6.00 6.00 fat weight: to in tor a Butter fresh with by are favor to receipts mild fresh 1 buyers, Nor. I and are with MAny dull 1e: urged play- coti- MINNEAPOLIS MORNING its The "The usual of is Northwestern the in slackness beginning flour the THURSDAY Miller of to is it the close says an by is condl- holl- up- the its no in of from Barney FUNERAL 0771, ed not no larged by at ANNOUNCEMENT- PAGE This new veins OF to of stockings, 221, house examination legs Varicose DO or Cliole TWENTY-FIVE bed. No 920 now no and THE TRIBUNE: DECEMBER Pool Activity Chief Factor in Market Gain Farnum, Winter's Weekly Review Stresses Lack of Trade News. Pools, rather than news, were responsible for the broad buying movement which last week sent stock prices into new high ground, according to Robert A. Rice, manager of the Minneapolis office of Farnum, Winter New York stock exchange members, in his weekly review of the stock market.
The review follows: "During the week just ended pools, powerful and numerous--as well as the public to a greater extent than for some time---joined forces in kiting securities to a high never before Selling by bears prior tot Thursday, when 000,000 shares were traded in, contributed to the accelerated prices when they hurriedly concluded that three weeks of steadily advancing quotations was not the end of the forward procession. "Aside from continued easy money rates and a slight increase in mill operations of the U. S. Steel Co. there was scant news of a construetive character the turbulent dealings that warrant, end resulted in gains from fractions to as high a8 20 points.
Marshalled against such forces, inadequate or even contrary news avaus nothing. Car loadings showed a large decrease compared to last month and a year ago. "Speculative was more generous than old leadsentiment, erg were quite generally ignored and a variety of new issues, many heretofore inconspicuous, were made favorites, and sensationally advanced, such as American Republics, Vick Chemical. National Lead, Westinghouse Electric and Westinghouse Air Brake, Hupp, Brooklyn Edison, Union Carbide, International Combustion, Montgomery Ward and many others that had not previously occupied the spotlight. "The impetus gained will probably carry the list along pretty much at the present level during the balance of the year, The foundation as well as the excuse for the market's performance the past four months has been plentiful money at easy rates.
The favorable trade reports of the first six months have failed to materialize in the second half, many being distinctly disappointing: and while a better motor and steel year appear ahead, and bountiful crops will increase buying power that will reflect in many industries, yet it would seem, if not unintelligent, at least imprudent to bet too heavily on future probabilities as yet quite indistinct. It is advisable to take profits where available and select other securities for new commitments awaiting at least moderate reactions." Canada's Trade With U.S. Shows Big Gain Ottawa, Nov, Associated Press.) -Canada's trade with the United States for the 12 months ended October 31, was $1,180,000,000 exceeding the entire trade with the British empire by $437,000,000. While the unfavorable trade balance with the United States amounted to 000,000 exports to points in the British empire were greater by 000.000 than imports. The total external trade of the dominion was $2,303,000.000, as compared with 284,000,000 for the corresponding period a year ago.
The aggregate of exports was $1,225,000,000 and imports were $1,078,000,000. Income Secrets Carefully Protected by French Law Paris, Nov. 30. (By Associated Press.) So secret and personal is a Frenchman's income that even the courts are not allowed to have the information from the income tax authorities. The treasury has just refused to comply with a demand made through legal channels on behalf of a wife suing for a separation to tell the income declared by her husband.
New York Provisions New York. Nor. 30. (Br Associated Press. Rye firm: No.
2 western 1.0.b. New York and c.1.f. export. Barley steady: melting c.i.f, New York. Wheat spot irregular: No.
1 dark northspring c.1.f. New York, lake and rail. $1.461: No. 2 hard winter f.o.b. New York.
lake and rail. No. 2 mixed durum do $1.35: No. 2 Manitoba do to arrive in bond. Corn spot easier: No, 2 yellow c.i.t.
track New York lake and rail No. 3 yellow do $1.02. OR tR spot steady: No. 2. white 61 Lard easy: middle west $12.10412.20.
Tallow easy: special loose extra Other articles unchanged. Flour Trade Review review trade: day season Influence felt flour trade, though current business means subnormal for the the calendar year, Without set in the wheat market, general belief of millers that tions will remain about as at present until after the first of January. The buying trade is apparently more than ever inclined to proceed cautiously, Stocks seem to be ample for a month or more, but millers are prone to belleve that there will be fair volume of current buying In the meantime to replace used supplies. Most current orders are for immediate delivery. "Foreign buyers were moderately active last week, as prices were extremely low, but the amount of flour booked was small.
Trading with the West Indies, which has been fair for the past fortnight, decreased slightly. Canadian mills are booking the lion's share of the business there, although the difference between Canadian and United States mill prices is "Although the hand-to-mouth basis of flour buying has resulted in a fair volume of business, this favorable situation has been considerably offset by intense price competition. Some extremely low figures have been quoted during the past week. Current mill prices are unchanged to higher than a week ago. "Mill production last week was about on a par with that of recent weeks, and with that of recent years in the closing week of November.
November output figures, in fact, as indicated in the chart on the following page, show approximately the same seasonal decline as last year, with indications of still further slackening in operation during the remainder of the year. United States census figures for October show a decline of 2.5 per cent from the October record of a year ago, against one of 3.5 per cent in September. "Millfeed production is limited and prices strong. Buyers are said to be willing to take on added supplies for January- shipment, but mills ask a premium for this delivery. Jobbers regard present prices as too high, and are not disposed to contract for future shipment.
Consumer demand is good from the central and western states. Virtually no bran for immediate delivery is being offered by mills in the principal centers, and little by interior mills. Mill prices on bran are up 50c ton at Minneapolis, 25c at Boston, and unchanged from a week ago at Kansas City and St. Louis." Monticello. wires: Wet snow falling.
WIll freeze on corn and make very bad con: dition. Much water in fields, Down corn will freeze in mud and water, Farmers not offering corn at all. $6,000 to $600,000 (without borrowing) It has been proved possible to so increase one's capital in an investment lifetime. Shall we send you complete details? Dabsons Reports The Babson Statistical Organization Div. 14-47 Babson Park, Mass.
The Largest Statistical Community America. Send me gratis, complete details about $6,000 to $600,000. Name. Street City State. Minneapolis Representative 1024 Ply mouth Tel.
Main 4431 INVESTMENT SECURITIES coco FEE TEE LANE PIPER JAFFRAY InC: FIRST NATIONAL SOO LINF BLDG JUSTUS F.LOWE CO INC vestment Securities FIRST NATIONAL 500 LINE BUILDING -Service days of the Wagon Northwestern National Bank WITH SAFETY Plus Additional Earnings on Common Stock An established local finance company, with a proven record of earnings, is enjoying such a large volume of business that the directors have decided to release a limited amount of additional stock. Proposition will stand the closest scrutiny. This advertisem*nt is published to avoid promiscuous solicitation and to produce inquiries from persons interested in securing complete information and record of earnings. Dividends payable promptly January, April, July and October. Address C8334 Tribune.
CHAS. E. LEWIS CO. Main Office 618-415 Lante End Ave. o.
at da Chamber of Commeres MINNEAPOLIS STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON NEW STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS NEW CHICAGO COTTON CURB MARKET EXCHANGE YORK And All Leading Grain Exchanges 1 1927 St. Paul Cattle Prices Show Increase Sellers Control Trading and Most Classes Have 25-Cent Gains. Wednesday's Receipts. Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, 470. Thursday's Estimate.
Cattle Hogs Sheep So. St. Paul. 7,500 23,000 2,500 Chicago 14,000 56,000 20,000 South St. Paul, Nov.
fared better on late rounds of livestock trade here today than at the Buyers revised their bids somewhat on both cattle and hogs the session progressed, with the result that spots showed 25 cents advance in the cattle division and general trade was firm while hog business was held to but slight net decline following early attempts of packers to cheapen their droves a full quarter. Veal calves were rig. idly sorted at cents reductions, due to the poor condition of stock caught in the sudden cold wave. Sheephouse values ruled steady to 25 cents up, as compared with early trade of the week. Cattle.
Strong to 25 centa higher release was obtained foe desirable beef and butcher cattle today after steady start. Part loads of yearlings and steers cashed at $124:12.60 to set the day high marks on these respective classes, but nothing choice shown. Several other lots of light and mediumweight netted the $10.50 to $11.25 An stated a bore the grass fat quota fu alabed most of it makeup in light and mediumweight. Canadians, these selling within a price range of 810 to $10.50 for the most part. while Jews attractive kinds cleared at the $9.25 to $9.75 terms.
She stock supplies provided a scant showing of the more desirable grade there inctuding one car of weighty heifers offerings. at 89.75, odd head to $10.50 and few cows upwards to 89 to $9.25. For the general run of the crop. trade centered mostly 88.25 to $7.15 co COWS and from 87.25 to 88.75 on heifers, Cutters were booked at the $4.75 to $5.50 range with up to Licht supplies hoiding the bull market to -its present levels despite the upturn at the local demand for these has been rather narrow. Weighty medium grades went over the scales at $1.
with light weights on down to 86.25. Vealers were booked at the $11.50 terms for the general run of good tighte, some few choice droves reaching $12. while at the other extreme, packers bought a few lichtweights arid Inas rigidly sorted droves at $11. The general upturn tendered fat steers 814 abe stork extended in mid dezree to stocker and feeder class well. although with a relatively plain qualitied crop on offer little change was apparent on paper.
Little in the way of desirable material of any weight sold under the 88.30 Jerels and from this price on ur to 80.50 caught most of the better bred descriptions. while commo grades turned mostly at 88 and down. Stock cows and belfets cleared from 85.25 to $7.54 mostly. Hogs. November bog closed with a libe eral supply here and sellers were obliged to make slight concessions.
They beid the market to weak to 10 cents lower basis. however. in face of attempts to slash full quarter from prices, Broad shipping demand was helping factor in stabilizing demand order buyers took around head exclusive of ples, The popain: price for good to choice butcheTA and lights was deals $5.54. this price taking most of the 190 to aroid 220-pound butchers, which made up bulk of the receipts. The money ww.
bizb UD this writing, although a few loads of choice hears butchers were held around 88,00. Home of the 160 to 170-pound averages sold at to bulk 130 10 160-pound kinds at 87.76. Sows sold at $7.30 to with most sales at 87.50 to 87 The pig market held steady and bulk of the pies sold at 87.50. Sheep. Fed lambs closed on a fem basis today and yearling wethers showed about 25 cents since Monday.
beep and feeding 1a so br wete cachanged light supplies. Bulk of the fed wooled native lambs cashed at with a string of 386 bend of Dakota averaging 83 pounds and carrying high degree of Ensh at 814. few Tote of eboice natives also waking the money. Several loads and dative sold at part 815.25 to $13.50. with most of the HeATY Jam by cull and common kinds around 58 to 811.
One double of choice comeback searing wethers arrived and sold at with a few lots of 100 to 110-pound we ate at 40 to Hover lightweicht fat brought $6.50. with bulk 85 10 $6.20: culls largely $2 to $3.50. A small lot of 06-pound raaze feeding Jamba sold at $12.50 with a sprinkling of Dakotas around $11. Quotations KILLING CATTLE AND CALVES. Steers 158.1 Good and choice $12.23 11.30 Steers 11.100-1,300 Ibe.
Gond and choler 12.00€17.50 Steers Good and choice 25 4 17.25 Steers 1500 Ibe. up Common and medium 6.00€12.25 Steers (fed calves and vela 1750-950 Good and choice 11.50 Heifers (all Common And meditin 14.50 Common and medium 6.756 9.00 10 choice 1.754 10.00 common and medium 7.75 Low cutter and cotter 4.756 6.00 excluded) Good and choice (heef) 6.750 1.50 com. and mediom 5.23 0 7.00 Calves 1500 good choice 7.00 9.00 Cull and common 5.00€ 7.00 Festers (milk fed Good to choice 9.00€11.50 Common choice 7.15 0 8.50 FEEDER AND STOCKER CATTLE AND CALVES. Eteere (500 Ibe. up) Good and cholee 9.00 11.00 Common and medium 6.00 9.00 Steers (800 Ibe.
down) Good and choice 10.15 Common and medium 6.75 8.75 Good and choice 6.154 8.50 BeltersCommon and medium 5.50 4 6.50 Co Good and choice 5.250 6.25 Common and medium 4.50 5.25 Calves (steers) Good and choice 8.50010.50 Medium 8.50 Dairy cattleMilkers and springers. per head HOG QUOTATIONS. Hesvyweight 1250-350 Medium, good, choice 8.40 8.50 Medium weight 1200-250 Medium, good, choice 8.40 8.50 Light weight (180-200 Ibe.) Common to choice 7. 8.50 Light lighte (130-160 Common to Choice 7.50 8.00 Packing, Smooth-rough sow. 8.00 Sinnehter pies (90-130 Ibe.) Medium to choice 7.5062 7.75 Feeder stocker pies (70-130 Medium to choice 1.500 7.15 Stage(Subject to dockage) 7.000 1.75 TREND OF HOG MARKET.
Market Condition. Year ago 11.60 10.00411.50 SHEEP QUOTATIONS. Slaughter Sheep and Lambs. Thursday Friday- -Strong to 23e higher. Saturday--About steady.
to strong: spots 10 to 15c Tuesday -Generally 25e lower. Wednesday -Steady to 10c lower. Range. Bulk. Thursday--Holiday.
Friday 8.7% Saturday 7.5040 8.75 8.75 Monday 9.00 8.83 Tuesday 8.60 7.7540 8.50 Wednesday 7.500 8.50 7.754 8.50 LambeGood to choice Medium Cull and common Medium to choice and common Range, and Feeding choice LambsMedium RECEIPTS Cattle November 23 4416 November 4022 November 26 1428 November .10049 November 29 2832 13.004 14.00 .11.754 13.00 11.75 4.50 6.50 1.500 4.50 11.504 12.23 BY DAYS. Cirs. Hogs Shn. Cara. 4599 30488 4706 537 1735 13204 3464 317 348 2130 994 69 1757 20750 6584 564 2695 13366 1202 230 Outside Livestock Chicago, Nov.
States department of agriculture.) -Cattle- Receipts 11,000: most killing classes 25 higher: highest of season on lower grades and choice steers: inbetweeng having fully recovered last week's sharp decline: bulls strong at recent 25 to 40 cent advance: vealers about steady: good market on stockers and feedera at 10.50; best fed steers $10: new high for year: yearlings $18,25: bulk such kinds being warmed up and short fed offerings: sausage bulls with weight. 87.504 best vealers $12.50 to big packers outsiders Hogs -Receipts 27.000: uneven 10 to 25 cents lower: closed nt full decline: ten $0.10: numerous sales 250 to 290-the. butchers at that price: bulk desirable 210 to 300. Ibs. $8.85419.10: 180 to 200-Ibs.
weights largely 88.250 8.65: bulk pigs $747.601 lected lots $7.75: most packing sows $7.50 8: best light weights $8.104 8.25: shinpers took 5.000: estimated holdover 10.000. Sheep- -Receipts 18,000: choice handy weight lambs about steady early: others 15 to 25 cents lower: weighty and plain kinds down most: top $14.35: bulk hen v7 lambs 13.651 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Chicago Hogs Lose 25 Cents Cattle Alley Trade Is Slower Lambs and Sheep Move Steadily. Chicago, Associated Press. Another was shaved hog values by big operators' indifference to open market offerings during the forenoon. No improvement was experienced in the -trade as the session progressed but underweights, pigs and packing sows fell under a ban which forced them to go lower in many instances.
Toppy butchers reaching $9.10 were 15c lower than the top of the previous session. A mild tone marked the tone in the cattle alleys during the first hours of the session and a slow mar. ket resulted, Strictly choice steers were scarce, Fat beeves of choice quality that were good enough to sell above $16 were strong to 25c higher and a single animal culled out of a show lot brought $19, while yearlings made steady good cows were strong to 253 higher. Calves were unchanged. High grade fat prime killing condition steady wambmela but on the medium and common lambs buyers asked liberal concessions in the sheep market and were ready to take off the advance of the previous and more if possible.
Choice Jambs made $14.35 but bids of on the bulk of the kill. ing lambs looked 25c lower. Feeders however, were steady and sheep were also unchanged. German Adapts New Fuel for Use in Airship Motors Stuttgart, Nov. Associated -A new motor fuel to be used in an airship known as the LZ-127, now, preparing for flight next spring, has been under development here for four years.
The main body of the fuel gas is althylen and it is claimed that it eliminates the use of benzine, a source of danger. As the new gas has about the same weight as air, it is believed the balance of the ship will not be disturbed by its consumption. C. P. Earnings Decrease.
Montreal, Nov. (By Associated Press.) -The statement of earnings and expenses of the Canadian Pacific railway, for decrease the of month net of profits October as compared with the same month last year of $975,834. Gross earnings for October, 1927, were working expenses $14,230,384, leavprofit for the month of $6,971,365. Local Classified Rates The Minneapolis Tribune Morning Tribune and Evening Tribune Combined -ORSunday Tribune. EFFECTIVE APRIL 1ST.
1927. AGATE TYPE. Minimum Two Lines. insertion per agate line per agate line Insertions. per agate line Count dre words for first line and six words for each succeeding line Compound words count 2.
Minimum charge 56c per 1A8De OLASSIFIED DISPLAY An additional charge of de per agate line tor entire ad will be made when Outline Type is used or 10-point Celtic with Agate Advertisem*nts set entirely In 10- point Celtic. 1 cent Der agate line extra Mintmum space two azate lines. Ten per cent DISCOUNT will be allowed 10 above rates when casb accompanies copy. The Tribune will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion of any vertisem*nt. Closing time for classified ada.
11:30 m. Saturdars. for evening paper. excepting when closing time is 10:30 9. Ads will be received antil 11 m.
for the morning paper. For the Sundar da Der. 6 D. m. Satarday Sunday and bolidave closing time D.
287 LOEB ARCADE. Amusem*nts SNELLING Tavern, 449 Snelling av. Midway. Enjoy an evening at the Twin Cities bigger better cafe, music daneing at 10 p. m.
every evening. entertainment by Tom McNulty. the Bean Sisters Madge Darling. Fraternal Orders SCOTTISH RITE. The 25th degree will be conferred in full ceremonial form Thurs.
day Dee. 1, 1927, at 7:30. Dinner at 6. Obituary BERTHILSON- Anna O. beloved wife of Fred Berthilson.
2821 Lake st. passed AWay November 29. aged 29 rears. Besides her husband she is survived by five children, her father and mother, five sigters and one brother. Funeral services will be held at Holy Trinity church.
28th AV and 31st st. Friday at 2 p. m. Burinl will be in Crystal Lake cemetery. M.
McDivitt. funeral directors. WEEKS--Mrs. Sarah age 19 years, passed AWaY Tuesday. Residing at 1522 Fremont a N.
Funeral services Thursday at 2 D. m. from the Foss M. E. church.
Fremont And 18th av N. Interment Lakewood cemetery. Remains at the Quist Funeral chapel. HARDIN-Amelia. Age 50.
passed Tuesday, wife of Charles L. Hardin. 5408 44th av Funeral services Thursday afternoon. 2 p. at the Welander Funeral temple, Chicago Ar at 19th st.
Interment Crystal Lake cemetery. FISHER Dr. John nerd 39 years, passed away Monday at Rochester, Minn. Masonic funeral services Thursday at m. from the residence.
625 Russell av Interment Crystal Lake cemetery. FENELL- Andrew. passed away 011 Tuesday Nov. 29. aged 74 late resident 4158 18th av S.
Funeral services will be held on Friday at 2 p. m. from Calvary chureir 39th and Chicago. -Louis Edward. age 48 years.
2645 Ulysses st NE. passed away Tues. Funeral services the 0 E. Larson mortuary. 2301 Central.
Interment Hillside, LUND- Fannie passed away Tuesday at her home. 2400 Aldrich av S. in her. 79th year. Services and interment at Louisville.
Ky. Remains at Goggin's Undertak. ing Co. ANDRE -Joseph. 129 20th av died Nov.
29. 1927. Survived by wife and one son Ignatios Andre of Regina, Sask RYMAN Birdie, age 89. residence 63 15th st. Remains at the Gill funeral home.
Notice of services later. In Memoriam IN MEMORY of our son. Douglas, who passed away one sad rear AgO today: "Pearly gates were opened, A gentle voice had come, And with farewells unspoken He gently entered home." NICHOLS FAMILE. IN LOVING memory of our wife and mother who suddenly passed away one year A20 today. Sadly missed by husband and children, Merton T.
Bean and children. Card of Thank: WHILE the winds of December sing their requiem over the little grave at Lakewood. we pause to humbly extend our 40- preciative gratitude to yon all. Condolences surpassed realization: for it WAN an overwhelming demonstration of love and sympathy in words and acts you 50 conrteously bestowed upon us during our anxiety and grief for our loved one. Dorothe Rebecca Binntach.
now before the great white throne. "safe in Jesus' arms." Her sweetly tender and beantiful willing hands are Folded in well earned rest. She will never leave the land of memory, but nearer seem with every passing rear, The lovely flowers, the sweet singing. the Johnston Undertakers the consoling words, the sermon so beautifully expressed by the Rev. Roy L.
Smith D. D. pastor Simpson Methodist Episcopal church. will ever be cherished and not forgotten. Mother.
Mew. Constance, Euretta Bluntaco: aunt. Mrs. John Gray, and acies. BUSINESS SERVICE Outside Produce New York.
-Butter and unchanged demand eRRy caused weather, Buyers are waiting game are looking a ExEs unchanged and the market easy stock plentiful and for sale. Storage quiet and ditions at York 6,217 packages, market steady, creamery higher than extras. firsts. 92 score. 90 91 score, 480 firsts.
88 to seconds. 41 lower grades, centralized cars, 90 89 score. 4t score, 44c: 88 score. 84 to 87 score, 40 ladles current make extras, packing stock current make No, 1, No. 2.
receiata 14,550 cases, market steadfer. gathered extras, extra firsts, firsts, 41444c: seconds, 35 mediums, 284 33e; fresh gathered dirties No. 1. No. 2 and poorer, 28 61 28c.
Fresh Pacific coast whites first to extras. Sic: other western and southeth gathered whites, 38 50e: New Jersey hennery whites closely selected extras, 55 56e: eggs In storage extra firats, 35e: seconds. 481e. Live Poultry Irregular: broilers. by express.
356142e: fowls by 26c. Dressed poultry irreguiar. old roosters 166 22e: geese. western 20 25c. Exes.
steadier, receipts 14.559. Nearby hennery whites, closely selected, extras 550 56c: nearby and nearby western hennery whites. first to average extras 48054e: Paelfie coast whites, extras, freight, 53054c; do. frats to extra frats pullete. 38 40c, Cheese.
firm. receipts 83.726. Chicago, Nor. Associated Press.) -No material changes in cheese are noted. The market was firm yesterday with prices well sustained.
Most dealers reported only fair volume of business. Trade lacked 502D. Butter buying today WAR more aclive than yesterday. All grades of whole milks were unchanged, with top grades in light supply and firmly held. Lower grades were steady and in only fair demand.
Cars centralized were in limited demand. Early trading the found a advance on 90 scores. but market W88 no more than steady at the advance. Cars 88-88 were freely oftered but hard to move. Fresh- 92 score 91.
90, 89, 88, 87. Centralized score, 46e; 80, 88. Exes, unchanged: receipts 1,395 cases. fowls Sorties 180.23c: 25 Poultry, alive, receipts 10 cars; roosters 17c: ducks 22c: geese 20 Clearing house sales today. Butter: 101 Dec.
std. 42 0. 37 Dec. std. Open 1203.
20 Jan. 0. 28 Jan. 3 Jan. stR.
std. 0 Open 856. CHICAGO FUTURES. Furnished by Harry H. Field.
414 Gorham Building. Minneapolis. Chicago. Nov. The trading on butter and exc futures 00 the Chicago Mercantile waN featureless on all options.
Butter futures are in a neutral position with traders awaiting deliveries which will begin tomorrow. were firmer with the Decomber option showing a net gain of $30 A car for the day, Colder weather seemed to have a firming effect on egg futures. Futures. Close Year Open. High.
Low. Close. Azo. Dee. eK ZE 33 Dee.
butter 42 42 Jan. butter Sioux Falls. S. NoT. frats.
36c. Butter, pound prints, 49c; butterfat. door delivers. 50c. Lite poultry, heavy bens, 11e: ligbt hens.
16c: Leanorn springs, i2e; co*cks, 9e: ducks. 16e: geese, 12e: turkeys. 14e to 28c: black chickens. 12c; Anacona springs. 12e; springs 17e.
deliver Mitchell, 48e: 8. butter Nov. fat in fat. door sweet milk. 68e: butter 47c.
Henry hens, 18e: light hens. 11e: Leghorn hens 11c: springs 16c: Legnorn springs 12c. Old roosters 8e: tackrabbita 10c: ducks 14e: geese 100. No. 1 turkeys 25c.
Eggs 34c. light Huron, 8. Nor. hens. and Leghorn hens.
1e: springs 15e: 15c: Leghorn and black springs 11c: old co*cks 6c turkers Eggs 30c. Butter sold in fair way and prices in the main were unchanged. Eggs likewise sold at former levels, with moderate activ. Its prevailing. Poultry was firm and potatoes held unchanged.
Boston Coppers Bid Asked Adventure Arcadian Ariz Coni Bingham 65 56 Me 54 NO Cal Ariz 85 86 1 Cal Hec Cop Kee 16 East Butte Franklin 35 70 Hanco*ck 60 Helvetia Hood Rob 44 Indiana 10 50 Isle Royal Isl Creek 60 Keweenaw Lake La Salle A0 Martlower 70 75 50 Mason Val Curb. Bid Asked Ardeler 87 Corp Hawk 28 Butte Con 90 Belcher 10 Bow Ely 20 25 Cons Cop Cht -Con 2 2 7-161 Crystal 44 10 Emerald Eruncion 40 50 First Nat I Gadsden 15 20 1 Gen Mi 30 35 Hollinger Heeln 16 Hon Con 10 50 Idaho (ol) 50 300 Listed. Bid Asked Mohawk 48 Cornelia 25 Nipleslog Butte Lake 10 20 Ojibwas 60 85 Old Dom 111 1214 Pond Crk 14 Quincy 14 Shannon 40 South Lake St. Swift Sup Bos Achy 63 64 Shoe Ma of 31 31 Utah Apex Victoria War Bra 118 179 Winona 10 East Mass Bid Asked Idaho (n) 37 40 Iron CADA Jer Verde 22 25 ILA Rose Mohican 10 Nixon Ohio Cop 80 Onero Shat Denn 10 It-hea CoD Mia DD 30 INW Mia fo 50 100 Tonopah Tono Belm Tuolumne Tono Ex 10 15 Verde Cen 7-16 Ex 20 Victory 2 3-16 2 5-16 Pit and Field Liverpool cables Bartlett Frazier Continned liquidation of December wheat. Deliveries expected to be moderate.
Sentiment bearish, owing to larger estimate of the Argentine wheat crop. Wheat stocks in local publie elerators increased 200.000 bushels in four days: last year 13.000: oats decreased 30.000: last veer 10.000: increased 5.000: last rear decreased 15.000: barley decreased 5.000: last rear increased 5,000: fax decreased 65.000: last sear 5.000: corn decreased 20,000: last rear 93.000. Minneapolis- Receipts. Shipments, Wheat. bushels 293.050 8.730 Corn.
bushels 12.420 Oats. bushels 39.900 Barley, bushels 58.700 41.500 Rve. bushels 13.100 16.510 Flax. bushels 17.640 11.700 Flour. barrels 1,384 47.866 Milistuffs, tons 112 2.882 tons 698 236 HaY.
tons 48 Linseed oil. Ibs. 232.940 Oil meal, ibs. 100.750 1.082.280 The volume of trading in grain for future delivery at the Minneapolis Chamber. of Commerce and Duluth Board of Trade on day.
Nov. 29. as reported by the United States Grain Futures administration. subject to corrections of minor importance, were as follows: Minneapolis. Duluth.
Wheat, bushels 7.253.000 Oats, bushels 2.494.000 Rye, bushels 171.000 299.000 Barley. bushels 286.000 1.000 Flax. bushels 275.000 265.000 All grains. bushels 10.479.000 2.199.000 Figures represent only one side of the transaction. there being 8 equal number of purchases and sales.
-Durum wheat. European Import requirements total 840.000. increase 35.944,000; last year 896,000. Broomhall. New York Sugar New York, Nov.
(By Associated Press.) -The sugar market was unchanged today. No sales were reported, but sugars were available at 4.52. Trading in raw sugar futures was less active, but the undertone was steady, refleeting the firmer London market and lower European beet sugar crop estitnate, The market opened 1 point lower to 1 point higher, then steadied on covering and some trade and European buying. prices showing net gains of 1 to 3 points. The advance attracted increased offerings and partial reactions followed, with the close point lower to point net higher.
A prominent European crop authority estimated the European beet sugar crop At 8.093,000 tons. compared with his previous estimate of 8.205.000 tons and last rear's outturn 6,860,252 tons. There WAS no official news front Berlin relative to the conference there between Cuban and European sugar producers relative to the lization plan. This probably tended to check operations to some extent, although trade in general anticipated some favorable development. Approximate sales, 46.000 tons.
December closed 2.71: January 2.70: March 2.79: May 2.87; July 2.96; September 3.8. The refined sugar market was quiet, with prices unchanged to 10 points higher, though still ranging from 5.60 to 5.80 for fine granulated. Curb Seat Brings $65,000. New York. Nov.
Associated Press.) -Sale of the curb market seat of Richard W. O'Brien to William A. Scott for $65,000 today increased the record price by $5,000. The previous high record was established in two sales at $60,000 yesterday, while early last week a seat was sold at $45,000, Funeral Directors Anderson Son Davies HOME. LO.
1882 Gill Funeral Home, GE. 3675 EARL UNDERTAKING CO. Welander Funeral Temple RE.0508. Dauphine. GE 2970 Washburn Mort'y, GL.
1222 JOANSON Henn. KE 1900. Est Lady Undertaking Co 1900 assist. ENGER UNDERTAKING CO Lady assistant 412 Cedar AL Forseth Mortuary 2537 Rencentn AF Gilbert Forsyth Enwond 8410. CHIAS FOX CO ESTABLIRTIED 1839 113 4th at GL.
2130 Monuments and Mausoleums MONUMENTS MAUSOLEUMS- -Twin City Granite Works. 35th and Fenn CO. 0547. THE LEONARD SORES MONUMENT CO 517 I BROADWAY CHERRY Lost and Found BLACK cowhide traveling bag containing women's and children's wearing apparel lost on Nicollet AF between Great Northern depot and 34th st. Reward.
4151 2nd AV S. RE. 2618. LOST in Dayton's store Wednesday. large brown perse containing identification.
No questions asked. Reward. M. Montgomery. Phone dare AT.
5343. Eve. KE. 5331. $25 REWARD for information leading to the arrest of the party that stole curtains and tools from car at 4534 Ditnont N.
Call HY 8044. PLATINUM bar pin set with diamonds and 2 sapphires. lost Tues, a. m. at Woman's exchange sale, good reward.
1501 Mount Curve KE. 7926. LOST Last week. English bull brindle. age with license 238.
address and phone call. WA. 2724. on collar. Reward for information.
PURSE lost Monday. containing contraet, keys and bank book. If returned to Phyllis Wheatley Honse reward of 850 will be given. CH. 3098.
GLASSES. dark rimmed. lost between Locan Treater and Girard on Broadway. Reward. Call after 6:30 p.
m. CH. 4248. LOST- -Wednesday on Nicollet. a package Including 2 men's pocketbooks.
Please call Miss Bather. KEnwood 2744. PHYSICIAN'S black grin. loose leaf notebook medical instruments: $10 reward. 2047 or MA.
2351. PURSE. small. black. lost in Kresge' containing watch.
bills and receipts. Reward. DR. 7340. LOST--Purse.
bet. Bdway and 334 and Thomas N. Contains $27. HY. 4138.
Reward, FEMALE police dog studded collar. viciolty 12th and Marquette, Reward. AT. 3738. BLACK bag.
initials N.A.P. containing lady's wearing apparel. Reward. CH. 0639.
LOST- Tan alligator purse. Minnehaha, 7th Hazelton cor. Thors. Reward. DY.
1288. BLACK purse containing keys, gloves. ete. Liberal reward. 80 1108 after 6 D.
m. RED purse, lost. containing pictures, keep money. Return purse. CH.
3937. LOST- -Female German police dog. Liberal reward. 825 4th av S. MA.
6526. BROWN purse. around $10 in it. lost in Dayton's lavatory. LO.
9071. LOST a Senlyham terrior. district 24. Irring S. Reward.
KE. 7187. BLACK fur auto robe lost near 10th and Hennepin. Reward. KE.
4393. LOST- Billfold containing about $30. So, Mole WA. 1982, Reward. BROWN shell rim glasses.
lost Monday. Reward. LO. 5457. BUSINESS SERVICE Attorneys ADVICE FREE in BANKRUPTCY.
colleetions and interv claims. Open evenings. Burgeson. 246 McKnight Bldg GE. 4434 FREE ADVICE bankrunter collections.
cidenta Conley 248 McKnight Ridg Exterminators LO. 4393-The call for reliable exterminating. tum, Troostwyk Vannes, Electric Wiring and Repairing NICOLLET ELEC We do wiring and repairing of all kinde. DYkewater 2102. Contractors and Builders J.
0. NELSON SON General remodeling and repairing, carpenter work, brick cement work: painting. decorating and reroofing. Special 12 mos. payment plan.
Call office, DI 1143, DR 2651 REMODELING. carpenter repairing. inside painting. paper cleaning. weather stripping.
DY. 4175. Dressmaking LADIES dressmaking and tailoring. remodeling, 18 years exp. $2.50 day, DI.
3942. Furniture Refinishing WE REFINISH furniture In color with lacquer or varuish We call for and deliver. 9159. Enameling Service On. call Midway 2360 Univermity ax.
Visit our studio. UPHOL lacquer furn, repaired. Draperies Migs. reed turn. Interior de Farn.
Studios 1889 Nicollet. SO 4400. Insurance 800 SCHUTT Line REALTY Bidg 1325 First NationalInsurance of all kinds. Moving and Hauling WE MOVE FOR LESS WhY day more? We aim to give the best of service at the lowest practicable rates for both local and long distance moving Get our rates before FOU more We will satisfy and save YOU money. BOYD TRANSFER STORAGE CO.
Of0ce and Warehouse. 400 Lake st Pbone 80utb 0830. Flour City Transfer Co. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOV. ING.
FIREPROOF STORAGE. SOUTH 4840 MOVING LOADS $6: hour 81.50: piano with furn. 82 extra: estimates: firep'f. storage, crating, Jacobson. CH.
4432. GE. 8545. REDUCED rates op long distance haolice. one month's free storage if necessary Call Thorsen SO 1428 AUSK big truck.
local $1.50 pet hour. long distance 16c per mi. GE. 4995. WE DO moving ad baling of all kinds Inelndine ashes rubbish bitesel 2007 RELIABLE movine FAD truck, $1.50 hr.
two men $2: piano $2 extra. DR 1077. MOVING and general hauling: also ashes removed. Call DY. 1105.
ASH HAULING YDS. FOR $2.50. SO. 3396 Painting. Paperhanging, Decorating Leekley's Payment Plan FOR RELIABLE PEOPLE.
Doo't fall to call this reliable shop. This means perfect workmanship that new house. needs "Baecks Wallpaper Free estimates Call GE. 6109. 1203 3rd av 8.
PAPERIANGING $5 rel up 111C. wall paper: do 01 good work For free est 1921 samples call DL 1891 PAPERING. painting. spectal prices: work guar Zieve decorators. HY 0384.
PAINTING papering plaster patching work neatly done. CE 8902. 417 Dupont PAINTING paperhanging special re duced winter prices. DR. 2515.
DR. 8210. PAINTING. finishing. in all lines.
Exp. workmen. Cheap this time. SO. 3880.
PAPERHANGING painting ver FeR sonalle. George Swan. FYland 7148. PAINTING and satisfaction guaranteed. Call Craver DI 5788 PAPERING, painting.
rms. $5 and up, A-1 work. Immediate service, DU. 1218, PAPERHANGING and painting. lowest prices.
Free estimate. DR. 4307. PAPERHANGING your paper or mine. 25c and 30c per roll.
DR. 2024. Plumbing and Heating PLUMBING. repairs promptly. reasonable.
range boilers. laundries, bargains. Frank. lin Plumbing. 1803 E.
Franklin, DY, 1601 ARCOLA HOT WATER RADIATOR HEAT No hasemept renaired. 10 mos to DA Chaoman. "GL. 1873 Eves. AY 3008.
Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys 925 Met, Life Bidg Two former WILLIAMSON REIF WILLIA examiners S. Pat. Office, GE. 4551. E.
CARLSEN patent trademark 206 Plymouth Mols. MA 6602 Pattern Making TOOL, die and metal pattern work by exp. mechanies. Downing Afa. Co.
WA. 2687. Personal LOOKING for real bathers 20 to Price's. 9th 4t 4th Hair ent 25c MASANDe 15c. marvel 50c.
MA. 1451. SPECIALIZING mir ner Phenmatism 8004 Fremont HY 6879 SPECIALIST diseases of women children 301 Med Bik AT 2751 Dr Allen. ADVICE free, bankruptey, ete. Claims handied 248 McKnight Bide.
Conley. Lawyer, MOTORING to Califomia. would like one man to share expense. RY 1256. WILl, take nervous or convalescing mental cases in home CH.
4170. Personal retes en the successtally treat. non-surgical method. You are confined surgery. ewes steady: $606.75: yearling wethers 810.256:11.50 depending on quality and feeding lambs strong cents higher: demand active $130 14.
Omalia. Nov. 80. -(United States Department Hogs- leceipts 9.000: market slow. mostly lower.
early top $8.80. most butchers 210 pounds $8.0068.65. bulk 160 to 210 pound weight packing sows $7.2547 7.75. average cost Tuesday $8.47, weight 256 Cattle 6,500. approximately 1.000 bead direct.
Mostly to feeder dealers, fed steers and yearlings slow, about steady, she stock and bulls active, strong to 25e higher. veals steady to weak. stockers and feeders 1u light supply steady fed steers and weighty steers 816.30. veerlines $17.75, new top for the bulk all euttern 80.00926.00. medium native DOWN 8.75.
several lots 39.506/10.35. bulls few heavy beef bulls 87.50 practical top veals 812.50. few 813.00. heavy calves mostly 89.000 10.00. Sheep 11.000.
lambs mostly steady. spots strong, sheep and feeders steady, bulk fed wool lambs $13.400 13.65. top 213.85. fat ewes downward from $6.30. feeding lambs $13.40013.50.
Kansas City, Nor. States Department of early trade to shippers uneven, steady to 15e lower, mostly 104 15c lower' than Tuesday's average: now. extremely slow, packbidding fully 25c lower: stock Digs steady. early ton 88.80 off 230 to 250 pounds: desirable 180 to 250 pounds, $8.60 8.80: 140 to 170 pounds 8.50: 10 heavy butchers sold. few packing sOwn.
87 017.50: stock pigs. 8.50. Cattle- 6.000. calves 1.200: beet steers steady to strong. weighty offerings recely.
ing most action: other killing classes cattie scarce. steady vealers strong, stockers and feeders unchanged. 2000 940 pound yearlings. $15.00: bulk medium to good short fed steers. $11.000 13.75: real top.
$13.50. lambs slow. 100 15c lower: sheep steady. fed lambs, mostly, $13.504 13.60: sumne held higher. wooled yearlings wethers.
$11.00: best ewes offered. $6.30. New York. Nov. Arsociated Press.) Cattle, receipts 390: irregular steers $90 13.20: state bulls COWA Calves, receipts, steady, Veals.
common $8617: lightweight culls 89 10: crassers and calves Sheep and lamba: steady. Sheep, calla. $2.254 3.50 lambe, state. medium to prime, eboice to Hogs: prime southerns 818.754 15: calla 10. receipts, 5,200: steady, light to medium weights pigs.
$104 10.50: beaty hogs, 89.15 4 10: roughs $7.50 Sioux City, Iowa, Nor. 30. (United States Department of Agriculture.) -Cat. tie Receipts 3.500: killing classes steady, stockers strong. fed steers and year.
lineR 810.00017.50. bulk short reds 811.50 9813.50. fed and heifers 87. STERN COMA ADd heifers 86.004:10.00. all cutters 6.00.
veals 86.00 11.50. balls stockers and feeders 87.00 11 mostly 10.25. feeding cows and heifers Hogs, 7.000 slow. 5025e lower. top bulk 87.
50 4 8.85. 180 to 400 pounds 8.50. 210 to 350 pounds 8 7.90 mostly $7.5047.80. 87.0007.50. pics 86.00429.00.
Fargo. Nov. 30. -Hogs, 150 to 180 pounds $6.50 1.75: 160 to 200 pounds $7.50 4 200 to $7.156 225 to 250 pounds. 8,25: 250 to 850 pounds, packers.
86.50 7.30: stage. Top spring lambs, trimmed. $11.75 12.10; heavy spring lambs $9.50 10.30; call light ewes ewes cull ewes, $143: bucks. $343.30. Slour Falls.
30 -Hogs, ceipta 800: market mostly 250 off: ton $8. bulk of sales 88.25 to $8.50: heave to 88.55: good packers 87.85 to Cattle, receipts 200: market steadr. Produce Market Noevmber 30. extras, firste, seconds, 45et packing stock. treeh.
sweet. grease, 1c. lobbing price. ordinary firete, straight run receipts rots out. per seconds.
per case, 88.40: checks. per 86.00. Taney paraffined. fancy paraffined, cured, 28c: faner New York flats cured. 320: fancy New York date, 1b.
Daisies, fader, new. 29e: Young Americas fancy In quality, regalar in stele. 29e: Lone Horns, 29e: brick, No. fancy. 29e: Limburger.
No. New York. pkg 35e: New York. 31e: Wisconsin. 30c.
Imported wheels. faner loaf. 50e: choice loaf. off grades, fancY block choice primost. 16c.
DRESSED POULTRY dry picked young com turkeys, 10 pounds and over. 38e: No. 1 dry picked hen turkeys, seven pounds 5 41 over 35et old tom turkeys 80c: turkeys. fair to good. 27-300: No.
turker. 20-250: coil 10c: geese fat, No. geese, 12e: No. ducks, far, 21e: No. ducks.
10c. LIVE POULTRY-Turkers. fat. eight pounds and over. 25e: No.
all 18c; springs. Leghorns, all 14e: prices. black, 180: sizes 120: bens. pounds and over, hens under pounds, 13ct under pounds. co*cks, 13e cripples and culls ansalable.
Ducks, No. 1. 4 pounds and over. 16c: ducks. small, under pounds, 13e: black and Muscory ducks, 10et geese.
No. 1. 14c: cripples and calls. unsalable. per dozen.
$6. PIGEONS- Tame pigeons. live. dozen. $1: squahs, live.
dozen. squabs. pestere, dressed, fancy, dozen. squabe. medium.
dozen. 82.00: squaba, susall, pound. Aqua he, Jumbo. dressed, pound, 40-000. DRESSED MEATS Veal.
faner fat 100 to 120 real. fair to good. 134714e: veal. thin, small or overweight, 94 10e: hogs, under 125 120: bogs. 150 to 225 1101.
hogs. over 250 10c. Boars not wanted. BEANS -Quotations incinde sacks. Fancy hand picked nary.
lb. cholce 4 brown, brown. fair to good. Lima Calif. 10c.
ONIONS- White onions $4: Idaho har. 83.25: Spanish, crate, 83. HONEY Colorado 24 sections. $4.50: fancy white Wis. or Minn.
crate, 84.50: extracted. 12e, POPCORN Northwestern white old. shelled. Jap hulless. Te, APPLES Fancy -Fix.
Delicions. box. $4.30: Mo. Jonathans $13.00: Wealthy, basket $2.50: Jonathans, Idaho, $2.75: Jonathans, Washington extra fancy. bOx.
$3.50: Jonathans, choice, box Romes, choice bOx. $2.75: Daris, Hyslop crabs. box. 82.50; Tallman Sweets bbl. $9.50: Taliman Sweets.
Greenines, N. $0.50: Greenings. N. W. 88.50: Wagners, comb.
extra fancy and fancy $2.75. DECIDUOUS FRUITS- Emperors, lugs, Emperors, crate, 82.15: DeAnjou pears, box. 85.75. barrel. $10.50: late Howes, half barrel.
Wisconsin Jumbos. half $10.50. GRAPE FRUIT -Florida, 46 to box. 85.75: Florida. box.
$5.00: Texas. 54- 64-70, box, DOX, 83.50: box. $5.00. ORANGES- fancy: 100-176. 200.
89.50: 216. $9.50: 250. $9.00: 88.00: 321. $6.00. Choice.
50c less. California narels, fancy: 100-216. 89.50: 250 89,00: 324. $8.50: Florida oranges. 126-216s.
$7.50: $7.00: $6.50: $6.00. MONS Fancy California. 300 size. 813.50: fancy California. 360 size.
$12.50: California. 800 $13.00: choice California, 360 sizes, $12.00: limes. per box, $2.50. BANANAS -Basis 10e per pound. FRESH VEGETABLES- Egg plant.
pound 20e: carrots, dozen, 90e: carrots, crate. $4.25: beets. dozen. 90c: beans. WAX.
basket. $4.50: beans, green. basket. $4.50: celery, Oregon. crate.
$7.50: celery. Ex. Jumbo. dozen. $2.00: caulidower.
crate. $2.75: eukes. ex. dozen. green peppers, pound.
shallots dozen. 90c: lettuce, per dozen, 40c: lettuce, head. per dozen. $2.00: head lettuce, crate. $6.50: spinach, basket.
$1.75: spinach, crate. $4.00: tomatoes, 6 basket crate 86.00: tomatoes, per basket, $1: peas. hamper. $8.00: parsnips. $2.50: parsley.
per dozen. 35e: mint. per dozen. 50e: radishes. per dozen.
90c: cabbage. crate. $2.25: sweet potatoes jersey. hamper. $3.25: sweet potatoes.
Virginia. barrel. $4.00: sweet potatoes. Virginia. basket.
$1.75: sweet potatoes, Delaware, hamper. $2.00: potatoes. $1.75: carrots. cwt. 82.0): rutabagas.
$1.50. Quotation on potatoes is for small lot out of store. Potato Markets Chicago ho 40. Michigan 1, Minnesota 12. Montana 2.
Nebraska 1, Wisconsin 19, Wyoming 1 car arrived 387 cars on track including broken. Supplies heavy. demand and trading slow. market dull. Carlot track sales, carlots outweight Wisconsin sacked cwt.
Round Whites U. 8. No. 1 1.50 Minnesota North Dakota U. No.
and partly graded sacked ewt: Red River Ohios $1.3001.40: seked ewt. Round Whites 471.45: Idaho sacked Russet Burbanks. S. No. $1.5001.65: partly graded 45.
Minneapolis and St. Paul Market--Light wire inquiry, demand slow. market slightly weaker. Carloads delivered sales, freight only deducted. Minneapolis and St.
Paul rate. sacked ewt. Round Whites. U. S.
No. 1, few sales $1.2501.30. Carlot Shipments Reported Nov. 29. -N.
California 12, C. California 10. Colorado 137, Idaho 111, Louisiana 1. Maine 117. Michigan 14.
Minnesota 81, Missouri 1. Nebraska Nevada 6 Long Island 44. New York North Dakota 12. Oregon Pennsylvania Utah 1. Washington 38.
Wisconsin 54. 3. Total 688. Canada 20. Shipments previously unreported Nov.
28: N. Calif. 7. Oregon 13, Nevada 2. Shipments previonsly unreposted Nor.
26: Louisiana 1. Shipments previously unreported November 25 Louisiana MINNEAPOLIS HAY Nor. 30. -No. timothy.
$13.50: No. timothy, 812: No. 1 mixed, different grasses. $12: No. 2 mixed.
different grasses, 810.50: No. clover, mixed. $12: No. clover. mixed.
$10; 1 upland, $13: 2 land. $12: upland. $9.50: No. midland. $8.50: No.
2 midland. $7.00: packing. No. 1 rye straw. $9: No, ont straw.
88.50: No. wheat straw. $8.00. No. standard $16: No.
alfalfa. $12. Receipta of base car. elastic salves. banof dages.
method treatment being ziven Gilmore the Nicollet avenue. Room Minneapolis. Minn. Phone ATlantie 2852. No charce for cone saltation and Sulphur Vapor Baths FOR RHEUMATISM.
Sciatica, eczema, obesity and asthma. McDermott's Clinic. 1600 Chicago GE. 5192. INFORMATION regarding the whereabouts of Thomas Nevers, or his wife.
Evelyn Never. their heirs, If communiented to Dept. Mat. Aetna Life Insurance Hartford, Connecticut, will be to their advantage. FREE marcels.
Shampoo 15c, manicure 15c. Facial 25c, fingerwave 25e. Expert sue pervised permanent $4.75. Open Fri. evenings.
Jarvaise Academy, 824 Hennepin. YOUR creditors will be fair to you if are fair to them. We can help you. tual Service 524 McKnight bide. DR.
BIORNATAD'S CLINIC. 831 2ND AV S. Our methods restore vitality, purify. the blond tone up the whole nervous system. DR.
BIORNSTAD'S CLINIC, $31 2ND AV 8. Pyorrhea with absessed teeth healed by ultra-violet rays without pulling teeth. HAVE YOU RHEUMATISM? Combination sulphor-mud baths the best remedy Write Sulphur SPRINGS. Mudbaden. Minn.
PYORRHEA -Hare sou got it Teeth amined and cleaned $1 Dental Pyorrben Clinic, 831 2nd a9 S. GE. 6565. Storage FOR YOUR HOUSEHOLD MOVING RATES. with dner service and equipment.
for hotb Local and Long Distance Moving We will an and save you money BETTER STORAGE SERVICE biz Areproof and steam heated house with 800 rooms and partments. Our speedy motor practically annihilate the distance from any part of the Twin Cities or their suburbs and bring our service to yonr door. EXPERT PACKING for either BEe or shipment at reasonable rates. CUT FREIGHT RATES on pool car shinments to the Pacife Coast and other points. BOYD TRANSFER STORAGE CO Office and Warehouse.
400 Lake St La Belle Safety Storage Co. Low rates. The best of service. Local and lone distance moving. packing equipping storing.
Fireproof Warehouse. DINSMORE 8495. 708 CENTRAL AV. Upholstering and Repairing MATTRESSES. BOX SPRINGS.
RUGS renovated. fumigated, work guar day service. Roval Furn. Co. 3021 Nic.
80. 8170 MATTRESSES RENOVATED. All work Mattress guaranteed. Mole Box Spring Co 15 2nd at SR D1 4004 FURNITURE repaired and built to order. SO.
7407. J. C. Sick Upholster shop. 144 Lake st.
Christmas Shopping Guide Fireplace Fixtures If It Is for the Fireplace We Have It. Interesting Price Reductions DRAKE MARBLE CO. 605 2nd av Minneapolis Mail order department for service of out-of-town patrons. GIFT SUGGESTIONS. THE NEW GRAYOTIFE PROCESS 100 SHEETS AND 50 ENVELOPES, $8 WITH MONOGRAM OR LETTERS.
COLLINS. 214 5TH ST. THE BEST OF GIFTS IS COMMON SENSE Birdie Reeve, world's fastest typist. greatest master of English and stage celebrity- A product of Universeript. will teach others in person and by mail, Send $1 for Reeve's Harbinger of Better Ware.
Representatives wanted. 824 Hennepin. TYPEWRITERS. An Ideal Gift for the Student. Portables, all makes new and rebuilt.
Sold. rented, repaired. TYPEWRITER CLEARING ASSOCIATION. 112 4th wt. GE.
7619. BEACTIFUL 5-TUBE CONSOLES. with built-in speaker. Installed. complete.
$52.50. THE RADIO DOCTORS. 107 Washington N. GF. 8716.
12 Beautiful Photos A AND 1 8x10 PAINTED IN OIL. ALL $6. ORPHEUM 17 7TH ST S. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME FOR XMAS DRAPERIES AND SLIPCOVERS. Made free it material is bought here.
Spencer Draperies. DY. 2810. SEE us for biggest values in Radios accessories. Free advice on grounds aerials.
Ezpert repairing. 1205 Wash. AY S. DU. 6925, GUITARS.
85 up. violins $5 up. All kinds of good strings for different instruments. Low prices. 46 3d st.
Carl's Music Shop. BICYCLES, doll carriages. pedal cars. child's autos. at very low prices for Xmas.
Williams, 806 Lake st, VALLEYTONE ERLA radios. Battery elec. 5 Archatron tubes for the price of 4. Radio Cycle 223 6th st S. MA.
1666. 18 CHRISTMAS cards envelopes, value 81.50, only $1. postpaid. ney Printing co The 413 8 hth at Mels CHRISTMAS trees, wholesale, any quantity. assorted sizes.
Spruce. balsam. KE. 1107. ORDER NOW.
2485. BOSTON toy bull. 7 registered. perfeet markings. AT, 2500.
Apt. 203. CONSOLE 5-tube radio complete $45. 817 24th RV N. CH.
1528. BEAUTIFUL band made tulip quilt. $30. 8517 13th av S. PEDIGREED German police dog.
WASH. $110 0-MELODY saxophone. used. $45, 880 Bacon banjo. used.
$37.50. Instruments bought, sold. exchanged. paired, HACANER MUSIC 828 Mpis. GET DAD an Evinrude motor for Christmats.
New or rebullt models. Guaranteed. Ben Peterson. 512 2nd Ar 8. GE.
1579. HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN 2 YEARS. Meets college requirements. AMERICAN SCHOOL. 508 Andrus Ride.
CONN alto Buecher soprano saxophones both gold: clarinet and combination case. Cheap complete. Gladstone 8745. FORD tour all new runs like new. $75.
5420 Lyndale 8. 5085. For Her WHAT would she like better than her hair restored to original color? No dre. Reliable Hair Restorer. 5108 38th AF DU.
3418 For the Family SPRUNG FURNITURE CO. 1016 Nicollet. Here you will And bundreds of benatitul items that will answer four Xmas shoppine problems. LAMPS. DESKS TABLES.
FURNITURE RUGS. BOOKCASES. Stop and Do Your Xmas Shopping. Decorate Your Homes With Plaster Plaque Free Lessons in decorating. ROGERS ART STORE, 531 Marquette Ave.
PHOTOGRAPHS 12 beautiful photos in folder and one 8x10 portrait for framing for $6. LEE STUDIO Call GF. 7164-827 Marquette Call GE. 4833- 1018 Broadway. AN IDEAL GIFT.
Star conch. 1926. peach of. a Priced to sell. Billy Potts Motor 4th at S.
Open eve. and Ann. IDEAL sift highly: pedigreed wire haired puppy, aired by Blue Ribbon winner lo recent dog show. 850. KE.
4427. OAKLAND sedan, coach coupe Reconditioned, 5420 Lyndale. LO. 5095, HORMOBILK. glass enclosure, like new, $227, 5420 Lyndate 10.
For the Home ORDERS taken for Xmas trees. Delivered when wanted. 2426 Bloomington, D0, 2400, SUNNY dowers. DE Sta ay and GREENHOUSE eta BE. FEET LION..