Rockdale (Tex.) Reporter (2025)

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fiiiuiua uy o.ii Cuunvi
I STORM DAMAGE—T. A. Weems, of Howell’s Grocery, stands with
lone foot on the window ledge and grasps the broken glass with one
I hand as he demonstrates what the Saturday afternoon storm did to
I the plate glass window at his store. At TOP RIGHT Commissioner
Byron Neal points to damage inflicted on a new truck, one of seven
I in the precinct road machinery barn which collapsed from the force
Icfthe wind. At CENTER RIGHT is pictured the car of Frank Haley’s
I - .« s .... ;n hi.' yard by the urea: fallen tree. IViicvt i; or
i rot. the car was only slightly scratched on top. At BOTTOM RIGHT:
I The home of N. E. Alford was severely damaged when the top of a
ik tree wm blown out and dropped onto the roof, tearing
ripping holes.
Two Mehaffey
ISlcras ia Swilch
Localiaas Soon
L. C. Mehaffey, who purchasedj
ICook's Style Shop some time agoj
land who also operates the Rock-1
Idule Dry Goods company, announ-
|c': day that he will continue
aeration of both the dress shop
|«r.n the dry goods store, but loca-
f°ns of the two stores will b<-
itched and improvements made.
’•ork is already under way on
■remodeling the dress shop building
Ion Cameron street which now in-
P*|*s the building formerly oc-
■cupied by Bankston’s Drugs, and
■this will be made into a complete
J ■ 8°°ds store to operate perma-
undo t o name of Mo.
Ihaffeys. This store will carry ;■
■complete lino of clothing for men,
■women and children, as well as
1 etc., and shoe*.
*J“**tore on Main street which
|r“' been known as Rockdale Dry
*wd* will in- changed to ladies
■cress shop, under the management
New City Alderman
II ill be Named in
Monday's Elec tion
Rockdale will get a new
city alderman next Monday.
That is the date set for
the special election called
to name an Alderman for
Ward No. 1 to succeed
Frank Wiggs, who resigned
some time ago when he
moved from Rockdale.
The name of Harold Luc-
key has been filed for the
place by friends and up to
this morning no other can-
didates had been announ-
The election will be held
at the city hall.
Draft io Get 1C
Milam Men In
Next 2 Months
of Mrs Pearl Rinii ard The °n AuE!usj ,6’ 5oard .No’
I time be in ii ! 9 If issued orders tor me aepiembet
I --a October Jr.......tlo»c.U. tojh.
■Rockdale Dry Goods.
I Mehaffey said that work on
longing the two locations and in-
l^.lmg riew fixtures and cquip-
I; n‘ Wl11 continue for the next
lt-A iAecks' und the changes
l-'uld be completed with the new
|^mberTmf>ICU<1 by around ®cp-
I Mr. and
following Milam county young
September Call: Floyd Johnson,
Odis Edward Turner, Clyde N.
October Call: Billy G. Maracek,
Roy L. Friemel, David R. Chandler,
Raymond E. Lorenz, Gene J. Frie-
mel, Lucius J. Smith, Joe J. Vrazel,,
Just recently rntn, f ““ T ^ ( The men on the September Call
to St Louis and J- n0niP' will leave Cameron Sept. 11 at
markets whore th«v h ? 1 1:15 P. m. by Central Texas Bus
See MFHAFVFYPUpSSfid Lines and wiU be received at the
vvsL- L.'1AF.*EY’ 1 agc 8 Dallas Induction Station.
I The men on the October Call
I will leave Cameron October 9 at
i 1:15 p. m„ leaving by Central
Texas Bus Lines for Dallas Induc-
i tion Station.
Mrs. Mehaffey have
gale proportions that caused dam-! days,
age that will run into the thou- Worst Damage.
sands of dollars, despite the short
duration of the storm.
It was all over in a few minutes,
but in that few minutes clouds
dumped .67 inch of rain on the
town and winds uprooted trees,
unroofed some buildings, flattened
others, overturned smaller ones,
wrecked bill boards, blew out win-
dows and disrupted power and
light service.
The storm brought relief from
the searing heat and welcome
moisture. Sunday afternoon and
Flash Storm Here Saturday
Brings Rain and High Winds
Exploding on Rockdale suddenly | evening .35 of an inch slow rain Down town, the plate glass win-
about 4 p. m. Saturday an end- j was added to bring the total pre-1 dow at Howell’s Grocery was bro-
the-drouth rain brought winds of j cipitation to 1.02 inch for the two I ken by the force of the wind
Probably the heaviest damage
occurred at the county’s precinct
workshop and storage barn for
road machinery and trucks main-
tained by Commissioner Byron
Neal. The sheet iron building
swayed a couple of times and col-
lapsed on top of seven of the pre-
cinct’s trucks, including one new
one. The walls caved in and
which also damaged the adjoining
Rockdale Motor Co. building’s cor-
ner support post, and the base un-
der the plate glass on the south
side. A neon sign at the Elite cafe
was the only one wrecked. There
was other minor damage down-
town. A sign at Red Smith’s
place diappeared, and a pop corn
machine on the sidewalk at the
Dixie theater entrance sailed off
down the street with the wind to
“ , *“v «•*« uuwn me street with the wind to
tools and equipment were scat-! smack into a car parked at the
tered as the roof structure of the I curb.
building settled down to rest on
top of the trucks parked inside.
Wind damage to power lines dis-
rupted electric service and kept
i Texas Power & Light repair crews
busy for a hard 24-hour period
following the storm. In addition
to other damage of this type, a
short circuit in the street lighting
circuit down town burned out ev-
ery lamp in the city’s corner light
standards in the business district.
Garage Wrecked
A double garage belonging to
Mrs. N. M. Bullock was completely
wrecked and reduced to a pile of
scrap lumber. There were no cars
in the garage, which served two
apartments, at the time of the
some very flattering offers ^ home of Mr. and Mrs.
from a Taylor hospital, tempting , ' E, .A J rd. the wind tore the
enough to cause him to give ser- t0-P.-0ut.of a large tree at the s,de
ious consideration to the idea of
This morning, however, he said
he has turned down all offers and
j decided to continue his clinic and
hospital here. He explained that
! ho had always wanted to operate
a hospital and clinic in Rockdale,
that the opportunity is here, a
now more than ever before Rock
dale needs its own clinic and hos-
Dr. Richards said his plans call
for the enlarging and expansion of
his plant during the next few
J years as conditions will permit.
I To Continue Here
; Dr. Richards Says
Dr. John T. Richards announced
today that he had definitely de-
cided to remain in Rockdale and
continue operation of the Richards
Clinic and Hospital.
Dr. Richards in recent weeks has
of the house and tossed it on the
roof. The big limbs punctured
the roof like huge fingers and the
See STORM, Page 5
Tigers Called to
3 Skull Practice
Tonight, Friday
I 3
Sam Perry to Open
New Hardware,
Furniture Store
Sam Perry announced this week
that he had leased the entire Cof-
; ’Vildln '• corn< f Camei in and during me week: iroi
Main streets, from P. H. Perry and L m. and from 7 to
. . * -----: ci. 111. c41 III II Hill
j ;vVOU,ld °Pen a ncw modern I coach explained.
Hardware and furniture store ini r?____:_______ _
Rockdale High School Tiger
football aspirants will meet for
two important pre-season skull
practice sessions tonight and Fri-
day nights at 9 o’clock at the field
house, Coach Fount Wade an-
nounced Tuesday.
These will be very important
meetings, Coach Wade said, and
all boys expecting to play in the
first ball game of the season will
be expected to be present.
Football practice will begin next
Monday at 7:30 a. m. and two prac-
tice sessions will be held each day
during the week: from 7:30 to 9:30
9 p. m., the
the * nea ^future f Urn ,tlU ° btl<' c l"\ jjcd tb*
The building now houses the* Monday at 7 a. m.
Howell Grocery and the Rockdale
Motor Company, and Perry said
he would convert the entire floor
space of the two stores into one
Coach Wade said the twice daily
workouts will continue from Mon-
day. August 27. until school starts
on Tuesday, Sept. 4. Afternoon
large hardware and furniture I practice will begin with the open-
store. There are 11,000 square feet I ing of school. He said he expect-
of floor space in the building which I ed about 40 boys out this season,
years aeo was the home of the old i The Tigers will open tho season’s
Coffield Hardware Company
Perry bought the stock and fix-
schedule with a home game, meet-
ing Giddings here on the first Fri-
— .aniim News?
75$*MtfSEJiHew Food Store
Crane to Open
«nd thi ,air around Rockdale, | _ «
rSpoctvth^ak‘.rly quic,|Here Saturday
•re'sGn nd0T5tood that negotiations I Crane’s Cash Grocery will open
Hid Tpjtr 6r Way between Alcoa [ here Saturday in the building for-
Dukes Sell New
Mafair Store to
Austin Men
I that wm Rf.'lnR ar°und in Rockdale
hand vpleasc y°u- On the other
hi!niitjc !,°o,h.ave a naturally op-
|™”»iO«r you toothen ,hCre are
p ~
°* thc magni-
fied, murh3 Which is Plan"
tll% Rnpll!.m,e 1S re*luir*d- Ac-
N itself i-Ckdale has been ahead
Ifor som« m more resPects than one
time now.
merly occupied by the Help-Your-
self Laundry, corner of Scarbrough
and Davilla streets.
The building was purchased by
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Crane several
weeks ago and has been complete-
ly remodeled for the new grocery
store. The location is one block
north of the Christian church.
Mr. and Mrs. Crane state they
will offer staple and fancy grocer-
ies, dairy products, Ice cr®am’
meats, and fresh produce. They
invite grocery shoppers to "come
as you are," and call attention to
the ample parking space.
The Mafair Dry Goods Company,
new store which opened here two
weeks ago, was sold this week by
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Duke to Sol j
Ginsburg and Jerome Silberstein, j
of Austin.
The new owners said the busi- j
i ness would be continued at the j
I same location, with Q. W. Joiner
retained as manager, and Rockdale
| people composing the sales person-
! nel.
Ginsburg and Silberstein operate
a chain of stores in Texas, includ-
ing the Austin Man’s Shop in Aus-
tin. They have stores in Ft.
Worth and Bastrop, and three
stores in Killeen. Both men live
in Austin.
Plans are now in process for the
addition of a number of nationally
known brands of merchandise, and
the stock of the Mafair will be
greatly increased in general, they
The store is in the building on
See MAFAIR. Page 5
it tend the YMBL;
The Bond they Draw
Might Be Your Own
There’s a chance that the
YMBL Scale Bond you own
may be retired tonight.
Local FFA Boys
To Gel Awards
At A&M Tonirrht
tures or the Rockdale Motor Com-1 day arter school starts, which will
pany from W. S. Duke, and this j be Friday, Sept. 7.
firm has already vacated the build-1------------——— --
ing. Duke, however, has announ-
ced that his Rockdale Motor Com-
pany firm is still in business as.
Dodge and Plymouth dealer, and is1
operating temporarily from its
used car lot on Cameron street.
| T. A. Weems, owner of the Ho-
| well Grocery, said Wednesday that
j his lease on his portion of thc
I building expires on October 31. He
is looking for a new location but
has nothing definite in mind. "I
certainly intend to stay in the groc-
ery business if at all possible and
See PERRY, Page 5
worth of the bonds will be
retired at the meeting of the
Young Men’s Business
League at Legion hall to-
night, and names of bond-
holders will be drawn by
lot to determine whose
bonds will be retired.
Hogan is New
Legion Stale
Vice Commander
--------------------- Seven Rockdale FFA boys and
S1.000 and mOO cStaS
tonight when annual Area III
Awards will be presented at a
banquet at the student center.
Six boys will receive their Lonel
Star Farmer Key: Billy Boyd, Ho-j W. P. (Red) Hogan, former Rock-
ward Key, Johnny Tyler, Cruz dale post commander and 11th dis-
Garza, Graham Young, Jr., and trict commander, took the oath
j Harry Fisher. of office as the American Legion’s
the regular j Shelby Smith will be recognized | State Vice Commander at the an-
Of tHo I fiu nfigcinff thf* rnmmitirin mini ct . 4 r*
City Officials
Study Killeen
Plans, Problems
It will be
meeting of the
as passing the state committee for nual state convention held at San
■ the American Farmer degree, the Antonio last week end, August 17-
j only Rockdale boy ever to receive 18-19.
this honor. If he is passed by the Hogan replaced Milton Stewart
of Ft. Worth when he was elected
to this office as 4th Division Com-
mander at the Division convention
in Waco in June. The term of of-
fice is for one year and will ex-
Rockdale Welcomes \ T
gree in October.
W. P. (Red* Hogan will be giv-
sis! 1 & £
-------------‘ties in promoting the FFA pro-J vention to be held in Dallas in
gram. He is one of two business' August 1952.
men in Area III selected for this j Charles Gibson, prominent news-
bonor- I paper man from Amarillo, was
James Caffey will appear on the I named state commander to suc-
See FFA BOYS. Page 5 J See HOGAN, Page 8
here the past week:
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams
and family, from Marble Falls,
who are in the former Son Whit-
woth home.
City officials. N. E. Alford. Her-
bert Fieseler, M. N. Strieker ar.d
W. P. Hogan spent the day in K '-
Icon Tuesday with Killeen’s City
Manager Backa and Mayor John
The purpose of the trip was to
make a study of conditions in Kil-
leen during the expansion period
i when the city’s population in-
creased from 1,200 to over 10,000.
All of the city’s ordinances and de-
velopment programs were review-
ed by City Manager Backa and
weaknesses and mistakes were
pointed out for the benefit of the
Rockdale city council.
N. E. Alford, Rockdale city man-
ager, commented this morning:
“I believe we got a very good
idea of the work that will be cut
out for us when and if the Alcoa
plant arrives, also a definite pro-
gram for putting these necessary
ordinances into effect. Killeen
made a lot of mistakes, the biggest
one not having a zoning ordinance
and a building code in effect from
the very beginning. We do not
want to make that mistake. We
have our city affair* in good shape.
We can put into effect immediately
any ordinance, zoning laws, build-
ing codes or whatever necessary
to insure protection of our people
already here as well as the ones
that will come in.”
substitute FOR
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Rockdale Messenger Established 1873
Rockdale Reporter Established 1193
NO. 31

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Cooke, W. H.The Rockdale Reporter and Messenger (Rockdale, Tex.), Vol. 79, No. 31, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 23, 1951,newspaper, August 23, 1951; Rockdale, Texas. ( August 9, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Lucy Hill Patterson Memorial Library.

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Rockdale (Tex.) Reporter (2025)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 5984

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.