

Sets the damage type of the weapon to a special effect or affliction. The specific affliction the weapon inflicts is set with the #dmg command, so the weapon’s damage value is interpreted as a bitmask value according to the (affliction table)(#afflictions). The table uses bitmask values, meaning powers of 2. The numbers are expressed as powers of 2, because numbers after about 2^20 get very big very quickly.

Affliction numbers
5curse of stones
11rusty armor
14earth grip
16fire bonds
17false fetters
19lost eye
21battle fright
23chest wound
25feeble minded
26never healing wound
30arm loss
49soul slayed
50caught in net

For example, in order to make a weapon inflict plague (3), you must enter the value of 2^3 as an argument to #dmg in order to get the correct result. In this case the correct value would be 8. and the mod code would look like this, for example:

 #newweapon 1200 #name "Plague Stick" #len 1 #att 0 #def 0 #dt_aff #dmg 8 #end

5.3 Damage Qualifiers

These commands add additional modification to the type of damage the weapon inflicts, such as completely or partially ignoring armor, doing extra damage to certain kinds of enemies, only doing damage to specific types of creatures, how it can be resisted etc. Multiple qualifier can be used on one weapon.

Gives poison immune beings immunity to this weapon. For example, Poison Sling and Snake Bladder Stick both have this attribute and the #dt_poison attribute.

This weapon does acid damage. Acid weapons can damage armor. Damaged armor will break if subjected to more blows, but will be repaired if there are enough resources in the province the monster is in.

The weapon does slashing damage. Monsters with Slash Resistance only take half damage.

The weapon does piercing damage. Monsters with Pierce Resistance only take half damage.

The weapon does blunt damage. Monsters with Blunt Resistance only take half damage.

This weapon does cold damage. A cold resistant being will take reduced damage from this weapon.

This weapon does fire damage. A fire resistant being will take reduced damage from this weapon.

This weapon does shock damage. A shock resistant being will take reduced damage from this weapon.

This is a magic weapon that can harm ethereal units with ease.

The weapon is armor piercing. Armor protection is halved when determining damage.

The weapon is armor negating. Armor is completely ignored when determining damage.

The strength of the weapon wielder will not be added to the damage. This is normally used for the weapons of mounts that have a damage value that is independent of the rider’s strength.

Only one third of the weapon wielder’s strength will be added to the damage. This is normally used for missile weapons like bows.

Only one half of the weapon wielder’s strength will be added to the damage. This is normally used for the breath weapons of dragons.

The full weapon wielder’s strength will be added to the damage. This is the default and need not be specified.

The effects of the weapon can be resisted by MR.

The effects of the weapon can be easily resisted by MR.

The effects of the weapon may be resisted by MR, but there is a penalty to the MR check.

Units that are size 3 or 4 have a chance of resisting the effects of the weapon. Size 5+ units always resist the effects and size 1 and 2 units never resist the effect. Str 15+ also has a chance to resist and Str 35+ always resists.

Mindless beings are immune to this weapon.

Undead beings are immune to this weapon.

Lifeless beings are immune to this weapon.

Flying and floating beings are immune to this weapon.

Enemy units are immune to this weapon.

Friendly units are immune to this weapon.

The weapon only affects undead.

The weapon only affects sacred troops.

The weapon only causes affects demons.

The weapon only affects demons and undead.

The weapon inflicts internal damage that cannot be negated by effects like mist form, mossbody, etc. Used on e.g.Incinerate and Disintegrate.

5.4 Other Weapon Properties

#aoe <squares>
This is the area of effect in squares. A value of zero (default) means that only one opponent will be affected. A value of one or more indicates the number of squares that will be affected. An area of two or more squares is large enough that the user of this weapon might hit himself as well.

This is an intrinsic weapon that will not incur a multiple weapon penalty or get replaced when the commander is equipped with a magic weapon item.

#secondaryeffect “<weapon name>” | <weapon nbr>
This secondary effect will affect anyone harmed by the weapon. See Table secondary weapon effects for some premade effects. The effects are also weapons and share the same numbers as all other weapons and you can create a new secondary effect by creating a new weapon.

#secondaryeffectalways “<weapon name>” | <weapon nbr>
This secondary effect will affect anyone attacked by the weapon, no matter if it was a hit or not, as long as the secondary effect itself has an area of effect of one or greater. If the secondary effect does not have an area of effect, it will activate when the target is hit, even if actual damage is not inflicted. See table secondary weapon effects for some premade effects. Only one of #secondaryeffectalways and #secondaryeffect can be used. You must use the always variant with area effects. For non-area effects either one can be used, but you usually want the non-always variant for these weapons.

Secondary weapon effects
NbrType of effect
50Weak Poison
51Strong Poison
52Death Poison
53Debilitative Poison
54Paralyzing Poison
104Area Petrification
114Small Area Shock
143Disease (non resistable)
171Small Area Fire
216Fire (AP 8)
221Fire (AP 12)
222Cold (AP 12)
232Shock (AN 10)
255Area Fear
276Small Area Holy Fire
342Poison Ink
409Small Area Cold

The weapon is made of iron and is subject to rust and spells that damage iron equipment.

The weapon is made of wood.

The weapon is made of ice and cannot be fire blessed.

The weapon will receive a damage bonus on its first attack. This bonus is proportional to the unit’s maximum number of action points.

The weapon has a +2 attack bonus against shields. Morningstars and flails have this feature. Whips do not, because they do not have enough momentum when they wrap around a shield.

This weapon cannot be used to repel attacks.

Attacks with this weapon cannot be repelled.

Beam weapon, like dragon breath.

This ranged weapon has a 50% chance of being used in melee.

This ranged weapon can also be used in melee.

This melee weapon only has 50% chance of being used.

Once this weapon is used, skip the next weapon.

Once this weapon is used, skip the next 2 weapons.

#explspr <fx nbr>
Use this command to set how the explosion looks like when a missile hits something or when a melee weapon strikes. Table Explosion fx shows some numbers that can be used. Any number between 10001 and 10317 can be used. Use number -1 to disable an explosion effect.

Explosion fx
Fx nbrLooks like
10001Falling shimmering colors
10002Falling white
10003Falling red
10004Falling green
10005Falling blue
10006Falling light red
10007Falling light green
10008Falling light blue
10009Falling purple
10010Falling yellow
10011Falling orange
10012Falling cyan
10021-10039Few falling colors
10041-10069Rising mists
10121-10139Exploding gas
10108Cold Blast
10141Rising purple
10206Soul Slay

#flyspr <flysprite nbr> <animation lgth>
Use this command to set how the arrow looks like for a missile weapon. A value of -1 for a flysprite means there is no flysprite at all. Table Flysprites shows some numbers that can be used for missile weapons. Flysprite numbers of 10000 and higher are particle effects, lower numbers are hand drawn sprites.

FlyspriteAnim lgthLooks like
1111Sling stone
1334Fire swirl
1374Frost swirl
1418Multi colored swirl
2104Lightning bolt
2744Bane fire arrow
3044Blade wind missile
3134Sticky goo
3393Evil death thingy
3504Fire arrow
3544Fire javelin
3624Fire boulder
3954Elf shot
4031Blow gun needle
4043Green gooey missile
4114Throwing axe
4191Vine arrow
10061-100809Particle ball
10080-101009Small particle ball
102789Web ball
102959Petrifying gas
103079Lightning particles

This ranged weapon can be used underwater and is not affected by storms.

This ranged weapon cannot be used underwater. This is the default property of all ranged weapons, but the command can be used to remove the ability to fire underwater from an existing ranged weapon (e.g.lightning, mind blast or ethereal crossbow).

#selectarmor “<armor name>” | <nbr>
Selects the armor that will be affected by the following modding commands. End modding this armor with the #end command. To find out what the number of a particular unit’s armor, look at the unit’s stats in the game and press ctrl+i.

Common armors
NbrArmor Name
20Iron Cap
21Full Helmet
5Leather Cuirass
6Ring Mail Cuirass
7Scale Mail Cuirass
8Chain Mail Cuirass
9Plate Cuirass
10Leather Hauberk
11Ring Mail Hauberk
12Scale Mail Hauberk
13Chain Mail Hauberk
14Plate Hauberk
15Full Leather Armor
16Full Ring Mail
17Full Scale Mail
18Full Chain Mail
19Full Plate Mail
2Round Shield
3Kite Shield
4Tower Shield

#newarmor <armor nbr>
Armor nbr should be a number between 300 and 999. It must not be the same as any other armor. This new armor will be affected by the following modding commands and there should be an #end command at the end.

Ends modding the armor.

#name “<name>”
This must be the first command for every new armor. It sets the name of the armor.

Clears the current armor.

#copyarmor “<armor name>” | <armor nbr>
Copies all stats from an existing armor. This command will overwrite all stats for the selected armor, so it should be used as the first command after the #newarmor command.

#type <type>
Type 4=shield, 5=body armor, 6=helmet.

#prot <protection>
Sets the protection value of the armor. A chain mail cuirass has a protection value of 9.

#def <defense>
Sets the defense bonus. A chain mail cuirass has a defense bonus of -1. For shields, use this command to set parry value. Final parry value is always the #def value minus #enc value.

#enc <encumbrance>
Set the encumbrance value. A chain mail cuirass has an encumbrance of 1. For shields, use this command to set defense penalty (e.g.“#enc 2” means defense -2).

#rcost <resources>
Sets the resource cost for the armor.

Indicates that the armor is magic. Magic armors are more resistant to being destroyed by magic effects.

Indicates that the armor is made of iron.

Indicates that the armor is made of wood.

7.1 Basic Commands

These commands cover certain aspects of basic monster modding and general commands that are not related to a specific group of special abilities. They include basic manipulation of monster data structures, common statistics, recruitment and what kind of items a monster can use (if any).

#selectmonster “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Selects the monster that will be affected by the following modding commands. End modding this unit with the #end command. To find out what number a particular unit has, look at his stats in the game and press ctrl+i.

#newmonster [<monster nbr>]
Monster nbr should be a number between 3500 and 8999. It must not be the same as any other monster. This new monster will be affected by the following modding commands and there should be an #end command at the end. It is not necessary to set a monster number when creating a new monster. It is not recommended to use a monster number with monsters that have unique names like Sorceress of the Sacred Fire because that will reduce the risk of conflicts between mods. If a monster number is not used, Dominions will automatically use the first free number from 3500+ for the monster. In this instance all references to the monster in other modding (such as spells or magic sites) must be by name. Using lower hard coded numbers later in the mod may overwrite the number initially assigned by a numberless #newmonster command.

Always use this command at the end of modifying or creating a monster.

#name “<name>”
This must be the first command for every new monster. It sets the name of the monster.

#fixedname “<Name>”
Gives a fixed name to a monster if it is a commander. Useful for giving specific names to heroes.

#descr “<text description>”
This is the text information that is displayed when you view the monster stats.

7.2 Visuals

#spr1 “<imgfile>”
The file name of the normal image for the monster. The size of the image should be 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 pixels wide/high. A human being should be about 32 pixels high and there should be 2 pixels of free space between his feet and the bottom of the image. You can use an alpha channel in the image or not. If not you should instead use black (RGB 0 0 0) as background and magenta (RGB 255 0 255) for shadows.

#spr2 “<imgfile>”
The file name of the attack image for the monster. If this is not set, then spr1 will be used for this image too.

#speciallook <value>
This command surround a monster with a particle effect. Value can be from 1 to 3 and represents fire shield look, astral shield look and a burning look respectively. A value of 100 to 199 will give the unit a fixed alpha value of 0-99 (low values will make it impossible to see).

#drawsize <value>
The value indicates how many percent larger size the sprite should be drawn at. A negative value means it will be draw at a smaller size than normal.

7.3 Clearing & Copying

Removes all weapons, armors, stats, magic skills and special abilities from the monster. A useful command when modifying an existing monster.

Removes all weapons from the active monster. Must be used before assigning new weapons or the monster will have both old and new weapons.

Removes all armor from the active monster. Must be used before assigning new armor or armor assignment does not work correctly.

Removes all magic skills from the active monster.

Removes all special abilities from the active monster. The special abilities are stuff like Holy, Fire Resistance, Awe, etc.

#copystats <monster nbr>
Copies all weapons, armors, stats, magic skills and special abilities from an existing monster. The existing monster can be a monster that has been created previously in the mod. Copystats will overwrite all previous commands for the selected monster, so it should be used as the first command after the #newmonster command.

#copyspr <monster nbr>
Copies the sprite from an existing monster to the current one. Do not use this if you intend to change the sprite using the #spr1 command as it would then change the looks of both monsters.

7.4 Pretender God Commands

#pathcost <design points>
The cost for a new path in design points when this monster is used as a god. Standard is a value between 10 (arch mage) and 80 (dragon). By using this command the monster will also be selectable as a god.

#startdom <dominion strength>
The default dominion strength this monster is used as a god. Standard is a value between 1 (arch mage) and 4 (oracle). This command also makes the monster selectable as a god.

#homerealm <realm number>
Sets the home realm of the god, which makes the god available as a default choice for nations that belong to the same realm. See Table “Home realms” for home realm numbers. This command is not needed and should not be used if you only intend the god to be used by a single nation or a few nations instead of being widely available. Use #homerealm 0 to clear the homerealm of a pretender god.

Home realms
4Far East
5Middle East
6Middle America

#gcost <gold>
The cost in gold is also the cost in design points for pretenders. For shape changing pretenders, the gold cost should always be fixed. For other pretenders, the cost is calculated automatically based on attributes and special abilities. Pretender autocalc uses different rules than autocalc for normal units and commanders.

#triplegod <type>
The pretender is a Trinity God. Splits god into three when game starts. The type value determines how the magic should be split between the 3 pretenders. Type: 1=full magic, 2=split magic, 3=reduced magic, 4=like the grey one, 5=like titan of the crossroads.

#triplegodmag <penalty>
Magic penalty for trinity gods when they are not in the same province. The penalty is usually set to 2.

Any one of the trinity gods can use the unify order to call the other parts of the trinity.

The trinity god has 3 different monsters. The monsters must be created after one another and the first one should be used as the god. Only the first monster needs this command.

#minprison <0 - 2>
Sets the minimum imprisonment level for this pretender. 0=awake, 1=dormant, 2=imprisoned. The Uttervast pretender god has this attribute.

#maxprison <0 - 2>
Sets the maximum imprisonment level for this pretender. 0=disabled, 1=awake, 2=dormant. Note that the numbers mean different things than in #minprison.

7.5 Recruitment Rules

These commands govern the limits and special rules that apply when recruiting the monster.

Takes double the amount of commander points to recruit this monster, it can only be used on commanders.

Removes the slowrec attribute.

#reclimit <units / turn>
The monster can only be recruited in limited numbers. You can only recruit <units / turn> of this monster in any one province.

#enchrebate50 <enchantment number>
The monster will be 50 gold cheaper to recruit when this enchantment is active.

#enchrebate25p <enchantment number>
The monster will be 25 percent cheaper to recruit when this enchantment is active.

#enchrebate50p <enchantment number>
The monster will be 50 percent cheaper to recruit when this enchantment is active.

Recruiting the monster requires a lab.

Recruiting this monster never requires a lab, even if it is a mage.

Recruiting the monster requires a temple.

Recruiting the monster never requires a temple, even if it is sacred.

#heatrec <value>
Heat scale requirement for recruitment.

Cold scale requirement for recruitment.

#chaosrec <value>
The monster is cheaper to recruit if there are Turmoil scales in the province. The monster costs [<value> x <Turmoil level>] less gold to recruit. Order scales do not affect the price. The recruiting player pays full price for the unit on purchase, but gets the turmoil discount back into the treasury when the monster joins the army.

#deathrec <value>
The monster is cheaper to recruit if there are Death scales in the province. Works identically to #chaosrec. Growth scales do not affect the price.

Will tell the AI to only recruit a single one of these per batch.

Will tell the AI to never recruit this monster.

#monpresentrec “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
This monster can only be recruited if a unit of “monster name” type is present in the recruiting province. Montag numbers can be used.

#ownsmonrec “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
This monster can only be recruited if a unit of “monster name” type is owned by the recruiting player. Montag numbers can be used.

#domrec <dominion> This monster can only be recruited if the dominion value of the province is at least this high.

7.6 Desertion

These commands affect how long the monster remains in service to a player and when it leaves.

The monster only fights in one battle and then leaves, like the gladiators of Ermor and Pythium. It has to kill someone or get wounded to count as having fought.

#deserter <percent>
A commander with this attribute has chance of deserting each month.

#horrordeserter <percent>
Like #deserter, but the desertion chance is increased during astral corruption.

#defector <percent>
The monster has a chance to become independent if owned by a player. The Unfettered form of the Eater of the Dead uses this mechanic. This command only affects commanders.

This monster cannot be wished for.

7.7 Gold & Resource Cost

#rcost <resources>
The cost in resources. The resource cost of weapons and armor will be added to this. Most human troops have a rcost of one. Heavy cavalry have a base rcost of 8 - 20 (to represent the barding of the mount) combined with #ressize 2 for human-sized armor and weapons.

#gcost <gold>
The cost in gold. Most human troops have a gold cost of 10.

#rpcost <recruitment points>
The cost in recruitment points for the monster. 1 is standard for a simple commander and about 10 for a normal soldier.

A value of “base price”*1000 means it will be auto-calculated. Most human troops and commander have the value 10000, meaning that it will be calculated automatically based on the monster’s age and that it has a base price of 10 gold, commanders also have magic and other skills taken into account.

#ressize <size>
Use this command with a size value of 2 to give a cavalryman resource cost calculated based on size 2 instead of 3. Size value must be a number between 1 and 6.

7.8 Automatic Gold Cost Calculation

The gold cost of monsters can be either fixed or calculated automatically. Monsters with a fixed cost will always cost the same amount of gold, whether recruited as a unit or as a commander. A fixed gold cost should be used for special monsters like elephants or chariots.

An automatically calculated (autocalc) gold cost means that the unit will cost one amount of gold when recruited as a unit and a different amount when recruited as a commander.

These rules do not cover pretender gods. They only apply to normal units and commanders.

An autocalc monster is assigned a base gold cost that is farther modified by the following attributes:

  • Leadership
  • Magic Skills
  • Spy/Assassin
  • Sacred
  • Mounted

To make a monster’s gold cost autocalc, add 10000 to the base cost. Using numbers less than 10000 (e.g.9960 like EA Mictlan’s priests) makes the initial cost negative and autocalc values are added to that for the final result. This is useful for commanders, but not regular units.

When estimating a base cost, skill level of the unit in question should influence the base price. Militia units should have 2 or 3 points lower base price while elite units should have between 2 and 8 points higher base price (depending on strength, attack, damage, special abilities etc.).

Some of the typical base prices have been listed in the “Base gold costs” table, but they do not cover the full range of creatures.

Use Ctrl+i in-game to examine units to get an idea of their base price. Note that most automatic gold cost modifiers only apply to the monster when it is recruited as a commander (all magic skills add to the cost). The costs for #mounted and #sacred are the exceptions and apply to all monsters both as units and as commanders.

Base gold costs
Monster TypeBasecost
Harpy, Vaetti, Hoburg7
C’tis, Caelum, Pale One10
Human, Dwarf, Vanara10
Firbolg, Humanbred13
Lizard (predator)14
Abysia, Bandar, Naga, Colossi20
Centaur, Dryad25
O-Bakemono, Horite25
Sidhe, Vanir, Yaksha25
Avvite, Edomite30
Dai Bakemono, Oni30
Demonbred, Sobek30
Jotun, Fomorian (unmarked)30
Nemedian, Tuatha30
Ancient One35
Minotaur, Pan, Yazata40
Burning One45
Fomorian Giant, Troll60
Dai Oni90
Ba’al, Melqart120
Niefel Giant120

7.9 Basic Attributes

#hp <hit points>
The maximum number of hit points for the monster. A normal human has 10 hit points, a giant has 30 hit points and a huge dragon has 125 hit points.

#str <strength>
The strength of the monster. A normal human soldier has 10, a giant has 20 and a dragon has 25 or more.

#att <attack skill>
The basic attack skill of the monster. A normal human soldier has 10 and only the elite of the elite may have 15. The most skilled human unit in the game is the Emerald Lord with attack 15 and defense 14. A dragon has attack 15 and defense 12.

#def <defense skill>
The basic defense skill of the monster. A normal human soldier has 10.

#prec <precision>
The basic precision of the monster. A normal human archer has 10.

#prot <protection>
The monster’s natural protection. This value should be 0 for all humans, 5 for a lizardman or about 18 for a huge and scaly dragon.

#size <size>
The size of the monster.

1 = hoburg2 = human3 = shambler, cavalry4 = giant, chariot5 = giant lobster6 = dragon, sphinx.

#mr <magic resistance>
The magic resistance of the monster. A normal human has 10, 1st level mages have 13 and 3rd level mages have 15. No one has magic resistance above 18, except some beings from the void that may have up to 20.

#mor <morale>
The morale of the monster. A normal human soldier has morale 10, a satyr of Pangaea has 8 and a fierce minotaur has 13. Giving a monster 50 in morale makes it mindless and prone to dissolving due to lack of proper leadership. Undead with a mind but nothing to lose usually have 30 in morale.

#enc <encumbrance>
The basic encumbrance of the monster. Normal humans have 3 and undead beings or machines have 0. Monsters with 0 encumbrance never get exhausted by fighting, only spellcasting.

#mapmove <speed>
The speed at which the monster travels on the world map. The old Dominions 4 values are 1 for heavy infantry, 2 for a lightly armed human or knights and 3 for light cavalry. You can use these values and the game will automatically convert them to values suitable for Dominions 5.

In Dominions 5 a human has mapmove 14 and a horse 20. Armor will automatically reduce the map move. See the following table for suitable mapmoves.

Human 14Giant 16Vaetti 12Lizard 12Naga 10Wyrm 14Enkidu 16Satyr 16Legion 18Titan 20Caelum 20Zotz 20Abysia 12Atlantis 12Shambler 14Triton 16Bandar 12Vanara 14Colossi 18Pale One 12Ancient One 14Horse 20Feyhorse 26Serpent 18Undead 20Demon 20

#ap <action points>
The number of action points when the monster is unencumbered. This should be about 12 for a human, 20 for a knight or 25 for light cavalry. Action points is the same as combat speed.

#eyes <nbr of eyes>
Sets the number of eyes for a monster. Number of eyes must be at least one unless the monster is #blind. The number of eyes affects how easily a monster goes blind by battle afflictions.

#voidsanity <value>
Reduces susceptibility to insanity. Insanity chance is divided by <value>, e.g.10. Horrors and Void beings have a voidsanity value of 20.

7.10 Weapons & Armor

#weapon “<weapon name>” | <nbr>
Equips the monster with this weapon. A monster can have multiple weapons and all melee weapons will be used simultaneously.

All weapons found in Dominions can be used, but some different weapons have the same name so you might have to use the weapon number instead. The most common weapons can be found among the weapon tables.

Press ctrl+i when viewing a unit’s stats to find out the weapon, armor and monster number for that particular unit.

When modding an existing monster that already has weapons, each new #weapon command will add a new weapon to the monster. If you want to change the monster’s weapons without adding new ones, you must use the #clearweapons command to remove the existing weapons first.

#armor “<armor name>” | <armor nbr>
Equips the monster with this armor. A monster can have up to three armors. One helm, one body armor and one shield. Some common armors can be seen in the Armor Tables section. When modding an existing monster that already has armor, each new #armor command will add a new armor to the monster (up to the limit of three). If you want to change the monster’s armor without adding new ones, you must use the #cleararmor command to remove the existing armor first.

7.11 Bodytype

The bodytype determines what hit locations the monster has. Default is humanoid. Setting a bodytype will also set the item slots to something that is suitable for that bodytype, e.g.the Snake bodytype will only have misc slots. The item slots can be changed afterwards by using the item slot commands in the next section.

The default bodytype. Use this for humans, ogres, angels, humanlike statues and similar.

Regarding hit locations this is the same as humanoid, but it removes the boot item slot and is provided for convenience because humanoid cavalry is very common. Use this for cavalry, centaurs, and similar.

Four legged beasts. Use this for Elephants, lions, wolves and similar.

Four legged beast, but lower. Use this for dragons.

Snake like lower part and a humanoid upper body. Use this for nagas.

Use this for snakes, wyrms and other monsters without legs.

Use this for birds, rocs, couatl and similar things.

Use this for djinns with a humanoid body, but no lower part.

Use this for humanoids without a head.

Use this for strange things like cubes or fountains.

7.12 Item Slots

#startitem “item name” | <item nbr>
The monster starts with this item if it is a commander.

#userestricteditem <value>
The monster can use restricted items of the same value. Value can be 1-10000. See Item Modding for more information.

This monster can only use misc items.

#itemslots <slot value>
Sets which item slots are available for this monster. See Table “Item slot values” for useful slot values. If you want to have 2 hand slots and 1 body slot then just add those two numbers together. Never add 1 hand and 1 hand, use the 2 hands value instead. The bottom three entries in the table are some precalculated values for your convenience.

Never use the nothing value, unless you really want no slots at all. You can omit this command if you want the standard 2 hands, 1 head, 1 body, 1 feet and 2 misc.

Item slot values
ValueItem Slots
21 hand
62 hands
143 hands
304 hands
1281 head
3842 heads
10241 body
20481 feet
40961 misc
122882 miscs
286723 miscs
614404 miscs
262144Head slots can only have crowns
32062 hands, head, body, feet
134462 hands, head, body, 2 misc
154942 hands, head, body, feet, 2 misc

A word of warning on monster modding: A single monster can only have a limited number of special abilities so don’t put them all on the same monster. This is especially apparent on gods as dominion strength and path costs are special abilities too. The limit is quite high though, so unless you go overboard with abilities it shouldn’t be a problem.

8.1 Creature Type & Status

Being female is a minor advantage that makes you immune to being charmed by the Succubus. Commanders with this tag get feminine names.

Cold blooded like the lizards of C’tis.

The monster is a drake and is affected by the Dragon Master ability.

The monster is a plant. Plants cannot be turned into zombies by Raise Dead or other methods.

Monsters with this tag are used as lesser horrors.

Monsters with this tag are used as horrors.

Monsters with this tag are used as doom horrors.

Indicates the monster is mounted. Mounted monsters have increased defense (+3) and do not suffer from armor encumbrance but should have about two extra in basic encumbrance.

Holy (sacred) troops can be blessed by priests.

Indicates that the monster is an animal. Animals are affected by the Animal Awe power. Animals receive a morale bonus when led to combat by a beast master.

There can only be one of this monster. If it dies and is resummoned, it will still be the same monster and it will have retained experience, curses, afflictions, magic etc.

This monster is an undead.

Monsters with this tag are summoned by the Swarm spell on land.

This monster is a demon.

This monster is a magic being.

This monster will automatically compete in the Arena deathmatch.

This monster has no eyes and cannot be affected by blindness.

Monsters with this tag are summoned by the Swarm spell underwater.

This monster is a stone being and immune to petrification.

Inanimate beings are immune to some spells.

The monster is a suitable encounter in a dungeon.

This monster can use lances even though it is not flying or mounted. Use this attribute on centaurs.

8.2 Movement

This monster is Immobile like the Monolith. Immobile units may teleport, but cannot use the Cloud Trapeze spell..

This monster can only live under water.

This monster can travel both under and over water.

This monster can travel under water, but is hindered by it.

The monster floats in the air and can cross rivers. It is also immune to earthquakes and other effects that only affect ground bound monsters.

This monster can fly. To be able to fly in a storm, the monster must also be #stormimmune. The monster can cross rivers. It can also cross mountain passes if it is not cold in the provinces the pass connects.

The monster can cross rivers.

The monster is unhindered by snow.

This monster can fly during a storm. If the monster has the #stormpower attribute, this command is redundant.

The monster can teleport. Movement on the battlefield is instantaneous and the monster is not hindered by storms. The command automatically sets mapmove to 100 and the creature ignores terrain restrictions and the Sea of Ice spell.

Like #teleport but only grants teleport ability on the map, not in combat.

Like #teleport, but only in combat.

The monster cannot use Teleport, Gateway or Astral Travel spells to move. It can still use Stygian Paths and Faery Trod.

The monster is unable to cross rivers even when they are frozen, like a vampire.

Monster has the Forest Survival skill. Forest terrain does not hinder movement.

Monster has the Mountain Survival skill. Mountain terrain does not hinder movement and the monster can cross mountain passes even if it is cold in the provinces the pass connects.

Monster has the Swamp Survival skill. Swamp terrain does not hinder movement.

Monster has the Waste Survival skill. Waste terrain does not hinder movement.

#sailing <ship size> <max unit size>
A commander with this ability is able to sail over two sea provinces with his troops. Ship size is the size of the boat and indicates how many size points the commander can transport. Standard value is 999. Max unit size is the maximum size unit that can be transported, usually 2 or 3.

#giftofwater <size points>
A commander with this ability is able to bring a number of units underwater with him as long as their combined size points do not exceed the value of this ability.

#indepmove <percent>
This ability is used by certain horrors to make them move on the world map. A monster with this ability have percent chance of moving each month as long as it is owned by independents.

#indepstay <0 - 1>
A 1 in this ability means that the monster will stop moving once it has reached a throne province.

#norange This monster will never stay put in order to fire. Horrors with range weapons have this ability.

Monster ignores movement penalty from armor. This is used for chariots.

#farsail <extra provinces>
Commander will be able to sail further if it can sail.

8.3 Stealth & Assassination

The commands in this section deal with stealth, spying and various forms of assassination. With the exception of #illusion, all of these commands should be combined with #stealthy in order to be meaningful.

#seduce <value>
Gives the monster the ability to seduce like a Nagini. The value indicates the difficulty of the morale check, 10 is standard.

#succubus <value>
Gives the monster the dream seduction ability like a Succubus. The value indicates the difficulty of the morale check, 10 is standard.

#stealthy <value>
This monster can sneak into enemy provinces. The default value when using this modding command is 0. Scouts are harder to detect and have a standard value of 10. A Spy has 20. The number of patrolling units required to have a 50% chance of detecting the sneaking monster is <value> + 40. This means that 40 patrolling units are required to have a 50% chance of detecting a standard stealthy unit, while 50 patrolling units are required to have an equal chance of detecting a sneaking scout.

Gives a monster glamour. These monsters cannot be discovered by scouts and have a mirror image protecting them in battles. This command adds 25 to the monster’s existing stealth value if it already has the #stealthy attribute. Glamour does not grant stealth to monsters that have no stealth to begin with.

This monster is a spy.

This monster is an assassin.

#patience <value>
The patience value increases the chances of the assassin to catch his target unawares and without bodyguards. Each point of patience decreases the chance of bodyguards being present by 10%. If the bodyguard unit has the Bodyguard ability, it reduces the effectiveness of the assassin’s Patience.

The monster can assassinate commanders even when they are in besieged castles.

#beckon <value>
Gives the monster the ability to lure enemy commanders like the Siren. The value indicates the difficulty of the morale check, 10 is standard.

#falsearmy <value>
The monster creates the false impression of greater numbers than there really are. Enemy scouting reports will inflate the size of the army by <value> units.

#foolscouts <value>
The monster creates the false impression of uniformity in its own army. Enemy scouting reports will perceive the army to only contain one type of troop. The reported troop type is usually the most common troop type present.

8.4 Age, Healing & Afflictions

#startage <age>
The start age for a monster. Usually there is no need to set this as it will be calculated automatically depending on maxage and skills. An age of zero clears this command and an age of -1 sets start age to zero. The startage value is the starting point for actual age calculations based on magic and other skills.

#maxage <age>
This maximum age for a monster. After this age it will risk getting afflictions and eventually die. Default is 50 for humans, 500 for undead, 1000 for demons. Different magic paths increase maxage 50% of this value per point of magic, depending on the type of creature. Undead are affected by Death magic, inanimate creatures by Earth magic, demons by Blood magic and all others by Nature magic, in that order (if the monster belongs to more than one of these categories at once, e.g.lifeless undead).

#older <age>
Makes the monster start somewhat older or younger than its calculated or preset start age.

#addrandomage <years>
Makes the monster start 1 to years (a random die) older.

#uwdamage <percent>
This monster takes damage equal to the indicated percentage of its total hit points every turn it spends underwater ( a sea province). Vampires have #uwdamage 100 so they cannot go underwater at all.

Grants Pangaea-like healing powers to the monster (Recuperation special ability).

This monster does not heal naturally. If it is a magic being it will heal if it is located in a province with a lab.

#landdamage <percent>
The monster will take damage equal to the indicated percentage of its total hit points every turn it spends in a land province instead of underwater.

#healer <percent>
Grants a commander the Heal Troops ability. The percent value is the chance of success for every unit in the province. Success chance is checked against every unit to see if the commander successfully uses the healing ability. If successful, a check is made against the difficulty of each affliction and if it succeeds, the affliction in question is healed. Some afflictions are harder to heal than others. This command still works, but it is replaced in all instances of in-game occurrence with the #autohealer or #autodishealer mechanic.

#homesick <percent>
This monster takes damage equal to the indicated percentage of its total hit points every turn it spends away from its home province (the province where it was first recruited, summoned or spawned).

#autohealer <value>
The monster automatically heals <value> afflictions from units in the same province. The default value is 1. Only very powerful healers should have higher values. The Chalice artifact has a value of 5.

#autodishealer <value>
The monster automatically heals disease from <value> units in the same province. The default value is 1. Only very powerful disease healers should have higher values.

#autodisgrinder <value>
The monster automatically heals disease from <value> units in the same province. Each disease healed is converted to a Death gem.

#diseaseres <percent>
Protects a unit when diseased. Value is the chance of not being negatively affected by the disease each month.

#woundfend <value>
The monster is less likely to suffer an affliction when taking damage. A value of 1 makes it half as likely, a value of 2 makes it one third as likely, etc. Air Elementals and similar have a value of 99, making it almost impossible to get an affliction.

The monster’s hit points can increase past the normal maximum. The extra HP are permanently retained until lost due to damage. This command is useful for units that possess life drain attacks or that can #digest swallowed monsters.

#hpoverslow <0-1000>
The monster’s hit points can go over their normal maximum value by 0 - 1000 percent. They will slowly return to normal.

#corpseeater <value>
The monster will eat this amount of corpses per month if possible and gain HP for it equal to the value in #deadhp.

#deadhp <value>
Number of HP gained per corpse eaten.

#startaff <percent>
The monster has a chance of starting with a random lesser affliction like a flagellant.

#startmajoraff <percent>
The monster has a chance of starting with a random major affliction.

#startingaff <affliction bitmask>
Monster always starts with one (or more) afflictions as indicated by the affliction bitmask. See the Affliction table in the weapon modding section for suitable values.

#insane <percent>
The monster has a chance of being insane each turn. The Mad Priests of R’lyeh have a value of 50 in this attribute.

#startheroab <percent>
The monster has a chance of starting with a heroic ability, like you receive when entering the hall of fame.

8.5 Damage Reduction

This section deals with abilities that reduce (or maybe increase) damage the monster receives from attacks. Elemental resistances function like armor by lessening damage from attacks of a particular type of element (fire, cold, shock or poison).

Some monsters have values as high as 25 for elemental resistances because they are intended to be immune to any normally conceivable damage from that element. For example, all undead and inanimate creatures have poison resistance 25, Abysians have fire resistance 25 and Niefel giants have cold resistance 25. Some creatures like Fire Elementals have a fire resistance of 75 because they are composed entirely of their element and cannot be harmed by it at all.

To make a monster more vulnerable to a particular type of elemental damage, it can be given a negative resistance value. In this case the affected type of damage is increased by an amount equal to the penalty.

The monster takes half damage from blunt weapons.

The monster is ethereal. Non-magical weapons have only 25% chance of harming the monster when they hit, but when they do, they inflict full damage unless mitigated by another ability. Ethereal monsters can pass through walls during the storming of a fortress.

#coldres <prot>
Grants cold resistance to the monster. A value of 5 or more protects the monster from the fatigue effects of a chill aura.

#fireres <prot>
Grants fire resistance to the monster. A value of 5 or more protects the monster from the fatigue effects of a heat aura.

#poisonres <prot>
Grants poison resistance to the monster.

#shockres <prot>
Grants shock resistance to the monster.

#iceprot <prot>
Protection varies with the temperature in the province. The protection value is added or subtracted for every step on the Cold scale.

#invulnerable <prot>
The monster has invulnerability to non-magical weapons. The invulnerability value counts as natural protection against normal weapons.

#regeneration <percent>
The monster regenerates like a troll and heals damage every combat round. The percent value indicates how many percent of its total hit points are regenerated every turn. The standard value for regeneration is 10.

Unit heals normally despite not usually being able to heal.

#undregen <percent>
Works like regeneration, but only affects undead beings.

#uwregen <percent>
Works like regeneration, but only works underwater.

The monster takes half damage from piercing weapons.

The monster takes half damage from slashing weapons.

#reinvigoration <points>
Reduces the fatigue by points amount every turn in battle. This value can be negative to gain extra fatigue in battle instead. Lower fatigue reduces the chance of the monster suffering critical hits while higher fatigue increases it.

#airshield <percent>
The monster gains the airshield special ability.

#ironvul <points>
The monster will take points amount of extra damage when wounded by an iron weapon in melee.

8.6 Immortality

This section covers different the different kinds of immortality available for monsters.

This monster is immortal like a Lich.

This monster is dominion immortal like a Phoenix.

#reformtime <extra months> Alters the time taken to reform the immortal’s body. The standard time is 3 months, use #reformtime -2 if you want the immortal to reappear the next month. (new for 5.30)

#springimmortal The immortal will reform his body in the spring. (new for 5.30)

#reform <chance>__ This is a combat ability. The monster has this chance of getting a new healthy body when killed.

#bugreform <nbr of bugs> This is a combat ability. When killed the monster will turn into a myriad of bugs and reform a little while later. The worm mage has this ability. (new for 5.30)

8.7 Combat Auras

These abilities grant the monster an aura that affects the battlefield around it or enemies that attack it in some manner. Abilities that trigger only when the monster is killed are in the Other Combat Abilities section.

#heat <value>
This monster is surrounded by heat like an Abysian. The heat aura is <value> + Fire magic squares in size. Standard value is 3.

#cold <value>
This monster is surrounded by cold like a Winter Wolf. The chill aura is <value> + Water magic squares in size. Standard value is 3.

#uwheat <0-100>
Like #heat, but also works underwater.

#poisonarmor <dmg>
Anyone striking this monster with short weapons will be poisoned.

#poisonskin <0-500>
The monster has a skin that exudes a paralyzing poison, which does fatigue damage to anyone attacking it with length 0 weapons. The value is the damage rating of the poison.

#poisoncloud <size>
Monster is surrounded by a poison cloud. Standard size is 6.

#diseasecloud <size>
Monster is surrounded by a disease cloud. Standard size is 6. The disease cloud adds the Plague Carrier icon to the monster.

#animalawe <bonus>
Bonus can be a value of one or more. A bonus of one means that animals with a morale of 11 have about 50% chance of daring to strike. A bonus of 10 means that you need a morale of 20 to get a 50% chance. Standard value is 1 (for Awe(+1) ).

#awe <bonus>
Bonus can be a value of one or more. A bonus of one means that people with a morale of 11 have about 50% chance of daring to strike. A bonus of 10 means that you need a morale of 20 to get a 50% chance. Standard value is 1 (for Awe(+1) ). 24

#sunawe <bonus> Works like Awe, except that it doesn’t work if there is no sun shining.

#haltheretic <bonus> Works like Awe, except that it only works against sacred units.

#fear <value>
This monster is very fearsome. A high value indicates higher fear. The standard value is 5. Death magic increases the fear value. The monster lowers the morale of enemy units in <value> squares around it. Affected squares are randomly determined. Units with Death magic 5 gain Fear even without this command.

#fireshield <damage>
Anyone striking this monster will take <damage> points of armor piercing fire damage. Standard damage for fire shields is 8. Fire magic increases the amount of damage.

#uwfireshield <damage>
Like fireshield, but works underwater too.

#banefireshield <damage>
Anyone striking this monster will take <damage> points of armor piercing bane fire damage. The damaged unit will also suffer the effect of the Decay spell if it fails an MR check. Standard damage for bane fire shields is 8.

#acidshield <damage>
Anyone striking this monster will take <damage> points of armor piercing acid damage. The damaged unit will also suffer the effect of weakened armor, as if from the Rust Mist spell. Standard damage for acid shields is 8.

#curseluckshield <penetration bonus>
Grants the Fateweaving ability. Anyone striking the unit will have their fate rewritten and suffer from misfortunes for the next few rounds of battle. The effect can be resisted with a successful Magic Resistance check. The penetration bonus makes the effect harder to resist.

#damagerev <strength>
The monster has the Damage Reversal ability. Any creature that hits the monster must make a magic resistance check or suffer the damage itself instead of harming the target. Strength must be at least one and strength minus one is the penalty to the MR check. Use strength 1 for standard damage reversal with no penalty.

#bloodvengeance <strength>
The monster has the Blood Vengeance ability. Any creature that hits the monster must make a magic resistance check or suffer the same damage that it inflicts on its target. Strength works identically to #damagerev.

#slimer <strength>
Any unit attacking this monster must make a magic resistance check or become immobilized by oozing slime, identical to the effects of the Slime spell. Strength works identically to #damagerev.

Anyone striking this monster may get entangled.

Anyone striking this monster may lose an eye.

Anyone striking this monster may be horror marked.

#mindslime <area>
Grants the mindslime ability.

#overcharged <dmg>
Grants the overcharged ability.

#sleepaura <area>
Grant the Sleep Aura effect with this area of effect. The Shuten-doji has this ability with area 10.

8.8 Seasonal Powers

The seasonal powers affect the monster’s hit points. During the season of power the monster gets a percentage increase to its maximum hit points. During the opposite season, it gets a percentage reduction to its maximum hit points.

#springpower <percent>
The monster has increased hit points in spring and lowered hit points in autumn.

#summerpower <percent>
The monster has increased hit points in summer and lowered hit points in winter.

#fallpower <percent>
The monster has increased hit points in autumn and lowered hit points in spring.

#winterpower <percent>
The monster has increased hit points in winter and lowered hit points in summer.

#yearturn <bonus>
Power of the Turning Year. This unit is more powerful during the height of each season and will get increased Strength, Attack and Defence during those months.

8.9 Elemental & Scale Powers

These commands give the monster bonuses to their statistics when they are subject to the effects of certain scales or other conditions. The effect of the powers tied to dominion scales is a [ bonus x ± 1 ] point increase or decrease to Strength, Attack, Defense and Action Points per scale level, with no modifier when the scales are neutral.

#chaospower <bonus>
The monster will get stat increases or decreases depending on the Turmoil scale.

#coldpower <bonus>
The monster will get stat increases or decreases depending on the Cold scale.

#firepower <bonus>
The monster will get stat increases or decreases depending on the Heat scale.

#deathpower <bonus>
The monster will get stat increases or decreases depending on the Death scale.

#darkpower <bonus>
The monster will get stat increases in darkness. Only active in combat.

#stormpower <bonus>
The monster gets stat increases in combat during storms. This attribute also duplicates the effects of the #stormimmune attribute, giving the monster the ability to fly during a storm. Only active in combat.

#magicpower <bonus> The monster will get stat increases or decreases depending on the Magic scale.

#slothpower <bonus> The monster will get stat increases or decreases depending on the Sloth scale.

#dompower <bonus> The monster will get stat increases or decreases depending on the strength of the dominion in the province.

8.10 Combat Abilities

#ambidextrous <bonus>
This monster gets reduced attack penalty when using two weapons. A normal value is 2 or 3.

#berserk <bonus>
This monster can go berserk like a barbarian chief or a minotaur. The bonus value will be added to strength and attack and subtracted from defense. It also increases encumbrance. A normal bonus value is 3.

Will make unit go berserk when blessed.

Will grant the unit flying when blessed.

#darkvision <percent>
Gives monster darkvision, lessening penalties for fighting under darkness. Use value 100 for perfect darkvision.

Spirit sight makes it possible to see into the spirit realm and see the true essence of beings. Units with spirit sight gets no penalties from darkness and can see invisible units.

Invisible units can only be seen by units with spirit sight. When a unit with invisibility is sneaking, only patrolling units with spirit sight will be able to find it. In combat invisibility gives any melee attackers -10 to their attack skill unless they have spirit sight.

When this monster dies, the unit that strikes the killing blow is cursed.

#deathdisease <aoe>
The monster bursts in a cloud of disease ridden fumes when it dies, infecting its killer and anyone nearby with disease.

#deathparalyze <aoe>
The monster erupts in a paralyzing explosion on death, forcing everyone in the area of effect to make a MR check or become paralyzed.

#deathfire <aoe>
The monster erupts in a fiery explosion when it dies, inflicting 10 AP fire damage to everyone in the area of effect.

#guardspiritbonus <value>
Increases the chance of receiving a guardian spirit with +value percent. Command has no effect if the nation does not have #guardspirit command set.

The monster automatically swallows the targets of a successful trampling attack. Swallowed monsters are removed from the battlefield until the swallowing monster is killed.

#raiseonkill <chance>
Monster has a chance in percent to raise the people it kills as soulless.

This monster can trample smaller beings.

#digest <dmg>
The monster digests any swallowed creatures. Swallowed creatures take <dmg> damage every combat round until dead or until the monster that swallowed them is killed.

#aciddigest <dmg>
The monster digests any swallowed creatures and causes their armor to be weakened, like the Rust Mist spell.

#incorporate <dmg>
The monster incorporates any swallowed creatures as a part of itself. Swallowed creatures take damage every combat round until dead or until the monster that swallowed them is killed.

The monster that incorporates them heals a number of hit points equal to damage inflicted every combat round.

#raiseshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Changes soulless to another kind of unit for the __#raiseonkill or #dt_raise effects. Monster number can be negative for montag usage.

#beartattoo <value>
Magic tattoo like the units of Marverni and Sauromatia have.

#horsetattoo <value>
Magic tattoo like the units of Marverni and Sauromatia have.

#wolftattoo <value>
Magic tattoo like the units of Marverni and Sauromatia have.

#boartattoo <value>
Magic tattoo like the units of Marverni and Sauromatia have.

#snaketattoo <value>
Magic tattoo like the units of Marverni and Sauromatia have.

8.11 Non-Combat Abilities

#castledef <value>
Gives a castle defense bonus to the monster. The monster counts as <value> extra monsters when defending a fort from a siege.

#siegebonus <value>
A value of ten will make this monster count as ten extra humans when it comes to breaking down castle gates.

#patrolbonus <value>
A value of ten will make this monster count as ten extra humans when it comes to patrolling. This value can also be negative for extra poor performance.

#pillagebonus <value>
A monster with this ability excels at pillaging. A barbarian has a pillage bonus of one which makes them count as one man extra when it comes to pillaging.

This monster has a bonus when preaching against enemy Dominion. Its holy magic level counts as double for this purpose. The monster must have the #holy tag.

#supplybonus <value>
A monster with this ability produces extra supplies. A negative value can also be used, which will make the monster consume more supplies than usual.

#heretic <value>
The monster decreases dominion in the province it resides in as if it was an enemy priest engaged in preaching. The value of the heretic ability acts as the priest level and should be set within the range of 1 – 5.

#resources <value>
The monster generates <value> resources in the province it is in, like a Master Smith of Ulm.

#iceforging <value>
The monster generates <value> resources in cold provinces.

This monster doesn’t need any food and doesn’t consume any supplies. To create a monster that cannot starve but still eats, combine this effect with a negative #supplybonus.

#elegist <value>
The monster is more effective than its normal priest level when calling a god or disciple back from death. The Elegist value is added to its priest level when performing this action.

#spreaddom <candles>
The monster spreads the Dominion of the pretender god by its mere presence. The candles value should usually be one, meaning that the monster spreads as much dominion as one prophet.

#nobadevents <value>
The monster will reduce the chance of negative events in his current province. The value is the percent chance of negating a possible bad event.

#shatteredsoul <percent>
The monster suffers from a shattered soul like a Tartarian. There is a <percent> chance each turn that the monster (if a commander) does not obey orders but does something else instead.

#incunrest <value>
The monster will increase or decrease unrest at his location. The value divided by 10 is the amount increased per month. A negative can be used to decrease unrest instead.

#incprovdef <value>
The monster is good at organizing province defenses. PD is increased by <value> per turn, to a maximum of 19.

The monster can collect taxes from provinces that cannot trace a route to the nearest fort.

#gold <gold / month>
The monster generates gold that is added to the treasury. Use a negative value for a monster that costs gold every month above and beyond the normal upkeep.

#addupkeep <gold>
Upkeep will be calculated as if the unit cost this much more to recruit.

#leper <percent>
The monster spreads a very deadly disease that kills population and infects military units in the province. The percent value is the chance for a military unit in the same province to be infected.

#popkill <amount>
The monster kills [10 x amount] of population in the province it resides in every month. This applies to both commander and non-commander units with this attribute.

#insanify <percent>
The monster spreads insanity to both military units and population in the province. The percent value is the chance for a military unit in the same province to be infected.

The monster cannot enter the Hall of Fame.

#alchemy <percent>
The monster is more efficient when casting spells the converts gems into gold. A typical Alchemist has a value of 50.

A mason is able to lead the construction of more advanced forts than what would otherwise be possible for the nation. A mason will be able to upgrade a fortress one step further than normally possible.

#incscale <scale>
Increases the selected scale by one point per turn to a maximum of -3 / 3. This command functions as #decscale for the opposite scales.

#decscale <scale>
Decreases the selected scale by one point per turn to a maximum of -3 / 3. This command functions as #incscale for the opposite scales.

#fortkill <chance>
This monster will automatically destroy forts in the same province. Chance is the chance in percent that the fort will be destroyed each turn.

#thronekill <chance>
This monster will automatically destroy thrones in the same province, unless they are protected by a fort. Chance is the chance in percent that the throne will be destroyed each turn.

#farthronekill <part>
This monster will automatically destroy thrones in the same province, even if they are protected by a fort. Part is the percentage part that will be destroyed each turn, 100 means it will be destroyed in a single turn.

This monster will count as the sun being present in the current province. This can be important when trying to cast certain spells that cannot be cast when there is no sun.

#adeptsacr <value>
Adept Sacrificer. This unit is better at performing blood sacrifices in order to spread the dominion. The value equals number of extra blood magic level for this purpose.

8.12 Shape Changing

#shapechange “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
This monster is able to change shape to and from another monster at will. The other monster is not affected by this command and must be given #shapechange command with the first form as the value. Dragons use this ability. It is also possible to do multiple form shape changers such as the Jotun Skratti by chaining this command over several monsters.

#prophetshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Unit will change into this monster when made a prophet. Monster nbr can be negative for montag usage.

#firstshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
This monster will change shape to its first shape when it feels ok. Werewolves have this ability in their wolf shapes. Monster nbr can be negative for montags.

#secondshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
This monster will assume another shape when it gets seriously wounded. Remember to give the other shape the #firstshape command if you want it to return to the primary form when it feels better. Werewolves in human form use this ability. Monster nbr can be negative for montags.

#secondtmpshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
This monster will transform into another monster when it is killed in battle. This other monster will be removed after battle. Serpent Cataphracts use this ability. Monster nbr can be negative for montags.

#forestshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The monster changes to this shape when moving from a non-forest province to a forest province.

#plainshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The monster changes to this shape when moving from a forest province to a non-forest province. If the monster also has a watershape, the watershape takes precedence over the plainshape, such as when moving from a forest to a water province.

#foreignshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The monster changes to this shape when moving out of its home province.

#homeshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The monster changes to this shape when moving into its home province.

#domshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The monster changes to this shape when inside a friendly dominion.

#notdomshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The monster changes to this shape when not inside a friendly dominion.

#springshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Changes into another monster when this season is active.

#summershape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Changes into another monster when this season is active.

#autumnshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Changes into another monster when this season is active.

#wintershape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Changes into another monster when this season is active.

#growhp <hit points>
The monster grows into the previous monster once it has this many hit points or more. Hydras use this mechanic.

#shrinkhp <hit points>
The monster shrinks to the following monster once it has this many hit points or less. Hydras use this mechanic.

#xpshape <xp value>
The monster will change into the next monster type (next monster number) after reaching this amount of xp.

#xploss <0-100>
The monster loses 0-100% of xp when changing shape (e.g.when losing its rider).

#transformation <value>
The monster is a possible target for the Transformation spell. Value can be -1 for a bad result, 0 to disable and 1 for a good result.

#[path]attuned <chance>
Chance of getting a bonus level of magic when transformed into this being.

In place of [path], insert the name of the magic path in all lower case for the correct command (#fireattuned, #airattuned etc).

The monster will heal all afflictions and hp if changing shape from secondshape to firstshape. This command must be applied to the monster’s firstshape, so for a werewolf the human form.

#landshape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The monster changes to this shape when moving from a water province to a land province.

#watershape “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The monster changes to this shape when moving from a land province to a water province.

#twiceborn “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The monster will get this shape if it dies and rises again due to the twiceborn ritual.

8.13 Monster Summoning

#reanimator <nbr>
The monster will reanimate this number of corpses automatically every turn.

A priest with this attribute will be able to raise undead.

#domsummon “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Summons a number of monsters each month spent inside friendly dominion. The amount summoned is a dominion strength sided open ended die roll.

#domsummon2 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Half as effective as #domsummon.

#domsummon20 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
A twentieth as effective as #domsummon.

#raredomsummon “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
There is a flat 8% chance of summoning one creature of this type when in a province with friendly dominion.

#templetrainer “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
A commander with this ability will be able to summon a monster per turn when in a temple province. Only one commander can do this per temple province.

#makemonsters1…5 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Gives the monster a special order that can summon a monster per month. #makemonsters2 to #makemonsters5 can also be used to summon more monsters per month.

#summon1…5 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Automatically summons monsters each month. The #summon1 command summons one monster per month and #summon2 to #summon5 more according to the number in the command.

#battlesum1…5 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Automatically summons 0-x monsters to the battlefield each combat round. The #battlesum5 command summons 0-5 and #battlesum1 summons 0-1 monsters etc.

#batstartsum1…5 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Summons x monsters at start of battle.

#batstartsum1d3 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Summons 1d3 monsters at start of battle.

#batstartsum1d6…9d6 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>

Summons xd6 monsters at start of battle. Otherwise works like #batstartsum1…5. values. All of the monster summoning commands accept negative number values to provide a random summon of a specific type.

See table “Negative Monster Numbers” for the list of randomly summonable creatures types. Entries marked with an asterisk may be made worse if the Astral Corruption global enchantment is active or if the cataclysm has occurred.

Negative Monster Numbers
-3Soulless (requires corpses)
-5Random animal
-6Lesser horror*
-8Doom Horror
-9Random bug
-10Random good crossbreed
-11Random bad crossbreed
-12Random crossbreed (3% good)
-13Random hero
-14Random dungeon monster
-16Random yazad
-17Random yata
-18Soul trap ghost

#montag <value>
This command assigns a monster tag value to a creature. The value must be a number between 1000 and 100000. The monster tag value is a summoning marker that can be used with the other monster summoning commands and in spell modding to summon randomly determined monsters from a defined list. When a summoning command or spell is used with the montag value, a random creature with that montag value is summoned. Use a minus sign before the value when using it in this manner for the command to work correctly.

Example: Five monsters with a #montag 2500 could be set as random monster summons by assigning #summon2 -2500 to another monster. This would result in two random monsters from those five being summoned.

The monster tag can also be used as damage value for summoning spells, which will then summon a random monster from the group with the same tag. To use it that way, set spell damage to [minus].

#montagweight <weight>
Use this command after a montag command to make it more likely to appear than other monster with the same montag. The weight defaults to 1 which gives this montag the same chance of occurring as other montags with weight 1 (or no specified weight). A weight of 2 will make it twice as likely to appear, and so forth. Maximum weight is 100.

#ivylord <nbr>
This monster will receive extra units when summoning Vine Men of different kind.

#dragonlord <nbr>
This monster will receive extra units when summoning Drakes of different kind.

#lamialord <nbr>
This monster will receive extra units when summoning Lamias of different kind. This ability will not be visible when inspecting the monster.

#corpselord <nbr>
This monster will receive extra units when creating Corpse Men. This ability will not be visible when inspecting the monster.

#onisummon <0 - 100>
This unit has a chance of attracting one or more Ko-Oni per month. The Oni will only come if there is unrest or a turmoil scale in the province. The higher the unrest and turmoil the greater chance that a group of Ko-Oni will appear. The value of this ability will also modify this chance. A normal value is 50.

#slaver “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Gets the capture slave ability. The number of slaves captured will be 1d6+4 (open ended) per month and unrest will increase by 1 for every slave captured.

#slaverbonus <modifier>
Modifies the number of slaves captured with the Slaver ability. E.g. a modifier of -2 will make the slaver ability catch 1d6+2 slaves per month.

8.14 Nametypes

#nametype <name type nbr>
Sets the type of random name that this monster gets when it’s a commander. For name numbers and their meaning see table “Name Types”. If you do not set the name type explicitly, then Dominions will take a guess based on gender, size, resistances and so forth and sometimes come up with the correct result anyway. Nametypes 161 – 299 should be used for modding purposes.

Name Types
NumberType of Name
100Misc male
102Man male
103Man female
104Ulm male
106Pythium male
107Arcoscephale male
108Arcoscephale female
109Pangaea male
110Pangaea female
111Caelum male
112Caelum female
113C’tis male
114Marignon male
115Jotunheim male
116Jotunheim female
117Deep One
118Pythium female
119Misc female
120C’tis female
121T’ien Ch’i male
122T’ien Ch’i female
123Mictlan male
124Mictlan female
125Machaka female
126Machaka male
127Custom name list
128Custom name list
129Monkey male
130Monkey female
131EA Ulm male
132EA Ulm female
133Japanese female
134Japanese male
137Marverni male
138Marverni female
142Tir na n‘Og male
143Tir na n‘Og female
144Nature beasts
145Wooden beasts
146Rus male
147Rus female
148Gath male
150Gath/Rephaim female
151Ur male
152Ur female
153Agartha male
154Agartha female
155Nazca male
156Nazca female
157Xibalba male
158Xibalba female
159Oceania male
160Oceania female
161Telkine male
162Greek male giants
163Na’Ba male
164Na’Ba female
170-299Custom name lists

9.1 Normal Leadership

These commands are used to set basic leadership values for monsters.

This monster cannot lead units when it is a commander. Use this for scouts and assassins.

Leadership Rules: Undead beings require undead leadership Demons require undead leadership Magic beings require magic leadership. Monsters that are both undead and magic being OR demon and magic being require undead leadership

Leadership value 10. This is the standard value for mages. Commander cost +15. Commanded units have a morale modifier of -1 if in a single squad and an additional -1 for every additional squad.

Leadership value 40. This is the default value and it is the standard for non-elite commanders. Commander cost +30. Commanded units have a morale modifier of 0 for two or fewer squads and -1 for every additional squad.

Leadership value 80. Commander cost +60. Commanded units have a morale modifier of +1 for up to 3 squads and -1 for every additional squad.

Leadership value 120. Commander cost +100. Commanded units have a morale modifier of +2 for up to 4 squads and -1 for every additional squad.

Leadership value 160. Commander cost +150. Commanded units have a morale modifier of +3.

#command <value>
Increases leadership value by this amount.

9.2 Magic Leadership

In addition to these commands, a monster has magic leadership based on its magic paths (10 per level of Astral and 5 per level of any other magic than Death) These commands govern the level of undead leadership the monster possesses. Additionally, undead leadership is increased by 15 points for each priest level if the priest serves a nation that can reanimate undead. The nations that have this benefit are Lanka, Asphodel, Sceleria, Ermor (Ashen Empire) and Lemuria.

This monster cannot lead magic units when it is a commander (unless it it is a mage). This is the default.

This monster has an innate ability to command 10 magic beings. This is a very rare ability that only most magic beings possess.

This monster has an innate ability to command 40 magic beings. This is a very rare ability that only most magic beings possess.

This monster has an innate ability to command 80 magic beings. This is a very rare ability that only most magic beings possess.

This monster has an innate ability to command 120 magic beings. This is a very rare ability that only most magic beings possess.

This monster has an innate ability to command 160 magic beings. This is a very rare ability that only most magic beings possess.

#magiccommand <value>
Increases magic leadership by this amount.

9.3 Undead Leadership

This monster cannot lead undead units when it is a commander (unless it it is a death or blood mage). This is the default.

This monster has an innate ability to command 10 undead beings. This is a rare ability that usually only demons or undead beings possess.

This monster has an innate ability to command 40 undead beings. This is a rare ability that usually only demons or undead beings possess.

This monster has an innate ability to command 80 undead beings. This is a rare ability that usually only demons or undead beings possess.

This monster has an innate ability to command 120 undead beings. This is a rare ability that usually only demons or undead beings possess.

This monster has an innate ability to command 160 undead beings. This is a rare ability that usually only demons or undead beings possess.

#undcommand <value>
Increases undead leadership by this amount.

Unit will require undead leadership to lead, even though it isn’t an undead or a demon.

Unit will require not undead leadership to lead, even though it is undead. This command must come after the #undead command.

#inspirational <bonus>
All units under the command of this monster have their morale increased by <bonus> in addition to modifiers from base leadership. Commander cost +10 per point. The value can be negative.

#beastmaster <bonus>
All animals under the command of this monster have their morale increased by <bonus>.

#taskmaster <bonus>
All slaves under the command of this monster have their morale increased by <bonus>.

Slaves are typically untrained fodder who are given weapons and herded into battle. They have low morale and are easily routed. Their morale is improved when led by a taskmaster.

Undisciplined monsters cannot be given orders in battle. They can only deploy in the skirmish formation and will attack the enemy without regard for any battle plan.

#formationfighter <xsize>
A formation fighter is well drilled in using tight formations and can fit more units into one square. The xsize value indicates the extra size points that will fit in a square. Use a value of 2 for a normal formation fighting human.

#bodyguard <bonus>
The monster’s morale is increased by <bonus> when its orders are set to Guard Commander. The bodyguard bonus reduces an assassin’s Patience value when determining whether the bodyguard is present during an assassination.

#warning <bonus>
Increases the amount of bodyguards the commander can have.

#standard <bonus>
The monster increases the morale of units in the same squad by <bonus>. Multiple standards in the same squad do not stack. Only the highest standard value in the squad counts. The normal value for this command is 1.

#latehero <min turn>
Use this command on a hero unit to prevent it from appearing before this turn.

This chapter introduces the commands related to granting monsters magic skills and special abilities related to magic (research, magic item forging, magic gems etc.).

10.1 Magic Paths

Use these commands to grant monsters magic paths and random magic picks and for altering the strength of their magic.

Magic path numbers
NbrMagic Path
53All (not priest)

#magicskill <path> <level>
Gives a magic skill to the active monster. The path must be a number from the “Magic path numbers” table and level should be a number from 1 to 10. If the monster already has this magic skill then the old level will be replaced by the new one, unless it is a random skill. Units with Holy magic must also have the #holy command.

#custommagic <path mask> <chance>
Gives a chance for another magic skill to the active monster. The path mask must be a number from Table 18 or a sum of multiple masks from this table.

Chance should be a number from 1 to 100. Use this command multiple times for many random picks. E.g. use path mask 384 and chance 50 to give a commander a 50% chance of getting one level higher in Fire or Air magic.

A chance of more than 100% creates a linked random (getting two or more levels of the same random path from one random pick like e.g.King of the Deep). For example, a 200% random chance means +2 levels in the path. This is displayed in the unit’s random magic information.

Path masks
NumberMagic Path

NOTE: Using only a random priest level in a #custommagic mask causes the mod to crash. It is highly recommended not to use random priest levels unless you know exactly what you are doing to avoid problems.

#magicboost <path> <boost>
Gives a boost or reduction to the monster’s magic ability for one or all magic paths. The boost can be from -5 to 5 levels. See table “Magic path numbers” for path numbers (0-8, 51-53).

#masterrit <value>
Pathboost for the purpose of casting rituals. A monster with this ability can cast rituals that would require <value> higher magic paths than it actually has. A negative value makes the monster worse at casting rituals.

10.2 Spell Range

These commands increase the maximum range of spells and rituals cast by the monster. Ritual range is increased by 1 province per range value and combat range is increased in steps of 25%.

#firerange <range>
Fire magic cast by the monster have increased range.

#airrange <range>
Air magic cast by the monster have increased range.

#waterrange <range>
Water magic cast by the monster have increased range.

#earthrange <range>
Earth magic cast by the monster have increased range.

#astralrange <range>
Astral magic cast by the monster have increased range.

#deathrange <range>
Death magic cast by the monster have increased range.

#naturerange <range>
Nature magic cast by the monster have increased range.

#bloodrange <range>
Bleed magic cast by the monster have increased range.

#elementrange <range>
Elemental magic (Fire, Air, Water, Earth) cast by the monster have increased range.

#sorceryrange <range>
Sorcery (Astral, Death, Nature, Blood) rituals by the monster have increased range.

#allrange <range>
All magic cast by the monster have an increased range.

10.3 Magic Research

These commands affect the magic research abilities of the monster.

#fixedresearch <value>
The monster produces this amount of research even without magic skills.

#researchbonus <value>
Makes a commander better or worse at magic research. A sage has a value of 8.

#inspiringres <value>
The monster inspires other mages to be more effective researchers. All other mages in the same province gain a research bonus equal to <value> while the monster stays in the province. Only the highest value present counts.

#slothresearch <value>
The monster gains <value> research bonus per step of sloth in the province.

The monster is immune to the effects of Drain scale like the Master Smiths of Ulm. There is no research penalty from Drain scale and in combat the fatigue costs of spells are not increased by the Drain scale. The monster gains all normal bonuses from an increased Magic scale.

The monster is immune to the research effects of Drain and Magic scales. There is no research penalty for Drain scale and no research bonus for magic scale.

There can only be a number of divinely inspired researchers per province equal to the dominion strength in that province. Any extra divinely inspired researchers have their research value ignored. The monks of Man use this mechanic.

10.4 Gem Production

These commands cause the monster to produce permanent or temporary magic gems when it is a commander.

#gemprod <type> <number>
This monster produces a number of magic gems each month. The type ranges from 0 (fire gems) to 7 (blood slaves). See table “Magic path numbers”.

#tmpfiregems <gems>
The monster produces a number of fire gems that can be used in combat. The gems are not stable enough to be used for ritual spellcasting.

#tmpairgems <gems>
The monster produces a number of air gems that can be used in combat. The gems are not stable enough to be used for ritual spellcasting.

#tmpwatergems <gems>
The monster produces a number of water gems that can be used in combat. The gems are not stable enough to be used for ritual spellcasting.

#tmpearthgems <gems>
The monster produces a number of earth gems that can be used in combat. The gems are not stable enough to be used for ritual spellcasting.

#tmpastralgems <gems>
The monster produces a number of astral pearls that can be used in combat. The gems are not stable enough to be used for ritual spellcasting.

#tmpdeathgems <gems>
The monster produces a number of death gems that can be used in combat. The gems are not stable enough to be used for ritual spellcasting.

#tmpnaturegems <gems>
The monster produces a number of nature gems that can be used in combat. The gems are not stable enough to be used for ritual spellcasting.

#douse <bonus>
This monster gets a blood magic bonus when searching for blood slaves. Works like a Sanguine Dousing Rod (this item has a bonus of 1).

#makepearls <value>
The monster can turn <value> water gems to <value> astral pearls per turn.

#carcasscollector <value>
The monster can turn <value> nature gems to <value> death gems per turn.

10.5 Other Magic Abilities

These commands grant other, uncategorized magic abilities related to spells, item forging and other planes of existence.

#bonusspells <spells per round>
The monster gets the Innate Spellcaster ability and can cast a number of spells every combat round in addition to its normal attacks. The spellcasting cannot be interrupted or prevented by adjacent enemy units, unlike normal spellcasting. A maximum value of 4 can be used, but no unit in the standard game has more than 3.

#onebattlespell “<spell name>” | <nbr>
Monster will automatically cast this spell just before the battle starts. There is no fatigue cost. This spell cannot be a spell added by a mod, it must be an original Dominions 5 spell. You can modify the spell used by this command though.

#crossbreeder <value>
The monster is skilled in crossbreeding and gets a bonus when using the Crossbreeding or Improved Crossbreeding ritual from the Blood magic school. The crossbreeder receives more units per casting and a higher chance of extraordinary results.

#deathbanish <-11 to -13>
Whoever strikes the killing blow against this monster is banished to another plane. -11=The Void, -12=The Inferno, -13=Kokytos

#kokytosret <chance>
Extra chance per month of returning from Kokytos, the infernal realm of ice.

#infernoret <chance>
Extra chance per month of returning from the Inferno, the infernal realm of fire.

#voidret <chance>
Extra chance per month of returning from the Void, the plane between worlds and the home of horrors and the Void beings of R’lyeh.

#allret <chance>
Extra chance of returning from any of the other planes a monster can be banished to.

#randomspell <percent>
The monster has a <percent> chance of casting a random spell in combat instead of a good one. The ability only works for commanders, because only commanders can cast spells.

#tainted <chance>
Chance in percent of being horror marked each turn.

#forgebonus <percent>
Makes it cheaper to create magic items.

#fixforgebonus <value>
Gem reduction when forging items. The value is in absolute numbers of gems, not in percent like the other forgebonus. This is the default forgebonus mechanic in Dominions 5.

#mastersmith <value>
The monster’s magic paths are counted as <value> higher than actual when forging items so a mage with a bonus of 1 and Fire magic 1 would be able to forge items that require Fire 2 to forge. A negative value makes the monster worse at forging items.

The monster is automatically a communion master and does not need to cast the Communion Master spell to join a communion, like the Trophimos Oppressors.

The monster is automatically a communion slave and does not need to cast the Communion Slave spell to join a communion, like the Theurg Communicant of Pythium in the middle era.

#indepspells <level>
Usually independent mages will only know low level research spells. This command will give them access to all spell with this research level and lower when they fight as independent.

#fastcast <speedup>
Affects the spell casting time for commanders. Speedup 100=half time, 200=one third time, -50=double time.

Unit takes 50% longer to cast spells, but at half fatigue cost.

#magicstudy <bonus>
Research bonus depending on the magic scale of the province.

These Modding commands are new for Dominions 5 and do not have detailed descriptions yet.

 #bringeroffortune <-100 - 100> #combatcaster #unsurr <0 - 1000> #skirmisher <-25 - 25> #minsizeleader <0 - 6>

These commands allow the modding of spells. The maximum number of spells is 3999. Numbers 0 – 1299 are reserved and numbers 1300 – 3999 can be used for modding.

12.1 Basic Spell Attributes

All researchable spells are removed from the game.

#selectspell “<spell name>” | <nbr>
Selects an existing spell that will be affected by the following modding commands. End modding this spell with the #end command.

Creates a new spell and selects it for modding by the following commands. End creating the spell with the #end command.

Always use this command at the end of modifying a spell.

Magic schools
– 1cannot be researched

Clears the current spell.

#copyspell “<spell name>” | <spell nbr>
Copies all stats including name from the specified spell to the current spell.

#name “<new spell name>”
Sets the name for the active spell. Changing name of a spell will also remove its description, so make sure to set name before description. 38

#descr “<text>”
A text description of the spell.

#details “<text>”
This command is not necessary. If used it will set the yellow spell detail text under the main spell description.

#school <school nbr>
Magic school for this spell. The number ranges from -1 to 7, see Table “Magic path numbers for spells”.

#researchlevel <level>
Level of research required to learn this spell. The level should be a number between 0 and 9.

#path <reqnr> <path nbr>
The path of the spell. Reqnr should be 0 for the first required path and 1 for the second required path. The path nbr should be a number between -1 and 8, see table “Magic path numbers for spells”.

#pathlevel <reqnr> <level>
Level required to cast this spell.

Magic path numbers for spells
NbrMagic Path

#fatiguecost <fat>
Set the fatigue cost for this spell. Every 100 in fatigue cost raises the required number of gems or blood slaves by one. Must be used also for rituals to set their gem cost.

12.2 Spell Effects

#aoe <squares>
Sets the area of effect for this spell. Add 1000 to this value to give larger areas to more powerful casters. E.g. 1001 means area = 1+1/level of caster (area would be 2 for a level 1 mage). A value of 666 means that the entire battlefield is affected. 663 means that 50% of all squares are affected, 665 = 25%, 664 = 10%, 662 = 5%.

#damage <dmg>
Set the damage for this spell. Add 1000 to dmg to make the damage be variable with the level of the caster. Damage means damage for damage spells, but it can also mean many other things for different spells. E.g. summoning spells use this value to determine which monster is summoned.

#damagemon “<monster name>”
Use this to set a spell’s damage to a monster if you don’t know its number.

#nextspell “<spell name>” | <nbr>
With this command the effect of another spell will also take place when the effect of the main spell occurs. The nextspell takes place on every area where the main spell takes effect. So make sure the area of the second spell isn’t greater than 1 or there will be overlaps.

#nextingeo <terrain mask>
The spell after this will also take effect if it cast in this terrain. For combat spells only.

#effect <eff>
Set the effect of the spell. Some of the most common eff values can be seen in tables “Ritual spell effects” and “Combat spell effects”. Value higher than 10000 are rituals and those lower are combat spells. There are many other values that can be used, but these are the only documented ones for now. Press ctrl-i in game when viewing the spell details to see some modding information including the effect value.

Combat spell effects
1Summon monster
3Fatigue damage
7Poison damage
24Holy damage (x3 vs undead and demons)
31Summon independent
43Border summon
73Anti magic damage (x2 vs magic beings)
103Drain life
107Holy damage (x2 vs demons)
109Capped damage
124Holy damage (x2 vs undead)
126Border summon independent
134Bounce damage
Ritual spell effects
10001Summon monster
10021Summon commander
10038Indep. farsummon
10039Gift of Reason
10063Build fort
10077Army teleport

#nreff <nbr of effects>
Sets the number of effects for this spell. For summoning spells this determines how many creatures are summoned. Add 1000, 2000 or 3000 to this value to give more powerful casters more effects. Every 1000 gives one additional effect for every level of the caster. Add 500 instead to give one extra effect for every two levels the caster exceeds the requirement of the spell.

#range <range>
Sets the battlefield range for this spell. Add 5000 to this value to give longer range (5 extra per level) to more powerful casters.

#precision <prec>
Set the precision for this spell.

12.3 Look & Sound of Combat Spells

#flightspr <flysprite nbr>
Set the sprite or particle effect to be used when this spell is flying. The flysprite nbr should be a value from the table “Flysprites”.

#explspr <fx nbr>
Set the particle effect to be used when this spell explodes. -1 = no explosion. See table “Explosion fx” to find a suitable explosion.

#sound <sample nbr>
The sample that will sound when this spell is cast. Samples have the same number as the weapon samples, see table “Sound effects”.

#strikesound <sample nbr>
The sample that will sound when this spell strikes down. Samples have the same number as the weapon samples, see table “Sound effects”.

#sample “<filename>”
Uses this sample as sound effect for when the spell is cast. The sample must be in .sw (16-bit signed words, 22050 Hz, mono) or .al (a-law, 22050 Hz, mono) format. This command can also be used for weapons.

12.4 Spell Range & Targeting

#provrange <range>
Sets the range of a ritual in provinces.

#onlygeosrc <terrain mask>
Ritual can only be cast from one of these terrains. See table “Terrain masks” for possible terrain mask values.

Terrain masks
01Small Province
12Large Province
101024Many Sites
112048Deep Sea
224194304Border Mountain

#nogeosrc <terrain mask> Ritual cannot be cast from any of these terrains. See table “Terrain masks”.

#onlygeodst <terrain mask>
Ranged ritual can only target one of these terrains. See table “Terrain masks”. Only used for spells that target faraway provinces.

#nogeodst <terrain mask> Ritual cannot target provinces with any of these terrains. See table “Terrain masks”. Only used for spells that target faraway provinces.

#onlycoastsrc <0 - 1>
1 means this ritual can only be cast from a coast province.

#onlyatsite <“site name”> | <terrain mask>
Ritual can only be cast in provinces containing this site.

#onlyfriendlydst <0 or 1>
1 = can only target allied provinces
0 = turn this feature off (default)

#onlyowndst <0 or 1>
1 = can only target own provinces
0 = can target any province (default)

#nowatertrace <0 or 1>
1 = ritual range cannot trace through water provinces
0 = Ritual range can trace through water provinces (default)

#nolandtrace <0 or 1>
1 = ritual range cannot trace over land
0 = ritual range can trace over land (default)

#walkable <0 or 1>
1 = ritual range must trace along a walkable path
0 = ritual range need not be walkable (default)

12.5 Spell Special Attributes

#spec <spec nbr>
Sets the special abilities of a spell. 8388608 is a useful number and it means that the spell can be cast under water. 64 is armor piercing, 128 is armor negating and 4096 means MR negates. Add values together to make combinations.

#restricted <nation nbr> | “nation name”
Spell will only be available for this nation. You can use up to 12 of these commands for a single spell, thus enabling up to 12 nations to research the spell. A value of -1 restricts the spell to the last manipulated nation, so this command can be used with #newnation. The number of times this command can be used on a single spell is also somewhat dependent on how many other things the spell does, so limiting the use of this command to less than the total number allowed is advised.

#farsumcom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Sets the commander for farsummoned units to something other than the normal units.

#notfornation <nation nbr>
Restricts a spell so that it cannot be used by this nation. This command can be used multiple times on the same spell.

#casttime <1-1000>
Set the casting time of a spell, the casting time is 100 for a standard spell. There is usually no need to set this value as Dominions will automatically give certain spells like battle enchantments higher casting time to fit in with all the other spells.

#godpathspell <-1 - 7>
This is used for divine spells that should only be available when the God is best with this particular magic path. -1 can be used for the fallback spell that should be available when the god has no path that is good enough.

#friendlyench <0 - 1>
1 means the enchantment created by this spell is friendly. It will be dispelled automatically if the province is conquered by the enemy.

#hiddenench <0 - 1>
1 means the enchantment created by this spell is not visible during battles. It should be used on enchantments that does not affect battles.

#nocastmindless <0 - 1>
1 means mindless units cannot cast this spell.

#spellreqfly <0 - 1>
1 means only flying units can cast this ritual.

#onlymnr “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Only this type of monster is able to cast this ritual. Monster nbr can be negative for a montag. This command can be used multiple times on the same spell for non-montags.

#notmnr “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
This type of monster is unable to cast this ritual. Monster nbr can be negative for a montag. This command can be used multiple times on the same spell for non-montags.

#polygetmagic <0 - 1>
1 means a unit polymorphed by this ritual will get the magic of the target creature.

#maxbounces <bounces>
Set the maximum number of bounces for a chain lightning (effect 134) type of spell effect.

Only units with the spell singing ability can cast this ritual.

Only units with the task master ability can cast this ritual.

Only units with the seduce ability can cast this ritual.

The commander casting this ritual will get his home province set to the current province.

#reqsun <0 - 1>
This command can make a combat spell uncastable when there is no sun present. A sun is usually not present in caves, deep seas and during the night.

12.6 Spell AI Hints

#ainocast <0 or 1>
The spell AI will never select this spell unless it has been scripted. Use this for spells like Returning that should normally never be cast.

#aibadlvl <level>
The spell AI will never choose this spell if is is level or higher in the required magic path.

#aispellmod <bonus>
This modifies the spell AI to (dis)like this spell. Usually there is no need for this command. A value of -100 makes it never be cast and a value of 100 makes it twice as likable for the spell AI.

These commands allow the modding of magic items. The maximum number of attributes a magic item may have is roughly sixteen. However, the total number of attributes is not so straightforward, because some attributes are ‘free’.

Creates a new magic item and selects it for modding by the following commands. End modding the magic item with the #end command.

#selectitem “<item name>” | <item nbr>
Selects the magic item that will be affected by the following modding commands. End modding this item with the #end command. In the game you can press shift+i when viewing a magic item to see what number it has. Use numbers 500 – 999 for modding.

Always use this command at the end of modifying a magic item.

All forgeable magic items are removed from the game.

Removes all abilities and stats from the magic item.

#constlevel <level>
Level of construction required to forge this item. This level can be 0,2,4,6,8 or 12 for items that cannot be forged. To disable an item, set this value to 12.

#mainpath <path>
Main path required to forge this magic item. The path is a number from 0 to 7 (see table “Magic path numbers”).

#mainlevel <path>
Main path level requirement to forge this magic item. The level can be anything from 1 to 8. The cost of forging the magic item also depends on the level requirements.

#secondarypath <path>
Secondary path required to forge this magic item. The path is a number from -1 to 7 from Table 20.

#secondarylevel <path>
Secondary path level requirement to forge this magic item. Works like #mainlevel.

#copyitem “<item name>” | <item nbr>
Copies all stats from an existing item to the current item.

#copyspr <item nbr>
Copies the sprite of the specified magic item to the current magic item.

#spr “<filename>”
Uses a user made image for item sprite. The image should be 32x32 or 64x64 with the item centered in the picture. The item itself should not be larger than 40x40 pixels. Black will be transparent unless the image is saved with alpha information, in which case that will be used instead.

#type <nbr>
Defines whether the item is 1-handed or 2- handed weapon, a shield, a helmet, a body armor, a pair of boots or a miscellaneous item. See table “Item types”.

Item types
NbrItem Type
11-handed Weapon
22-handed Weapon
3Missile Weapon
5Body Armor
8Misc Item

#name “<name>”
Sets the name for the active magic item. Changing name of a magic item will remove its description as well, so make sure to set item name before its description.

#descr “<text>”
A text description of the magic item.

#weapon “<weapon name>” | <weapon nbr>
Defines what kind of a weapon, if any, the unit gets when it uses the item. Works on misc item, boots, shield, 2-h weapon, 1-h weapon. Does not work for helmets or armor. Use #weapon 0 to clear an existing weapon from a copied item.

#armor “<armor name>” | <armor nbr>
Defines what kind of armor, if any, the units gets when it uses the item. Use #armor 0 to clear an existing armor from a copied item.

13.1 Magic & Spells

#magicboost <path> <value>
The item increases the bearer’s magic skill. Path is 0-8 or 51=elements, 52=sorcery, 53=all.

#pen <value>
The item grants a penetration bonus that makes spells cast by the bearer harder to resist.

#spell “<spell name>”
Enables user of item to cast this spell in battle or as a ritual

#autospell “<spell name>”
Makes the item cast this spell automatically in battle. It will only be cast once unless #autospellrepeat is also used.

#autospellrepeat <spells / round>
Makes an item cast its autospell every round of combat.

#randomspell <percent>
The monster has a <percent> chance of casting a random spell in combat instead of a good one.

13.2 Attributes & Resistances

#hp <value>
The item grants a bonus to hit points.

#str <value>
The item grants a strength bonus.

#att <value>
The item grants an attack bonus.

#def <value>
The item grants a defense bonus.

#prec <value>
The item grants a precision bonus.

#mr <value>
The item grants a magic resistance bonus.

The item grants Luck to its bearer, like Faithful.

#morale <value>
The item grants a morale bonus.

The item grants Quickness (double movement, +2 attack & defense, attacks twice as often).

#voidsanity <value>
The item grants a voidsanity bonus.

The item automatically applies the Bless spell to the bearer, like the Shroud of the Battle Saint.

#fireres <value>
The item grants a Fire Resistance bonus.

#coldres <value>
The item grants a Cold Resistance bonus.

The item automatically applies the Barkskin spell to the bearer, like the Barkskin Amulet.

#shockres <value>
The item grants a Shock Resistance bonus.

#poisonres <value>
The item grants a Poison Resistance bonus.

The item automatically applies the Stoneskin spell to the bearer, like the Boots of Stone.

The item automatically applies the Ironskin spell to the bearer.

The bearer of the item will go berserk as soon as battle begins. Berserker Pelt has this attribute.

The bearer of the item is resurrected once when killed in combat. The item disappears when the bearer is resurrected.

#guardspiritbonus <value>
Increases the chance of receiving a guardian spirit with +value percent.

#limitedregen <percent>
Like regeneration, but doesn’t work on inanimate beings.

This monster cannot be polymorphed in combat.

This bearer of this item will be blessed automatically if it is sacred. Like the Flask of Holy Water magic item.

13.3 Movement & Combat

#mapspeed <value>
Increase the map movement value for the item’s bearer.

The item grants water breathing to its bearer.

The item grants its bearer the ability to float.

The item grants its bearer the ability to fly.

The bearer of the can fly during a storm.

The bearer of the item is able to move further on the battlefield (double combat speed).

#sneakunit <value>
The item will grant stealth to non-stealthy units.

#stealthboost <value>
The item will grant a stealth bonus to already stealthy units.

#swift <percent>
Grants extra combat speed to the wielder.

13.4 Restrictions

The item can only be used by a being with eyes.

#restricted <nation nbr> | “nation name”
The item is restricted to this nation only. Can be used multiple times on one item to enable it for a few nations. A nation nbr of -1 restricts the item to the last manipulated nation, so this command can be used with #newnation.

The item cannot be found after battle.

#restricteditem <value>
This item can only be used by monsters with the proper #userestricteditem ability value.

#nationrebate <nation nbr> | “nation name”
The item is 20% cheaper to forge for this nation. Can be used multiple times on one item to enable it for a few nations. A nation nbr of -1 uses the last manipulated nation, so this command can be used with #newnation.

Dwarven hammers and similar will not grant any rebate when used to create this item.

This item can only be used by mounted or flying units or centaurs.

#minsize <size>
This item can only by a unit of this size or larger.

#maxsize <size>
This item can only by a unit of this size or smaller.

The item can only be forged once, making the item behave like an artifact without being construction level 8.

13.5 Curses & Afflictions

#tainted <chance>
Percent chance of being horror marked each turn.

The item is cursed and cannot be dropped.

The item cannot be used by mounted beings.

The item curses its bearer.

The item cannot be used by coldblooded beings.

The item diseases its bearer.

The item cannot be used by demons.

The item bearer suffers a Chest Wound affliction, which cannot be healed until the item is removed.

The item cannot be used by undead.

The item cannot be used by inanimate beings.

The item cannot be used by immobile beings.

The item bearer becomes Feebleminded. The affliction cannot be healed until the item is removed.

The item bearer becomes Mute. The affliction cannot be healed until the item is removed.

The item can only be used by mounted beings.

The item can only be used by coldblooded beings.

The item bearer suffers a Never Healing Wound, which cannot be healed until the item is removed.

The item can only be used by demons.

The item bearer becomes Crippled. The affliction cannot be healed until the item is removed.

The item can only be used by undead.

The item bearer loses an eye. The affliction cannot be healed until the item is removed.

The item can only be used by inanimate beings.

The item can only be used by immobile beings.

The item grants the recuperation ability.

#yearaging <value>
The wielder of this item will age this many extra years each year.

#noaging <percent>
The wielder of this item has a chance of not aging each year.

#noagingland <percent>
Friendly units in the same province as this item have a chance of not aging each year.

13.6 Miscellaneous

#itemcost1 <bonus>
This command makes the item bonus percent more expensive to forge. Negative values can also be used to make it cheaper. The itemcost1 command only affects the cost of the first magic path.

#itemcost2 <bonus>
This command makes the item bonus percent more expensive to forge. Negative values can also be used to make it cheaper. The itemcost2 command only affects the cost of the second magic path.

#itemdrawsize <value>
The value indicates how many percent larger size the item sprite should be drawn at. A negative value means it will be draw at a smaller size than normal.

This item is given as a reward for winning the championship of the Arena deathmatch.

The bearer of this item will automatically compete in the Arena deathmatch.

13.7 Monster Modding Commands

The following commands are exactly like the monster commands with the same name, so no explanation or parameters are written here.

 UNCATEGORIZED MISC #singlebattle #chaosrec #stonebeing MOVEMENT #noriverpass #unteleportable #giftofwater #nomovepen #farsail #norange STEALTH #seduce #succubus #beckon #falsearmy #foolscouts #scalewalls DAMAGE REDUCTION #slashres #pierceres #bluntres #iceprot #invulnerable #ethereal #airshield #ironvul HEALING & DISEASE #healer #autohealer #autodishealer #autodisgrinder #diseaseres #homesick #uwdamage #regeneration #reinvigoration #woundfend #hpoverflow #hpoverslow #deadhp #doheal #undregen #uwregen SEASONAL POWERS #springpower #summerpower #fallpower #winterpower #yearturn ELEMENTAL & SCALES #chaospower #firepower #coldpower #magicpower #stormpower #darkpower #slothpower #deathpower #dompower COMBAT AURAS #diseasecloud #poisoncloud #poisonskin #poisonarmor #animalawe #awe #curseluckshield #sunawe #haltheretic #fear #fireshield #uwfireshield #banefireshield #acidshield #damagerev #bloodvengeance #slimer #deathcurse #deathdisease #deathfire #deathparalyze #uwheat #mindslime #heat #cold #overcharged #eyeloss OTHER COMBAT ABILITIES #ambidextrous #berserk #blessbers #blessfly #darkvision #trample #trampswallow #digest #aciddigest #incorporate #raiseonkill #raiseshape #unsurr #spiritsight #invisible #polyimmune NON-COMBAT ABILITIES #castledef #siegebonus #patrolbonus #pillagebonus #supplybonus #iceforging #nobadevents #incprovdef #incunrest #leper #popkill #insanify #inquisitor #heretic #elegist #spreaddom #shatteredsoul #taxcollector #gold #addupkeep #xploss #alchemy #mason #incscale #decscale #fortkill #thronekill #farthronekill #localsun #adeptsacr LEADERSHIP #inspirational #beastmaster #taskmaster #undisciplined #formationfighter #bodyguard #standard #command #magiccommand #undcommand #skirmisher #warning MAGIC ABILITIES #douse #researchbonus #slothresearch #inspiringres #divineins #drainimmune #magicimmune #forgebonus #fixforgebonus #crossbreeder #bonusspells #comslave #commaster #deathbanish #kokytosret #infernoret #voidret #allret #spellsinger #fastcast #magicstudy #bringeroffortune #combatcaster RITUAL RANGE BOOST #firerange #airrange #waterrange #earthrange #astralrange #deathrange #naturerange #bloodrange #elementrange #sorceryrange #allrange GEM PRODUCTION #makepearls #tmpfiregems #tmpairgems #tmpwatergems #tmpearthgems #tmpastralgems #tmpdeathgems #tmpnaturegems #carcasscollector MONSTER SUMMONING #domsummon #domsummon2 #domsummon20 #raredomsummon #templetrainer #summon1 #summon2 #summon3 #summon4 #summon5 #makemonsters1 #makemonsters2 #makemonsters3 #makemonsters4 #makemonsters5 #battlesum1 #battlesum2 #battlesum3 #battlesum4 #battlesum5 #batstartsum1 #batstartsum2 #batstartsum3 #batstartsum4 #batstartsum5 #batstartsum1d6 #batstartsum2d6 #batstartsum3d6 #batstartsum4d6 #batstartsum5d6 #ivylord #dragonlord #lamialord #corpselord #onisummon #reanimpriest

#selectnametype <nametype nbr>
Selects the nametype that will be affected by the following modding commands. Nametype nbr is a number between 100 and 200. See Table nametypes. Numbers 127 and 128 as well as numbers 165 – 299 can be used to make your own name tables without altering existing ones.

Always use this command at the end of modifying a nametype.

#addname “name”
Adds a name to the selected nametype.

Removes all names from the selected nametype.

These commands can be used to create new mercenaries for Dominions 5.

Creates a new mercenary band. Always end modifying it with an #end command.

This command must be used to end modding a mercenary band,

Removes all mercenary bands.

#name “<name>”
Name of the mercenary band.

#level <0-2>
Level 0 bands appear early in the game. Level 1 bands appear later and level 2 last of all.

#bossname “<name>”
Name of the band’s leader.

#com “<monster name>”
What type of monster the commander is.

#unit “<monster name>”
What type of monster the mercenaries are.

#nrunits <value>
Number of troops in the band.

#minmen <value>
Once the number of troops fall below this, recruitment of new troops will start.

#minpay <gold>
The minimum amount of gold the band can be hired for.

#xp <value>
Starting experience for the troops. The commander has twice this amount.

#randequip <0-3>
How powerful magic equipment the commander will have. 0=none, 3=extremely powerful stuff.

#recrate <value>
The rate at which new troops are bought. A value of 100 means one per month.

#item “<item name>”
A specific magic item for the commander. A maximum four items per band can be assigned.

#eramask <value>
The era mask determines which eras the band can appear in. See table “Era masks”. The default value is All eras.

Era masks
1Early era
2Middle era
3Early + middle
4Late era
5Early + late
6Middle + late
7All eras

This section contains the commands for modding magic sites. Note that a magic site may only have 15 different attributes assigned to it at the same time. For example, eight different types of gems and seven other attributes would use up all of the attribute slots.

16.1 Basic Site Modding

#selectsite “<site name>” | <site nbr>
Selects the magic site that will be affected by the following modding commands. End modding this site with the #end command.

#newsite [<site nbr>]
Site nbr (optional) should be a number between 1500 and 1999. It must not be the same as any other site. This new site will be affected by the following modding commands and there should be an #end command at the end.

It is recommended not to use a site number for sites with a unique name, because this will lessen the risk of conflicts between mods.

Always use this command at the end of modifying a site.

#name “<name>”
This must be the first command for every new site. It sets the name of the site.

Clears the attributes of the selected magic site.

#path <path nbr>

#loc <locmask>
This command can restrict the random placement of a site to certain terrains or flag the site as unique.

Useful numbers are 735 for a site that can be located in any land province (default) and 288 for sites that can be located in any sea. Locmask 1023 means a site can appear in any province, land or sea. You can calculate your own locmask by adding all the places your site is allowed to appear in on Table 27.

The value Unique is special and indicates that there can only be one of that site in a given world unless also scripted in a map file.

Magic site locmasks
256Deep sea

#gems <path> <amount>
Gives gem income to the magic site. Path should be a number between 0 and 7. See table magic paths numbers.

#gold <amount>
Adds a gold income to the site.

#res <amount>
Adds a resource bonus to the site.

#level <level>
Level should be a number between 0 and 4 and is the level of magic required to find the site. Level 0 sites are automatically discovered.

#rarity <rarity>
Rarity should be 0 for common, 1 for uncommon, 2 for rare and 5 for sites that are never used as a random site. Rarity 11-13 means a Throne of Ascension of level 1-3.

#decunrest <value>
The site decreases unrest in the province. The value can be negative in order to increase unrest.

#supply <value>
The magic site provides <value> supplies to the province where it is located.

16.2 Monsters

#homemon “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds a monster that can be recruited by the original owner of this site only.

#homecom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds a monster that can be recruited as commander by the original owner of this site only.

#mon “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds a monster that can be recruited by the owner of this site.

#com “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds a monster that can be recruited as commander by the owner of this site.

#nat <nation nbr>
Sets the nation for the following two commands.

#natmon “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds a monster that can be recruited if the site is owned by the nation set by the #nat command.

#natcom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds a monster that can be recruited as commander if the site is owned by the nation set by the #nat command.

#summon “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
A mage of the same magic path as the site may enter to summon the specified monster. To summon more than one monster of the same type, the command must be used multiple times.

#summonlvl2 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Like #summon, except that the mage summoning must be at least level 2.

#summonlvl3 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Like #summon, except that the mage summoning must be at least level 3.

#summonlvl4 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Like #summon, except that the mage summoning must be at least level 4.

#voidgate <success chance>
A mage with the same path as the site may enter to summon Void creatures. Void Summoning skill increases the success chance. A mage who does not have the Voidsanity attribute may become insane or feebleminded.

#wallcom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds to castle defenders. Works just like the nation modding command with the same name.

#wallunit “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds to castle defenders. Works just like the nation modding command with the same name.

#wallmult <multiplier>
Adds to castle defenders. Works just like the nation modding command with the same name.

#uwwallunit “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds to castle defenders. Works just like the nation modding command with the same name.

#uwwallmult <multiplier>
Adds to castle defenders. Works just like the nation modding command with the same name.

#uwwallcom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds to castle defenders. Works just like the nation modding command with the same name.

16.3 Scale Effects

These commands cause the magic site to alter the scales in the province. The effect of the site is active even if it has not been discovered yet.

Scale numbers

#incscale <scale>
Increases the selected scale by one point per turn to a maximum of -3 / 3. This command functions as #decscale for the opposite scales.

#decscale <scale>
Decreases the selected scale by one point per turn to a maximum of -3 / 3. This command functions as #incscale for the opposite scales.

16.4 Magic Rituals & Scrying

These commands govern the casting cost of rituals when the site is discovered. A ritual cast at a discount has all the normal effects for fewer gems. These commands boost the range of rituals of the appropriate magic path, regardless of which magic school the ritual belongs to. For global enchantments cast at a discount, the gems between its normal cost and discounted cost count toward making dispelling the global enchantment more difficult.

#conjcost <bonus>
All rituals of the Conjuration school cast in this province cost <bonus> % less to cast.

#altcost <bonus>
All rituals of the Alteration school cast in this province cost <bonus> % less to cast.

#evocost <bonus>
All rituals of the Evocation school cast in this province cost <bonus> % less to cast.

#constcost <bonus>
All rituals of the Construction school cast in this province cost <bonus> % less to cast.

#enchcost <bonus>
All rituals of the Enchantment school cast in this province cost <bonus> % less to cast.

#thaucost <bonus>
All rituals of the Thaumaturgy school cast in this province cost <bonus> % less to cast.

#bloodcost <bonus>
All rituals of the Blood Magic school cast in this province cost <bonus> % less to cast.

#scry <duration>
A mage with the same path as the site may enter to scry a distant province. The scrying is a magic ritual which provides accurate scouting information on the province for <duration> turns and reveals the icons for revealed magic sites. Site names or other properties are not shown.

#scryrange <range>
Set the maximum range of the scry ability. If not set a maximum range of 6 provinces will be used.

16.5 Ritual Range Boost

#firerange <range boost>
All Fire rituals cast in this province have their range increased by <range boost> provinces.

#airrange <range boost>
All Air rituals cast in this province have their range increased by <range boost> provinces.

#waterrange <range boost>
All Water rituals cast in this province have their range increased by <range boost> provinces.

#earthrange <range boost>
All Earth rituals cast in this province have their range increased by <range boost> provinces.

#astralrange <range boost>
All Astral rituals cast in this province have their range increased by <range boost> provinces.

#deathrange <range boost>
All Death rituals cast in this province have their range increased by <range boost> provinces.

#naturerange <range boost>
All Nature rituals cast in this province have their range increased by <range boost> provinces.

#bloodrange <range boost>
All Blood rituals cast in this province have their range increased by <range boost> provinces.

#elementrange <range boost>
All Elemental magic (Fire, Air, Water, Earth) rituals cast in this province have their range increased by <range boost> provinces.

#sorceryrange <range boost>
All Sorcery magic (Astral, Death, Nature, Blood) rituals cast in this province have their range increased by <range boost> provinces.

#allrange <range boost>
All magic rituals cast in this province have their range increased by <range boost> provinces.

16.6 Special Effects

#heal <chance>
The site causes a healing check to be performed at the indicated percent chance on every unit in the province, like a healing unit set to Heal Troops. If the healing check is successful, a check against the healing difficulty of any affliction the unit has is performed. If the difficulty check is successful, up to one affliction is removed.

#curse <chance>
Every turn any unit in the province has the indicated chance (percent) to become cursed.

#cluster <value>
Assigns a cluster value to a throne. A throne is likely to appear together with other thrones of same cluster value when a map is created. For example, the Throne of Spring and the Throne of Autumn have the same cluster value and if one of them appears on the map, the other is also very likely to appear. Cluster value can be a number from 1 to 32000.

#disease <chance>
Every turn any unit in the province has the indicated chance (percent) to become diseased.

#horrormark <chance>
Every turn any unit in the province has the indicated chance (percent) to be horror marked.

#holyfire <chance>
Every turn any undead or demonic troops in the province have the indicated chance (percent) to be struck by holy fire, which deals 10 points of armor-negating damage if they fail a MR check against an attack value of 12.

#holypower <chance>
Every turn any undead troops in the province have the indicated chance (percent) to be struck by holy power, which deals 10 points of armor- negating damage if they fail a MR check against an attack value of 12.

#xp <value>
A commander may enter the site to gain <value> experience points per turn for himself and all troops under his command.

#adventureruin <success chance>
A commander who enters the ruin has a chance to discover gold, gems, magic items or other rewards. Those who fail may fall victim to lethal traps or bloodthirsty monsters.

Constructs a lab in the province when the site is discovered. If a lab is already present, there is no effect.

Constructs a temple in the province when the site is discovered. If a temple is already present, there is no effect.

#fort <fort nbr>
Constructs a fort in the province when the site is discovered. If a fort is already present, there is no effect. If a fort is under construction, the construction is canceled and the fort discovered by the site is constructed immediately instead. See table forts for a list of forts.

16.7 Throne Effects

The following commands are specifically intended for use as Throne of Ascension effects. Any magic site command can be used in the same manner.

The effects of magic site commands that appear after this command are not active until the throne is claimed by a god, a disciple, a prophet or a priest with Holy level 3 or higher.

#dominion <temple checks per month>
The site will spread the god’s dominion by automatically initiating a number of temple checks per month.

#goddomchaos <value>
Increases the Turmoil or chaos scale of the god’s dominion. Use a negative value to increase Order.

#goddomlazy <value>
Increases the Sloth scale of the god’s dominion. Use a negative value to increase Production.

#goddomcold <value>
Increases the Cold scale of the god’s dominion. Use a negative value to increase Heat.

#goddomdeath <value>
Increases the Death scale of the god’s dominion. Use a negative value to increase Growth.

#goddommisfortune <value>
Increases the Misfortune scale of the god’s dominion. Use negative value to increase Luck.

#goddomdrain <value>
Increases the Drain scale of the god’s dominion. Use a negative value to increase Magic.

#blesshp <value>
Blessed troops get increased Hit Points.

#blessanimawe <value>
Blessed troops get Animal Awe. An existing Animal Awe ability is augmented.

#blessmr <value>
Blessed troops get increased Magic Resistance.

#blessawe <value>
Blessed troops get Awe. An existing Awe ability is augmented.

#blessmor <value>
Blessed troops get increased Morale.

#blessstr <value>
Blessed troops get increased Strength.

#blessdarkvis <value>
Blessed troops get Darkvision. An existing Darkvision ability is augmented.

#blessatt <value>
Blessed troops get increased Attack skill.

The throne is evil and is likely to be defended by evil monsters.

#blessdef <value>
Blessed troops get increased Defense skill.

#blessprec <value>
Blessed troops get increased Precision skill.

#blessfireres <value>
Blessed troops get increased Fire Resistance.

#blesscoldres <value>
Blessed troops get increased Cold Resistance.

#blessshockres <value>
Blessed troops get increased Shock Resistance.

#blesspoisres <value>
Blessed troops get increased Poison Resistance.

#blessairshld <value>
Blessed troops get Air Shield like from an Air bless. An existing Air bless is augmented.

#blessreinvig <value>
Blessed troops get increased Reinvigoration, like from a bless with the same name. An existing reinvigoration bless is augmented.

#blessdtv <value>
Blessed troops get undying, like the undying bless effect. An existing undying bless is augmented.

The throne is wild and is likely to be defended by wild monsters.

#recallgod <value>
This value is added to the priest level of everyone doing Call God.

#domwar <value>
Dominion conflict bonus.

These commands are the basic ones required for creating a new nation or selecting an existing nation for modification.

17.1 Name, Era & General

#indepflag “<imgfile>”
Replace the flag of independents with an image. The image must be 128 pixels wide and 128 pixels high. The flag should be positioned at the bottom of this image. This command is special in that it should be used when no nation is selected, i.e.before #selectnation or #newnation.

#selectnation <nation nbr>

Selects the nation that will be affected by the following modding commands. End modding this nation with the #end command. Nation number is a number between 5 and 249. See the three tables below for currently used numbers. You can use number 120 to 249 in order to create new nations without overwriting an existing one. Numbers 0 – 4 are used for various independents and temporary monsters in the game and cannot be used for modding.

Nation numbers, Early Era
5ArcoscephaleGolden Era
6ErmorNew Faith
7UlmEnigma of Steel
8MarverniTime of Druids
9SauromatiaAmazon Queens
10T’ien Ch’iSpring and Autumn
11MachakaLion Kings
12MictlanReign of Blood
13AbysiaChildren of Flame
14CaelumEagle Kings
15C’tisLizard Kings
16PangaeaAge of Revelry
17AgarthaPale Ones
18Tir na n’OgLand of the Ever Young
19FomoriaThe Cursed Ones
20VanheimAge of Vanir
21HelheimDusk and Death
22NiefelheimSons of Winter
24RusSons of Heaven
25KailasaRise of the Ape Kings
26LankaLand of Demons
27YomiOni Kings
28HinnomSons of the Fallen
29UrThe First City
30BerytosPhoenix Empire
31XibalbaVigil of the Sun
32MekoneBrazen Giants
33UbarKingdom of the Unseen
36AtlantisEmergence of the Deep Ones
37R’lyehTime of Aboleths
38PelagiaPearl Kings
39OceaniaComing of the Capricorns
40TherodosTelkhine Spectre
Nation numbers, Middle Era
43ArcoscephaleThe Old Kingdom
44ErmorAshen Empire
45SceleriaReformed Empire
46PythiumEmerald Empire
47ManTower of Avalon
48EriuLast of the Tuatha
49UlmForges of Ulm
50MarignonFiery Justice
51MictlanReign of the Lawgiver
52T’ien Ch’iImperial Bureaucracy
53MachakaReign of Sorcerors
54AgarthaGolem Cult
55AbysiaBlood and Fire
56CaelumReign of the Seraphim
58PangaeaAge of Bronze
59AsphodelCarrion Woods
60VanheimArrival of Man
61JotunheimIron Woods
62VanarusLand of the Chuds
63Bandar LogLand of the Apes
64ShinuyamaLand of the Bakemono
65AshdodReign of the Anakim
66UrukCity States
67NazcaKingdom of the Sun
68XibalbaFlooded Caves
69PhlegraDeformed Giants
70PhaeaciaIsle of the Dark Ships
71Ind Magnificent Kingdom of Exalted Virtue
72Na’BaQueens of the Desert
73AtlantisKings of the Deep
74R’lyehFallen Star
75PelagiaTriton Kings
77YsMorgen Queens
Nation numbers, Late Era
80ArcoscephaleSibylline Guidance
81PythiumSerpent Cult
82LemuriaSoul Gate
83ManTowers of Chelms
84UlmBlack Forest
85MarignonConquerors of the Sea
86MictlanBlood and Rain
87T’ien Ch’iBarbarian Kings
89JomonHuman Daimyos
90AgarthaKtonian Dead
91AbysiaBlood of Humans
92CaelumReturn of the Raptors
93C’tisDesert Tombs
94PangaeaNew Era
95MidgårdAge of Men
96UtgårdWell of Urd
97BogarusAge of Heroes
98PatalaReign of the Nagas
99GathLast of the Giants
100RaghaDual Kingdom
101XibalbaReturn of the Zotz
102PhlegraSleeping Giants
106AtlantisFrozen Sea
108ErytheiaKingdom of Two Worlds

Always use this command at the end of modifying a nation.

This command can be used to add a new nation instead of #selectnation. The command automatically uses the first free nation number of 120 or higher that is available.

#name “<nation name>”
Sets the name of the nation. Even though the name of a nation is changed, the file names for the 2h and trn files will be the same as the old nation’s. If the name is changed, then this must be the first command when modifying the nation.

Clears away all special settings for the nation, like ideal cold, reanimating priests, underwater nation, starting sites, heroes, pretender god list, local defense, fort type, etc. The list of recruitable units and commanders is not cleared with this command.

#epithet “<nation name>”
Sets the epithet of a nation, e.g.Enigma of Steel for Early Era Ulm.

#era <era nbr>
Which era should this nation appear in. 1 = early, 2 = mid, 3 = late or 0 to disable the nation. Two nations with the same name cannot be in the same era. If you change this it must be set right after #name and #epithet.

#descr “<nation name>”
A full description of the nation.

#summary “<nation name>”
A summary of the benefits and dominion themes of the nation.

#brief “<nation name>”
A very brief description for popups.

#color <red> <green> <blue>
Each of the three colors is a number between 0.0 and 1.0. This color is used for the score graphs.

#secondarycolor <red> <green> <blue>
The animated background is made up of two colors, the primary color (from #color) and this one. If the secondary color is not set, it will be the same as the primary.

#flag “<imgfile>”
Replace the flag with an image. The image must be 128 pixels wide and 128 pixels high. The flag should be positioned at the bottom of this image and should usually be smaller than the entire image. A standard flag only covers about 75 percent of the height.

Disables all old nations (up to number 119)

17.2 Sites, Terrain, Temperature

These commands set a nation’s starting sites and its terrain and temperature preferences.

Clears all start sites for this nation.

#startsite “<site name>”
Adds a start site for this nation. Table “Some magic sites” shows some suitable start sites. This command can be used up to 4 times for multiple start sites. Assignment by site number is not possible.

Some magic sites
Tar Pits1 fire gem
The Sun Below4 fire gems
Thunder Oak1 air gem
Palace of Dreams4 air gems
Weeping Stone1 water gem
Mercury Pond2 water gems
Frozen Fountain3 water gems
Mineral Cave1 earth gem
The Deepest Mine4 earth gems
Painted Cave1 astral pearl
Library of Time4 astral pearls
Burial Mound1 death gem
Well of Darkness3 death gems
Wild Forest1 nature gem
Ancient Forest2 nature gems
The Previous Forest4 nature gems

#islandsite “<site name>”
Like #startsite, but the nation will only get the site if it starts on an island.

#likesterr <terrain mask>
Makes the nation more likely to start in one of the terrains in the terrain mask.

#idealcold <cold>
Sets the preferred level of cold for the nation. This ranges from -3 (very hot) to 3 (very cold).

#defchaos <-3 - 3>
Sets the default value of the chaos scale for this nation.

#defsloth <-3 - 3>
Sets the default value of the sloth scale for this nation.

#defdeath <-3 - 3>
Sets the default value of the death scale for this nation.

#defmisfortune <-3 - 3>
Sets the default value of the misfortune scale for this nation.

#defdrain <-3 - 3>
Sets the default value of the drain scale for this nation.

Underwater nation. The nation’s capital is in a sea province.

The nation’s capital is in a coastal land province.

This nation doesn’t mind starting surrounded by rivers. C’tis has this ability.

#cavenation <0-2>
Sets the nation’s preference for starting in cave provinces.

0 = never start in caves1 = can start in caves2 = always start in a cave

The nation prefers to start on an island if possible, or a coast if no suitable island could be found.

#hatesterr <terrain mask>
Makes the nation less likely to start in one of the terrains in the terrain mask.

#killcappop <percent>
Kills a percentage of the capital’s population when the game starts. Value can be negative to increase population instead.

17.3 AI Hints

These mod commands are instructions to the Dominions 5 artificial intelligence on certain aspects of managing the nation. They have no effect in a game where the nation is controlled by a human player.

When playing this nation, the AI will never leave the home province with the pretender.

#aiawake <percent>
When playing this nation, the AI will have this much extra chance of choosing an awake pretender.

Hint to AI that Fire magic is used a lot in this nation and that a fire god is probably good.

Hint to AI that Air magic is used a lot in this nation and that an air god is probably good.

Hint to AI that Water magic is used a lot in this nation and that a water god is probably good.

Hint to AI that Earth magic is used a lot in this nation and that a earth god is probably good.

Hint to AI that Nature magic is used a lot in this nation and that a nature god is probably good.

Hint to AI that Astral magic is used a lot in this nation and that an astral god is probably good.

Hint to AI that Death magic is used a lot in this nation and that a death god is probably good.

Hint to AI that Blood magic is used a lot in this nation and that a blood god is probably good.

Makes the AI more likely to research blood magic and hunt for blood slaves. Mictlan has this hint.

#aigoodbless <0-100>
Use to increase the chance of creating a powerful bless. 100=only do gods with a powerful bless effects for this nation.

#aimusthavemag <magic path number>
Makes AI pretender have at least 3 in this magic school. Only one of these possible per nation.

Informs the AI that this nation has cheap expendable sacred units. So a Charge Body bless effect or something similar could be appropriate. Marignon and Mictlan has this hint.

Informs the AI that this nation has sacred ranged units. So a Wind Guide bless or something similar could be appropriate.

#aiheavyrec <0-99>
Will make the AI more likely to recruit troops that cost 15 or more resources. The number is the chance for the AI reconsider a non-heavy troop recruitment.

#aimagerec <0-99>
Will make the AI more likely to recruit mage commanders than other commanders. The number is the chance for the AI reconsider a non-mage commander recruitment.

17.4 Unit Lists & Recruitment

These commands are used to assign a nation’s units, commanders and heroes. Units recruited from national start sites are not set with these commands.

Clears the list of recruitable units and commanders (but not gods) for this nation.

#startcom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The nation will start with this commander. This command also removes all old start troops and must be used when changing start units.

#coastcom1…2 ”<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Add a unit to the list of recruitable commanders for this nation in coastal forts only.

#addforeignunit “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
This unit can only be recruited in provinces with no fort.

#addforeigncom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
This commander can only be recruited in provinces with no fort.

#[terrain]rec “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
This unit can be recruited in [terrain] provinces with or without fort. See the box below for all command names.

 forestrec mountainrec swamprec wasterec caverec coastrec

#startscout “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The nation will start with this unit as an extra commander.

#[terrain]com “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
This commander can be recruited in [terrain] provinces with or without fort. See the box below for all command names.

 forestcom mountaincom swampcom wastecom cavecom coastcom

#startunittype1 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The commander will have units of this type.

#startunitnbrs1 <nbr of units>
The number of start units. Default is 20 units.

#startunittype2 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
The commander will have a second squad with these units.

#startunitnbrs2 <nbr of units>
The number of start units in the second squad. Default is 20 units.

#addrecunit “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Add a unit to the list of recruits for this nation.

#addreccom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Add a unit to the list of recruitable commanders for this nation.

#uwrec “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Add a unit to the list of recruitable units in underwater forts for this land-based nation. This command can be repeated multiple time for many different units.

#uwcom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Add a unit to the list of recruitable commanders in underwater forts for this land-based nation. This command can be repeated multiple time for many different commanders.

#coastunit1…3 ”<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Add a unit to the list of recruitable units for this nation in coastal forts only.

#landrec ”<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Add a unit to the list of recruitable units for this nation in overwater forts. Only use this command for underwater nations.

#landcom ”<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Add a unit to the list of recruitable commanders for this nation in overwater forts. Only use this command for underwater nations.

#merccost <percent>
Mercenaries are this much more expensive. Can be negative.

#hero1…10 <monster nbr>
Gives a hero to the modded nation. A nation can have up to ten different heroes. Use monster nbr -1 to remove a hero.

#multihero1…7 <monster nbr>
Gives a multihero to the modded nation. Use e.g.#multihero1 to set the first of seven possible multiheroes. A multihero is a hero that never runs out, i.e.there is an infinite supply of that type of hero.

Nation cannot recruit independent units.

17.5 Province Defense

These commands set the nation’s province defense (PD).

#defcom1 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Commander for local defense. This command also removes all old defense settings and must be used when changing the defense composition.

#defcom2 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Extra commander for fortified provinces with a province defense equal to or greater than 20.

#defunit1 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Standard unit for local defense in provinces with forts. Without forts, they appear at PD 20+.

#defunit1b “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Second type of standard unit for local defense. They appear like defunit1.

#defunit1c “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Third type of standard unit for local defense. They appear like defunit1. Usually there is no third type and this command isn’t used.

#defunit1d “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Fourth type of standard unit for local defense. They appear like defunit1. Usually there is no fourth type and this command isn’t used.

#defunit2 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Bonus units for local defense equal to or greater than 20 in provinces with forts only.

#defunit2b “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Second type of bonus units for local defense equal to or greater than 20 in provinces with forts.

#defmult1 <multiplier>
Number of units per 10 points of defense. E.g. #defmult1 20 will yield 2 units per point of defense, which is also the default.

#defmult1b <multiplier>
Number of units per 10 points of defense for the second unit type. The default value is 10.

#defmult1c <multiplier>
Number of units per 10 points of defense for the third unit type. The default value is 10.

#defmult1d <multiplier>
Number of units per 10 points of defense for the fourth unit type. The default value is 10.

#defmult2 <multiplier>
Number of bonus units per 10 points of defense equal to or greater than 20.

#defmult2b <multiplier>
Number of units per 10 points of defense equal to or greater than 20 for the second bonus unit type. The default value is 10.

#wallcom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Commander that is in charge of the wall defenders. There can be multiple of these commands.

#wallunit “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Unit type the will man the walls when the castle is stormed. There can be multiple of these commands, each one should be followed by a #wallmult command.

#wallmult <multiplier>
Modifier for the number of units from the previous #wallunit command. 10 is the standard amount.

#badindpd <0 or 1>
This nation will not have national PD troops in any forted province except the home province.

17.6 Underwater Province Defense

The following commands works just like their land counterparts, but they set the province defence used in underwater provinces only. Use this for all underwater nations, a few land nations that also thrive underwater (like Jomon) also use this feature.


#uwwallunit “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Sets wall defenders for underwater forts. Works just like the overwater counterpart.

#uwwallmult <multiplier>
Modifier for the number of units from the previous #uwwallunit command. Works just like the overwater counterpart.

#uwwallcom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Sets wall commander for underwater forts. Works just like the overwater counterpart.

17.7 Gods

These commands set the gods for a nation.

Clears the list of pretender gods for this nation. The #clearnation command also does this. This command does not clear homerealm, but #clearnation does. Homerealm gods must be removed with the #delgod command.

#addgod “<monster name>” | <nbr>
Adds this monster as a god to the nation’s list of valid gods. The monster must have the #startdom and #pathcost commands set. If the monster does not have a defined homerealm, this command is the only way to add it as a god.

#homerealm <realm nbr>
Any gods that belong to this realm (through the use of the #homerealm monster modding command) are automatically included in the nation’s default list of pretenders and need not be separately added to the list with the #addgod command. See Table “Home realms”. Unlike the homerealm of a pretender god, the homerealm of a nation cannot be cleared.

Home realms
4Far East
5Middle East
6Middle America

This nation cannot choose any pretender that is undead. Marignon has this feature.

#delgod “<monster>” | <monster nbr>
Deletes a god that is otherwise gained through homerealm use.

#likespop <poptype>
The nation gets cheaper PD from this poptype. Can be used multiple times for different poptypes.

The nation’s god does not lose any magic path levels when recalled from the dead by priests.

#cheapgod20 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Nation can choose this god for 20 design points less.

#uwbuild <0 or 1>
Determines the ability of a land nation to build forts underwater. A value of 1 means yes.

#cheapgod40 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Nation can choose this god for 40 design points less.

#fireblessbonus <0 - 9>
Gods of this nation will get extra bless design points of this type.

#airblessbonus <0 - 9>
Gods of this nation will get extra bless design points of this type.

#waterblessbonus <0 - 9>
Gods of this nation will get extra bless design points of this type.

#earthblessbonus <0 - 9>
Gods of this nation will get extra bless design points of this type.

#astralblessbonus <0 - 9>
Gods of this nation will get extra bless design points of this type.

#deathblessbonus <0 - 9>
Gods of this nation will get extra bless design points of this type.

#natureblessbonus <0 - 9>
Gods of this nation will get extra bless design points of this type.

#bloodblessbonus <0 - 9>
Gods of this nation will get extra bless design points of this type.

#minprison <0 - 2>
Gods of this nation must be imprisoned to at least this level. 0=no limit, 1=dormant, 2=imprisoned.

#maxprison <0 - 2>
Gods of this nation must not be imprisoned to more than this level. 0=awake, 1=dormant, 2=no limit.

17.8 Forts & Buildings

#fortera <0-4>
Determines what kind of forts the nation can build.

0 = palisades only1 = standard forts for early era2 = standard forts for middle era3 = standard forts for late era4 = better than standard forts for late era

#fortcost <extra cost>
Extra cost is the additional amount of gold the nation must pay for its forts, expressed as a percentage of the normal cost for building a fort. The default value is 0.

#labcost <price>
Gold cost for building a lab. The default is 500.

#templecost <price>
Gold cost for building a temple. Default is 400.

#forestlabcost <price>
Gold cost for building a lab in a forest. Default is 500.

#foresttemplecost <price>
Gold cost for building a temple in a forest. Default is 400.

#templepic <pic nbr>
Temple should look like this. See table below for some pic number values.

Temple pictures
NbrTemple look
0Temple pyramid
3Irish monastery
4Mountain castle
7Southeast Indian
8Temple ruins
13Eye of the void
15Far East 1
16South Indian
18Far East 2
30Forest gate
31Cave temple
32Opulent hall

#templegems <type>
The nation’s temples give gems, up to a maximum of current dominion strength. Gem type is a value from 0 to 7, same value as magic paths (0=fire, 7=blood).

#homefort <fort nbr>
The nation will start with this fort in its home province. This command does not affect what type of forts the nation can build. The command is only necessary if the home fort should deviate from the standard one for their fortera. See the table below for a list of forts.

Fort numbers
Fort nbrFort name
2Fortress (standard era 1)
3Castle (standard era 2)
4Citadel (standard era 3)
5Rock Walls
6Fortress (underwater era 1)
7Castle (underwater era 2-3)
8Castle of Bronze and Crystal
9Fort of Kelp and Coral
10Bramble Fort
11City Palisades
12Walled City
13Fortified City
14Great Walled City
15Giant Palisades
16Giant Fortress
17Giant Castle
18Giant Citadel
19Grand Citadel
20Ice Walls
21Ice Fortress
22Ice Castle
23Ice Citadel
24Wizard’s Tower
25Citadel of Power
26Half Melted Fort
27Fortified village
28Wooden Fort
29Crystal Citadel
30Kelp Fort

#buildfort <fort nbr>
The nation will build this type of fort instead of the default one for their fortera.

#builduwfort <fort nbr>
The nation will build this type of underwater fort instead of the default one for their fortera.

#buildcoastfort <fort nbr>
The nation will build this type of fort in coastal provinces instead of the default one for their fortera.

#fortunrest <value>
Unrest will increase by 1-value (open ended die roll) in all forts each month.

17.9 Dominion

These commands are set the special attributes of the nation and its Dominion.

A death scale does not adversely affect supplies. Abysia has this ability.

The nation will only be half as affected by the death/growth scale regarding gold income. Abysia has this ability.

The nation will only be half as affected by the death/growth scale regarding population growth. Abysia has this ability.

Number of unburied corpses will be known where this dominion has influence.

#nationinc <percent>
The nation will receive this much extra gold each month. The percentage value can be negative to make a nation that earn less gold.

#castleprod <resource boost in percent>
Resource bonus for forts. Middle Era Ulm has 25 in this, meaning they get 25% more resources in their fortified provinces than another nation with the same fort. Default is 0.

#tradecoast <income boost in percent>
Income bonus for coastal forts. The nation gains more gold from coastal provinces than another nation with the same fort. Berytos has this ability. The default value is 0.

#golemhp <percent>
Inanimate beings in gain a percentage boost to their hit points for each dominion candle (Golem Cult dominion like Agartha).

#spreadcold <value>
The nation’s dominion spreads Cold outside its borders like Niefelheim.

#spreadheat <value>
The nation’s dominion spreads Heat outside its borders like Abysia.

#spreadchaos <value>
The nation’s dominion spreads Turmoil outside its borders.

#spreadlazy <value>
The nation’s dominion spreads Sloth outside its borders.

#spreaddeath <value>
The nation’s dominion spreads Death outside its borders.

NOTE: The value for all scale spread commands can be from 1-3 and indicates the maximum scale value it can raise nearby provinces to as well as the speed with which it spreads.

Priests of this nation cannot preach. Mictlan has this disadvantage.

Dominion is dying and needs blood sacrifice. Temples have no effect here, except if blood sacrifices are performed there or if a priest preaches there. Mictlan has a dominion like this combined with #nopreach and #sacrificedom.

Priests of this nation can make blood sacrifices to increase dominion. Mictlan has this benefit.

#recallgod <value>
The nation is better at Call God than other nations. This value is added to the priest level of all priests when they perform Call God.

#domkill <value>
The nation’s Dominion kills population like Ashen Empire Ermor. Value of 10 = 1% * Dominion killed every month.

#domunrest <value>
The nation’s Dominion causes unrest. Unrest increase is equal to value * 0.1 * dominion per month. Value can be negative for unrest reducing Dominions.

The nation’s Dominion automatically spawns undead like Ashen Empire Ermor.

#guardspirit “<monster name>” | <nbr>
Priests of this nation have a chance of receiving a guardian angel when in battle. Nbr can be negative for montags.

#syncretism <0 or 1>
Syncretism enable all priests to convert conquered temples instead of demolishing them.

#domwar <value>
Dominion conflict bonus.

The nation’s Dominion enables all units to sail like the dark vessels ability of Phaeacia.

17.10 Undead Reanimation

These commands give the nation’s priests the ability to reanimate various types of undead. Note that #autoundead is not a reanimation command, since it is dependent on Dominion, not priest levels or actions by priest commanders. By default priests will not be able to do any reanimation unless they also have the #reanimpriest attribute.

All priests of this nation are able to reanimate the dead as if the had the #reanimpriest attribute. They also gain the 15 points of undead leadership per holy magic level they would have received from that attribute.

All undead priests of this nation are able to reanimate the dead as if the had the #reanimpriest attribute.

Reanimating priests with holy magic of level 3 or higher can reanimate longdead horsem*n. Sceleria and Ashen Empire Ermor have this attribute.

Reanimating priests with holy magic of level 4 or higher can reanimate undead Lictors. Ashen Empire Ermor has this attribute.

Reanimating priests can reanimate soulless of C’tis, longdead of C’tis, tomb wyrms and other special C’tissian undead. Desert Tombs C’tis has this attribute.

Reanimating priest of this nation will create carrion beasts like Asphodel.

Reanimating priest of this nation will create supayas like Nazca.

Reanimating priest of this nation will create greek ghosts like Therodos.

Reanimating priest of this nation will create ghosts like Lemuria.

NOTE: Caelian, Atlantian, Jotun, Rephaite and monkey undead are hard coded for their respective nations and their reanimation cannot be unlocked for modding using reanimation commands.

National Reanimation Lists
Use the various monster summoning commands such as #makemonsters1…5 with a #montag value to create custom reanimation lists for those priests that need it.

Use these commands to mod poptypes.

#selectpoptype <poptype>
A poptype must be selected before using any other poptype commands. See table below for poptype numbers.

26Horse Tribe
27Militia, Archers, Hvy Inf
28Militia, Archers, Hvy Inf
29Militia, Archers, Hvy Inf
30Militia, Longbow, Knight
32Lt Inf, Hvy Inf, X-Bow
33Lt Inf, Hvy Inf, X-Bow
39Militia, Archers, Lt Inf
40Amazon, Crystal
41Amazon, Garnet
42Amazon, Jade
43Amazon, Onyx
45Tritons, Shark Knights
46Amber Clan Tritons
47X-Bow, Hvy Cavalry
48Militia, Lt Inf, Hvy Inf
49Militia, Lt Inf, Hvy Inf
50Militia, Lt Inf, Hvy Inf
51Militia, Lt Cav, Hvy Cav
52Militia, Lt Cav, Hvy Cav
53Militia, Lt Cav, Hvy Cav
54Hvy Inf, Hvy Cavalry
55Hvy Inf, Hvy Cavalry
56Hvy Inf, Hvy Cavalry
58Lt Inf, Hvy Inf, X-Bow
59Militia, Lt Inf, Archers
60Militia, Lt Inf, Archers
61Vaettir, Trolls
62Tribals, Deer
67Vaettir, Dwarven Smith
68Slingers, Hvy Inf, Elephants
70Vaettir, Svartalf
73Tritons, Triton Knights
74Lt Inf, Lt Cav, Cataphracts
75Hoburg, LA
76Hoburg, EA
77Atavi Apes
78Tribals, Wolf
79Tribals, Bear
80Tribals, Lion
81Pale Ones
82Tribals, Jaguar
83Tribals, Toad
89Fir Bolg
90Turtle Tribe Tritons
91Shark Tribe Tritons
92Shark Tribe, Shark Riders
95Ichtyids with Shaman
96Bone Tribe
99Bronze Hoplites
100Bronze Hvy Inf
101Bronze Hvy Cav, Hvy Inf
102Bronze Hvy Spear

End modding each poptype with this command.

Clears the recruitment list of all units and commanders.

Clears province defence units from the poptype.

#addrecunit “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds a unit to the recruitment list.

#addreccom “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Adds a commander to the recruitment list.

#defcom1 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Sets the secondary commander for this poptype’s PD when PD is 20 or higher.

#defunit1 “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Sets the first type of unit in the poptype PD.

#defunit1b “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Sets the second type of unit in the poptype PD.

#defunit1c “<monster name>” | <monster nbr>
Sets the third type of unit in the poptype PD.

#defmult1 <multiplier>
Number of units per 10 points of defense. E.g. __#defmult1 20 will yield 2 units per point of defense, which is also the default.

#defmult1b <multiplier>
Number of units per 10 points of defense for the second unit type.

#defmult1c <multiplier>
Number of units per 10 points of defense for the third unit type.

#poppergold <people>
The amount of people required for one gold in taxes. Default is 100.

#resourcemult <percent>
A multiplier for the amount of resource found in a land. Default is 100.

#supplymult <percent>
A multiplier for the amount of supplies found in a land. Default is 100.

#unresthalfinc <unrest level>
The amount of unrest that cuts income in half. Default is 50.

#unresthalfres <unrest level>
The amount of unrest that cuts resources in half. Default is 100.

#eventisrare <percent>
Random events are divided into two categories, common and rare. This value is the chance of a random event to be a rare one. Default is 15.

#turmoilincome <percent>
The effect turmoil and order has on income. Default is 3.

#turmoilevents <percent>
How turmoil affects the event frequency. Default is 2.

#deathincome <percent>
The effect death and growth has on income. Default is 2.

#deathsupply <percent>
The effect death and growth has on supplies. Default is 10.

#deathdeath <0.01 percent>
The effect death and growth has on population death in 0.01% per month. Default is 20.

#slothincome <percent>
The effect sloth and productivity has on income. Default is 3.

#slothresources <percent>
The effect sloth and productivity have on resources. Default is 15.

#coldincome <percent>
The effect cold and heat have on income. Default is 5.

#coldsupply <percent>
The effect cold and heat has on supplies. Default is 10.

#tempscalecap <value>
Changing any scale more than this does not yield extra design points. Default value is 3.

How (mis)fortune affects the possibility of an event being good. Default is 15.

#luckevents <percent>
How luck affects event frequency. Default is 5.

#researchscale <bonus>
The amount of research bonus received per mage from a magic scale of +3. Default is 3.

Random events can be modded too and is documented in the seperate Event Modding Manual.

Here is a minimal mod that creates a new nation in the middle era. If you create a text file that ends with “.dm” with the following contents and puts it in the mod folder, it should give you a new middle era nation when you enable the mod.

 #modname "Minimal Mod" #description "Add a new minimal nation for the middle ages" #version 1.00 #newnation #name "Gnuland" #epithet "Kingdom of Gnus" #era 2 #descr "This is a test nation, it has no units and requires more work to be useful." #color 0.8 0.1 0.2 #secondarycolor 0.9 0.9 0.9 #homerealm 10 #end

22.1 Modding Number Limits

These are the number ranges that can be used for modding various aspects of Dominions 5.

  • Weapons: 0-1999, 800+ for modding
  • Armor: 0-999, 300+ for modding
  • Monsters: 0-8999, 3500+ for modding
  • Nametypes: 100-299, 165+ for modding
  • Spells: 0-3999, 1300+ for modding
  • Items: 0-999, 500+ for modding
  • Magic Sites: 0-1999, 1500+ for modding
  • Nations: 0-249, 120+ for modding
  • Descriptions: 1999 characters

22.2 Converting Dom4 Mods to Dom5

Dominions 4 mods are almost compatible with Dominions 5, but some number usually have to be changed. The following objects have been modified and have different numbers in Dominions 5 than they had in Dominions 4:

  • Nations
  • Magic items
  • Magic sites
  • Spells
  • Forts
  • Random events

In Dominions 5 monsters have new stats like recruitment points and heavily altered stats like map move. However Dominions 5 will automatically convert the old Dom4 or non-existent values into values suitable for the new Dominions. So often no change is required for old monsters.

Flag sizes have changed and flags should now be 128*128 pixels large.

Underwater nations in Dominions 5 need the new #uwdef… commands to get a proper province defence.

Line breaks in descriptions have changed. Every line break is now taken into account, so no double line breaks needed.

Dominions 5 Modding Manual (2024)
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